Ships getting stuck at HpDockPointA02 on jump gates
Afternoon, folks. Broken Bonds is having an interesting issue with our new jump gates. If you dock with one from far away – let’s say 1K – it flies to HpDockPointA02 as it should and then the ship just stops there. I’ve tried moving the hardpoint around, doublechecking the radius and bounding box, changing the solar_radius and docking_sphere entries, but to no avail. If you manually move into the docking sphere and then hit dock, you jump fine though.
Does anyone have any idea what could cause this? There’s no animation, and even with a dummy animation hooked up it doesn’t work right.
[Solar] nickname = bb_wstabilizer_scdf ids_name = 60209 ids_info = 66145 type = JUMP_GATE DA_archetype = solar\dockable\bbwsscdf\bb_wstabilizer_scdf.cmp material_library = solar\dockable\bbwsscdf\bb_wstabilizer_scdf.mat LODranges = 0, 200000 mass = 10000.000000 loadout = stable_wormhole docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 300 jump_out_hp = HpDockMountA solar_radius = 600 shape_name = NAV_jumpgate hit_pts = 999999961690316250000000000000000000.000000
–Troy -
If I remember right, gates need 3 hardpoints to work (on the model). Check out the vanilla ones.
We do indeed have those three hardpoints. We’ve tried placing them in the same coordinates as vanilla ones as well, no luck.
You can try to check / change those:
the SUR file of your new gate
(should a good part away even from the dockpoints) -
orientation of the 3 docking points
(if one of the points into an other direction, this might cause issues) -
the distance between the docking points
(having bigger ships, it might be a good idea, to have bigger distances - say 0,0,0 - 0,0,250 - 0,0,500 instead of 0,0,0 - 0,0,50 - 0,0,100) -
raise ‘docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 300’
ot - say - ‘docking_sphere = jump, HpDockMountA, 1000’
Additional you can try this with a different ship.
Handling settings, size of the ship’s SUR file will effect docking. -
SUR is clean, has correct radius info, no conflicting issues I can find. Docking hardpoints all have the same orientation. Distance between them is 0 - 400 - 600, and it doesn’t work with higher or lower differences. Docking sphere doesn’t affect it. Happens with all ships.
Had a similar issue with the Starlancer protogate, I fixed it by moving HpDockMountA01 well clear of the gate structure 500 m from the root Hp.
I’m guessing the sur messes with docking process, another possible issue is using the same Hp for the jump_out_Hp normally this is attached to a HpFX Hp (usually the same or similar location but you never know!) -
CK256 wrote:
Had a similar issue with the Starlancer protogate, I fixed it by moving HpDockMountA01 well clear of the gate structure 500 m from the root Hp.
I’m guessing the sur messes with docking process, another possible issue is using the same Hp for the jump_out_Hp normally this is attached to a HpFX Hp (usually the same or similar location but you never know!)I have a jumpgate with the exact same problem that Kazinsal described and have moved HpDockPointA01 600m and 1000m away from the gate with no effect. I have also tried increasing the dock range to 2.5k using this:
1000f common.dll 18BDB4 Dev max dock acknowledge distance
It just made my ship stop 2.5k away from the gate instead.
I had the same problem, and I noticed that it was related to the size of the 3D object.
- A large object = distance from the ship 0M
- A small object = distance from the ship ~ 600M