COOL thanks! it works
when im looking it up it gives me just IONCROSS but never mind ill find i just need to dig deep enough so thanks for your hellp and ill try not to bother you again with this question lol
lol thanks guys
oh and where can i find a list of costumes for console? i kinda want to see how trent will look as everyone lol
it worked but i noticed that he doesnt move his lips and that he has the same voice lol……how do i change his voice to a blood dragon NPC one? and how do i make his lips move? lool thanks
This is for single player right?
so can someone pretty please make me a totorial of how to make a blood dragon uniform for trent? lol thanks xD
well i tried and when im clicking on load game or new game the game crashes. i think i did something wrong lol xD
Ill try it
Thanks guys
Yeah im playing single player
I feel stupid lol
well i tried to do it manually to change my outfit to dragon outfit and my game crashed ……so now i reinstalled it and have no idea of how to edit the outfit without the game crushing lol
hehe thanks ill try it
i tried but it only gave me IONCROSS
is there any mod to change trents outfit? I’m just tired of having his outfit that doesnt have any conntect to the rest of the factions i want something more ‘‘blend in’’ for him
at least im not the only one that admires it! and i know russain lol
everytime when an NPC talks to me or just talks in the group ( the group thing goes only to juni and the rest of the importent NPC’s ) and they have their picture on the right top side of the screen and when trent talks there isnt any so i wanted to ask if there is something that can show his picture there when he talks or for ever even if he just flyes around. i really want to see how he looks with that halmet on lol
=(……thats bad because freelancer doesnt have a finished stroy only that some nomads sucked in and they are still some alive and no one knows what or where is juni , king , orrillion…i hate open ends in video games!
Did microsoft forget about freelancer? will there be an expansion for it? i just love the game its so amazing every time when i delete it 2 months after i install it again it happend 6 times now!...and i heard that there was something about making freelancer 2…is this true?
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