wow he can circle things in red, boy you got talent
wow he can circle things in red, boy you got talent
they look confused
Gotcha Fox I was getting a feeling about the way things have been stated, so as long as everyone comes here . . . is it.
then the community will move forward. So basically you or your site I guess has appointed yourselves center of fl Community. And please fox this is constructive criticisim. Just some folks cant take as its obvious.
best fo luck
If I am not mistaken this is a public site right, Roo is it. if you cant handle ppls opinions maybe you in the wrong position. what i have stated is the the truth not just from my perspective. It’s logic, and maybe you are right  you  should be depressed, pip dreams have a way of doing that.
Fox please give it up, reread my post fl is old no one in the global gaming market gives a damn about helping a small and extremely fragmented community . And a game that is not worth the money, sounds like most here have a pipe dream I mean you guys as a community cant even come together why should some multi million or billion dollar company or magazine for that matter give a damn about fl or its community. PLease understand I am not trying to talk down to the ideas you all present, but try opening your eyes to the reality of marketing and money, they will not waste any here.
I mean I have been reading sever different sites why cant you all pull together I mean okay play differnet mods and servers no big deal but you can still have one central location.
sounds like one of the main problems with so few ppl left really cant spread that thin Im sure was no problem when numbers were higher. I am sry to say it sounds like your beating a dead horse. because from several ppl I have talked to this community has been going downhill for the past few years, I am only playing sp game so once Im done if there is no mp it wont bother me , it would have been nice but there are alot better games out there then fl, besides I only paid 5$ for it so I got my wear and tear just playing sp. I hope things work out but most like the newer stuff and this game if I am not mistaken is almost 10 years old. But then again I still play mechwarrior, but they at least from a tight community to play in .
Im curious whats saving it , is it really that bad. I mean I have been looking for servers to try mp but some seem to have a few players and they rest next to none have not got to them all, I have been reading here and it seems if everyone plays their own mods on seperate servers then I guess the defragmention that which you all dicscuss isnt going to go any whereand it seems by the links I have followed from your bar atop that you all should have one spot shop . . . for lack of better words why not pull everyone together.
just me thoughts
OKay ty sry just learning my way
how do you access the save FL or help forum , someone said it was private?