Freelancer: Still Alive
Hey I am big Why485 fan, you make those effects rly cool
Ok i hope u dont mind if i will post movie of combat system on Hamburg City server we made yesterday. It was big Battle with Capital ships with mobile spawn points and clan base system where goal of clans is to destroy enemy base
There is no special grpahix but only shows gameplay and action with zoom cinematic oh and its my first movie in Adobe premiere.
There is also one more way how we could promote Freelancer.
Some of you here got real skill with video editing so why you dont all unite and make Freelancer series or movie (like stargate) but with in game footage with pilots sounds communicating with eachother, intensive story( which we have loads out there xD ) This way freelancer players will find themself in this movie and promote to their friends: “look this is what i play and i am part of” In freelancer you can make endless storys, clans could also contribute their storys (prefered based on real events) So we promote freelancer and its community. -
The idea has a lot of potential. It would take a great deal of effort… the editing is only half the job.
You need it scripted, storybaorded, you then need all the Mod creators to pass authorisation for thier mods to be included. You need voice actors, male and female. Etc etc.
It’s a great idea however and I really do like it.
…… they’ll say “WTF? This is nothing like the advert!” and leave, pissed off.
… disproof by 25+ years of M$ Windows.
;D -
Why do you think OSX and Linux are gaining momentum while people are sticking to XP and torrenting Windows like crazy? ::)
Why do you think OSX and Linux are gaining momentum …
Cause some pebs noticed, they can earn money with that and started PR 4. (small example)
… while people are sticking to XP and torrenting Windows like crazy? ::)
25 years is a nice while, so some learned, that it’s better 2 let others pay 4 beta testing of a new M$ OS.
Try 2 get that back 2 the topic:
What i m trying 2 say is
–- PR is able 2 sell stuff
— PR isn’t about telling people about disadvantages
— if we wait 4 a perfect FL PR solution, the discussion might never end.(PS. i d prefer pictures 4 PR)
Freelancer nearly has more mods then players and soon to be as many community sites! How many here i wonder are interested in saving the game? The reality is they are more worried about saving their “Admin” status. All good things must come to an end …. so what are we discussing here exactly ??? talking about best way to jump ship? or about the best way to make freelancer the best gaming experience possible while it is still alive? The title of this topic suggests it is about saving freelancer but to me ill suited topic name. “Mission Save my Admin Status”/“save my community site” would be more apt. or how about making a thread called “shitting on the little guy” ? heh all i see is bitching moaning and people putting others with ideas down… 200 moders with 200 players isnt a good ratio. erm hi
lol AzzA man, im pretty damn sure everyone here is intrested in saving FL, not thier admin status, we all love this game, so we are trying our hardest (some more than others) to keep it going, to keep the game we cherrish alive
200 moders and 200 players is fine, and say atleast half the moders play thier own mods, i know i do
even if its not done
and yea, everyone is moaning about everyone elses ideas because they envision themselves thier own way of how it should be done, we just need to come to a idea that everyone agrees on
inb4 shitstorm
Im curious whats saving it , is it really that bad. I mean I have been looking for servers to try mp but some seem to have a few players and they rest next to none have not got to them all, I have been reading here and it seems if everyone plays their own mods on seperate servers then I guess the defragmention that which you all dicscuss isnt going to go any whereand it seems by the links I have followed from your bar atop that you all should have one spot shop . . . for lack of better words why not pull everyone together.
just me thoughts
exactly my view but none will sacrifice their Admin power KILL button and jump back into the game as a player
Im curious whats saving it , is it really that bad. I mean I have been looking for servers to try mp but some seem to have a few players and they rest next to none have not got to them all, I have been reading here and it seems if everyone plays their own mods on seperate servers then I guess the defragmention that which you all dicscuss isnt going to go any whereand it seems by the links I have followed from your bar atop that you all should have one spot shop . . . for lack of better words why not pull everyone together.
just me thoughts
There is no way to pull everyone together, they all want to do their own thing and play their own mods - unless a super mod was to be made which encompassed literally everything from all the popular mods, everyone will always choose their own that has their favourite theme like star wars, or star trek etc.- leaving 2 or 3 players to each mod…
There is no way to pull everyone together, they all want to do their own thing and play their own mods - unless a super mod was to be made which encompassed literally everything from all the popular mods, everyone will always choose their own that has their favourite theme like star wars, or star trek etc.- leaving 2 or 3 players to each mod…
I dont think there can be made a mega-mod encompassing all the other mods.
This has been tried endless times, believe me, and there are also loads of practical problems.
For example the Void mod had critical problems recently due to them having a too large mod simply taking up too much system memory (500+ mb I heard).So, well if somebody wanna try it, go ahead, but I heavily doubt its success and would advise against doing it.
btw FFS!
I just realized, this idea of making a video and modders sending in video clips has been completely DERAILED AGAIN!Can we for one time stay on topic and DO something instead of talking about possible whatevers all the time?
sounds like one of the main problems with so few ppl left really cant spread that thin Im sure was no problem when numbers were higher. I am sry to say it sounds like your beating a dead horse. because from several ppl I have talked to this community has been going downhill for the past few years, I am only playing sp game so once Im done if there is no mp it wont bother me , it would have been nice but there are alot better games out there then fl, besides I only paid 5$ for it so I got my wear and tear just playing sp. I hope things work out but most like the newer stuff and this game if I am not mistaken is almost 10 years old. But then again I still play mechwarrior, but they at least from a tight community to play in .
w0dk4 is right  although he still wont enable wasps so he doesn’t get kicked in pvp
I see there is a lot of talk about players “spread thin,” however I’d like to point out that players should not be forced to play on one particular server. If people want to disperse themselves among mods and servers of their choice, that is their decision and theirs alone.
The goal of the Save FL initiative is to simply raise awareness of Freelancer as a whole in today’s gaming market. It is not aimed to promote one project, but more to show the rest of the gaming world that Freelancer is still kicking and that it may be worth another look.
As you are all aware, any mod is highly encouraged to submit clips of their stuff - the larger the pool of footage is available, the more kickass the video can be.
Also, Why485 suggested making several versions of a “final” video that the community could then vote on for what should be submitted around the internet, and I think this is a great idea. I think it could even be taken a step further by uploading all the raw clips somewhere (I realize this will be a huge ZIP) so that individual users may try their own hand at piecing together a video with the submitted mod footage. These both would allow the full community to have more of a voice in the video-making process than just submitting mod clips. Thoughts?
I see there is a lot of talk about players “spread thin,” however I’d like to point out that players should not be forced to play on one particular server. If people want to disperse themselves among mods and servers of their choice, that is their decision and theirs alone.
The goal of the Save FL initiative is to simply raise awareness of Freelancer as a whole in today’s gaming market. It is not aimed to promote one project, but more to show the rest of the gaming world that Freelancer is still kicking and that it may be worth another look.
As you are all aware, any mod is highly encouraged to submit clips of their stuff - the larger the pool of footage is available, the more kickass the video can be.
Also, Why485 suggested making several versions of a “final” video that the community could then vote on for what should be submitted around the internet, and I think this is a great idea. I think it could even be taken a step further by uploading all the raw clips somewhere (I realize this will be a huge ZIP) so that individual users may try their own hand at piecing together a video with the submitted mod footage. These both would allow the full community to have more of a voice in the video-making process than just submitting mod clips. Thoughts?
surely forced would = dragged to computer at gunpoint and forced to login to server.? I dont think solution is about having just a few servers but it would be healthy if some from the 1-5 players range servers joined in with some other servers… Anyhow i certainly wouldnt condone any forced action.
Why should condensing player counts into servers matter? If they want to play on a small server with only a few players, that is entirely their call, and noboby has any right to convince them otherwise.