I actually did try to search for it and just had no luck finding it. Thanks for the help.
Could someone remind me the best way to change material names inside CMPs/MATs to avoid conflicts with another model?
To a certain extent yes but it also is hardcoded at a max value.
I am looking for the offset value that controls the range at which you can detect and target missles. I remeber doing it at one time but I can’t remeber which offset it was for the life of me.
right now we are using Ioncross to output a players online page in html which is used for several custom things unique to freeworlds. I am looking for the best way to duplicate that effect as easy as possible.
Sushi wrote:
Oh, that makes a lot more sense then. It was difficult to interpret at first because I didn’t know what it stood for. I’m assuming you have that in the Read Me that I graced over? :oops:Bad Sushi! What have I told you about that?
In other notes thanks for the editor
Arvis ole buddy catch me on MSN sometime if you still need help. You should have my MSN from before but if not its [email protected] I should be able to help you out.
It would be useful simply because I’m trying to get away from Ioncross which sometimes doesn’t play nice with FLhook in certain respects.
Is there anyway to make this program output the players online to a HTML page on a timed interval?
What is the actually internet connection like? Is this a home based ISP? Are you hosting this from a server farm?
Also my next question would be how hard is it to get support if it should happen to go down for whatever reason? I ask that question cause Freeworlds players don’t liek the server being down.
Changing Material names inside CMP/MAT
Changing Material names inside CMP/MAT
Offset missile detection
Offset missile detection
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DS Process Manager 2.0
DS Process Manager 2.0
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