DS Process Manager 2.0
Yes, I could easily make it so that it won’t restart if the settings window is open.
Another question, are you saying that it had 16 copies of FLServer running or was it the server just restarted 16 times. If it had 16 copies running, then this is a bug and I’d like to send you a copy with a little more diagnostics. If so, the following function will be the problem, but I can’t see what’s wrong with it:
Process FindFLServerProcess() { foreach (Process p in Process.GetProcesses(Environment.MachineName)) { try { if (!p.HasExited && AppSettings.Default.setFlEXE.ToLowerInvariant() == p.MainModule.FileName.ToLowerInvariant()) { return p; } } catch { } } return null; }
Yep, 15 versions of the server, the players started complaining about alot of red lag and when I popped the monitor on it was starting up #16. Thats when I killed it and had to close all of them. One way to avoid that is enumerate the process list and make sure that flserver.exe is not in the list before starting a new copy.
BTW - great work + TY 4 sharing.
Since a few days WTS is using your tool
2 keep the server up and running
and it works great with no issues noted.@LS
Did you set the exe path and the FlHook stuff in the options?
(Had that problem when it can up the 1st time ) -
Yep, all was set. It had been running for about 3 hours when it happened. Everything was working great. I also had the restart feature in Ioncross turned off since I only use it to edit player files.
It does enumerate the process list before starting a new copy.
I suspect that if there’s a delay between the request to start the new process and the process appearing in the process list then a race condition will occur. I was vaguely aware of this when I implemented it but thought the probability of it happening was so small as to be not worth addressing (laziness always bites back).
I’ll see what I can to do to improve this.
I think 2 recall, that i raised the time to
‘restart server, if no response for longer than’
after i had set it clearly lower than default. -
Perfectly works for our Discovery Russia Rp
How about maintenance?
Is this feature planned in next versions? -
I thought that it would be a complete replacement for the cd, and the account manager will be part of it:)
Recently had a situation where the server could not be restarted due to some corrupt char, while were running ds process manager and ds account manager.
CD with its default maitanance configuration remedied the situation.
Then now I’m going to ask the question in the topic about the account manager
Small offtop: This is necessary? We have at the Disco Rus realtime online stats by modified hook php admin
Ok! I will try to catch the code today from work
uh, nothing?
I’m currently developing FLSES and it will be a full server manager, using only FLHook, but we are not that far right now.
But we are getting closer and closer. I just wrote a plugin to get the banned players via flhook(I cheated a little bit, if someone knows a real list inside FLServer please tell me)