Do you want to keep the locked gates and thus have an item to unlock the gate?
Yes this is exactly what I want to do
However, since most mods/patches unlock all gates once the story finishes,
this would be for a mod that only I am currently working on.
only new systems & alaska would be affected by this so that this would not affect the storyline or openSP
for alaska I might have to give myself a commodity in the story mission(11 I think) then have the mission remove it once I dock at the osiris at the end of the mission
Is the item a “key” (you keep it and use it continuously) or a “ticket” (use it once [or twice, if “return”] and lose it)? Either?
the item would be a key
; The base/gate/hole nickname(s).
dock = nickname
; Choose the unlock type and the commodity nickname. Are multiple commodities required?
key = commodity
ticket = commodity
return_ticket = commodity ; really just the same as buying/looting two tickets, so probably not necessary
; Repeat for each dock._
the gates would need only one commodity
I’m hoping that the keys would be mountable objects so that in case this ever ends up used in multiplayer the player holding them does not loose them forever
thanks this really helps I probably will be experimenting with the New York gates in the next couple weeks