Custom starspheres
I think you mean this
Starsphere Utility. It has a tutorial on how to use the software. -
Antares wrote:
I think you mean this
Starsphere Utility. It has a tutorial on how to use the software.Thats it. Thanks
Ok, when I try and run it nothing happens. Also I can change the tga files using UTFeditor, but some colors bleed through. Eample:, I know the textures are off.
Anyway, the original cloud.tga is still showing up behind my new tga. How do I fix it?
Alucard wrote:
Ok, when I try and run it nothing happens. Also I can change the tga files using UTFeditor, but some colors bleed through. Eample:, I know the textures are off.
Anyway, the original cloud.tga is still showing up behind my new tga. How do I fix it?
I havent tried make new starspheres with custom textures, but i actually did same retexturing works on vanilla starspheres and sometimes i got same “results”.
The problem is: the custom textures what you made dont fill the entirely polys, of course it also depends on the pattern of the textures on the starspheres. Take a look at the liberty ones: You can see the liberty cloud texture quite regular almost fills the entirely polys each. So, if you assigned this, the edges of the next polys (borders) will connect with the previous ones and there is no fracture between the borders of the polys.That is it of course, if you use lib texture on lib starsphere.In other worlds, the vanilla textures were made to show continuance at the borders if you use them on that starsphere they were assigned for. Anyway, retexturing of liberty starspehere is hard if you use custom texture, i suggest to try bw or ku starspheres.
I still have no experience on making new ones, i dont know how can i set the opacity (with that you may avoid that fractures), and light sources as well.
What i can say, if you make a custom, but original (recolored, etc…) texture and assign that on a vanilla starsphere in the cmp check the connection between the polys, and try to make same texture forms (the filling has to be same, the shape of the clouds what you can make with photoshop or else.
Its hard to describe, i hope you understand what i wanted to say.
If you can, try to catch Forsaken here, he made awesome starspheres and custom textures for his mod, im absolutely sure he can help you in this, and if you browse the tutorial section, there is a tutorial of making custom starspheres as far as i remember.And the answer for you last question is simple if you mean the overlap between the original and custom texture you assigned when you moving your ship or the cockpit in the inner view: When you open the nodes with utf editor sometimes you see this in the texture library: mip0, mip2, mip3…etc. Its not enough if you change only the first node (mip0) you have to change all to mip8 or else.
If you want to be precise you export all of the mip nodes and check the size of the pictures, but frankly i use the original size of my custom texture for all mip nodes and i havent had any problems yet.Hope it helps
I willl try different starspheres and see what happens. I looked but didn’t see a Tutorial on this.
I am prety good at Photoshop and yes I can make seamless textures.
Even with this you can see the colors still bleeding through.@Both
I done some more digging and found this:
Now the way I’m trying to do this is I go in and remove all nodes in the Texture library except MIP1 or whatever the biggest one is, for each tga. Now, is the original cloud texture for li_01 the reason, under the material library, that it is still bleeding through? If so, how do I change it?
Do some experiments in your starsphere and change the texture type from Nebula (commonly used in starspheres) to DcDt. That should stop some of your bleedthrough.
One of the challenges of Li01 however is the vertex lighting effect in the Li01 starsphere….
Good luck figuring out, I really hope you do. A few years ago when I was playing with starspheres, I was wanting to use this to my advantage, but couldn’t figure out how to manipulate it… or even where it is controlled.
Sorry I really cant be of much help in that area. If you do figure it out, let us know.
P.S. Its MIP0 is the biggest… Be advised, this may limit what players see because some people do not turn the details up to high. If they don’t MIP0 will not appear and the system will appear to be black to them. You may want to make a special note in your mod telling people to turn in-game graphic options to high. TBH it really shouldnt be an issue with modern day pc’s… that is unless you’re using a bunch of 2048x2848 size textures and stuff.
Alucard wrote:
@DavisI willl try different starspheres and see what happens. I looked but didn’t see a Tutorial on this.
I am prety good at Photoshop and yes I can make seamless textures.
Even with this you can see the colors still bleeding through.@Both
I done some more digging and found this:
Now the way I’m trying to do this is I go in and remove all nodes in the Texture library except MIP1 or whatever the biggest one is, for each tga. Now, is the original cloud texture for li_01 the reason, under the material library, that it is still bleeding through? If so, how do I change it?
Yes, Dt and Dc are the preferences of that texture, but you can find textures with additional Oc (opacity) and Ot (translucency)
You can check them at freeport 7 starsphere for example, that little cloud at the back of the green one (walker neb if i remember correct) it has Oc prefrence also.
I tried to make custom texture in photoshop with translucent background and layers, many times i could avoid that fractured thing you mentioned at your first post.
As Forsaken wrote dont start with lib starspheres because theese are difficult to edit. I advise this starspheres to customize: bw01, bw03, bw06, ku06, ku07, rh04.
And yes mip0 the biggest but dont forget to import your custom texture to the rest (mip1,mip2……mip8 ). -
……Now if anyone could find out how to create stasheres so they can be like planet textures: 6 squares
I could create some amazing starspheres
I have a feeling that if ayone manages to conquer this then the world of freelancer will open up… except for the .exe file
Forsaken wrote:
You can… model a cube, UV map it, ensure that the textures are flipped inward, and export it to a cmp.Time is comming when i start to make custom starspheres also, so let me ask something Forsaken:
I saw your pictures about the new starspheres you made, and my question is, if imake a cube, can i assign only one high resolution texture, for example 2000x2000 to one entirely face of the cube?
The vanilla starspheres have many polys, it seems, its build up the entirely clouds from that little 256x256 as you said “seamless” texture but howsoever theese are not as sharp and realistic as i’d use only one hight res texture.
The second thing, i made black or very dark textures on the vanilla starspheres, and sometimes in the game there are lighting edges of the polys. How and where can i set it? -
Davis wrote:
I saw your pictures about the new starspheres you made, and my question is, if imake a cube, can i assign only one high resolution texture, for example 2000x2000 to one entirely face of the cube?Sure can. Check these starspheres out… its a cube with 6 textures.
The vanilla starspheres have many polys, it seems, its build up the entirely clouds from that little 256x256 as you said “seamless” texture but howsoever theese are not as sharp and realistic as i’d use only one hight res texture.
Yeah thats something we fight. Your texture has to have a really nice resolution to it. Its like doing a planet texture that looks good in photoshop when zoomed at 100%. Then when you put it on the planet it dont look near as good unless its from afar.
The second thing, i made black or very dark textures on the vanilla starspheres, and sometimes in the game there are lighting edges of the polys. How and where can i set it?
That ones a pita. Lets just say it involves you importing it into milkshape then adjusting the UV’s then exporting and resetting it up as a starsphere. TBH, thats why I most always use the texture type Nebula as the the material type… and ensure that the space color is pure black.
Hope this helps. Atleast 2 years since I played with starspheres and FriendlyFire can tell you how forgetful I am lol.
I lost that starsphere in a nasty HD crash.
The texture’s were given to me by a friend. I merely made the skybox, UV mapped it and applied the texture to the material. It still needed a lot of tweaking on the texture tho. It had a lot of anomalies. I wish I still had it tho…
That’s unfortunately.
Color of the starsphere is good, unusual in Freelancer, Cool.They, Forsaken, you are the modder of Shattered Worlds right? Oh I love the mod, i played Evo 2.28 NomadRevenge and 2.29 few years before, and new Shattered Worlds is amazing. I hope one day i can make a beautiful and powerful mod like that.
Btw i have a question:
As you can see, i changed the barrier_tile_ice.tga, that’s fine but problem is, some color lost,originally, it should looks like this:
How to make the texture showing normally in game?
heh thanks mate.
I really appreciate your kudos. It wasn’t just me tho. We have a great crew of guys working on it. Alone I don’t think we could of pulled it off. But as a group… FriendlyFire, Blackbeard, Snake eye, Digdug, Ramirez, Enigma, Michaeloco, Hobbes and the rest of the guys all made amazing contributions to the project. Hopefully we can bring more to the table in the future and keep the pushing the engine limits.
In regards to your texture… Go to material type and change the type from Nebula to DcDt. Lemme know if that helps.
Forsaken wrote:
heh thanks mate.I really appreciate your kudos. It wasn’t just me tho. We have a great crew of guys working on it. Alone I don’t think we could of pulled it off. But as a group… FriendlyFire, Blackbeard, Snake eye, Digdug, Ramirez, Enigma, Michaeloco, Hobbes and the rest of the guys all made amazing contributions to the project. Hopefully we can bring more to the table in the future and keep the pushing the engine limits.
In regards to your texture… Go to material type and change the type from Nebula to DcDt. Lemme know if that helps.
A great work by a great group. your group almost updated all things of Freelancer, i mean game looks like a new one but more beautiful and more interesting.
And the texture, i will get try. Thank you for tell me this!
If what Forsaken said doesn’t work,
- Make sure your space color is black.
- Try another starsphere CMP. Many starspheres have vertex coloring, which means any texture will get tinted regardless of what’s actually on it.