It’s been awhile since I used FLe but that sounds like the DLL that it’s still write protected, if you aren’t already I’d suggest using a new dll for your mod data
I’ve uploaded one from Dwnundr’s TCM pack, that needs to be located in the EXE folder and listed under the resouces section of the freelancer.ini file in the EXE folder, the lines highlighted in yellow are the new additions.
DLL = infocards.dll
DLL = misctext.dll
DLL = nameresources.dll
DLL = equipresources.dll
DLL = offerbriberesources.dll
DLL = misctextinfo2.dll
DLL = TCMStarterPackDLL1.dll
DLL = TCMStarterPackDLL2.dll
DLL = TCMStarterPackDLL3.dll
Here’s some links to threads on adding ships