[d]commenting out SoundStreamer.dll from DACOM fixes the sound buffer error and still has sound, but no music or voices[/d]
Edit Installing the codec with custom option with everything except web plugin installs them, after that just open Run and run “regsvr32 iac25_32.ax” and sound fully works now
Start the game with -w command line so it starts it window mode so if it locks up you can kill it in task manager
If you get success errors just click ignore
Also the graphic settings have shadows DAFQU!!!??
Can anyone figure out how to enable them??
The ScenarioSaves won’t work becouse they are missing a system E3, i wonder what might that be lol
Can someone addapt Adoxa’s console for this version, would be fun to explore the 58 systems
My discoveries
Newark is still under construction and its called Interspace Commerce Base.
Ship pilot names are randomly generated
Weapon groups
Auto-turret toggle
A lot more derbis in New York system
Reputation is shown on selected ships as the selection box, Rouges are orange when attacking the convoy in the first mission
Pilots scream to death on coms when killed.(Like in the missions in the final)
Sometimes when pilots die they say “Come on you son of a bitch” to their ships
Kings’ voice is Microsoft Sam :lol:
In Freelancer Beta you don’t need to read the news they are read to you 8-)
Pittsburgh cant be docked X<
Made a no story save, jobs are available, at least on Newark
[d]God mode
Enable console by adding key = DBG_CONSOLE,74,CONTROL to UserKeyMap.ini
press CTRL + J and type god_mode, typeing help gives most of the commands[/d]
Edit works only on targets :[
SYS isn’t listed but it reloads the current system, it does not work porperly tho