Sounds good. I wish you all the best for your project. Godspeed pilot/develepor/apache helicopter
Nice video. Keep up the work man. Enjoying it.
I see on your github page that LibreLancer is a re-implementation of freelancer in C#. What will this allow modders and players to do once you reach a final release stage? Will it be more moddable than the original? Please enlighten me on the features and advantages in a more noobish way since I can not grasp all the technical terms/
Oh. That’s sad. But i guess that is just anti cheat. Thanks for the heads up anyways OP. I thought Crossfire would do problems so i did it on discovery (Didn’t go online yet though).
Thanks adoxa. It worked.
now i can play both mods without any hassle/
Just checked the post. What i meant was that Discovery saves and prefs go into a separate folder and crossfire saves and prefs go into a different folder. For example.
Disco: MyDocuments\mygames\discovery
Crossfire: MyDocuments\mygames\crossfire
Thanks adoxa. I will look into it. Will try with discovery to change the save location/
But discovery does not use FLMM. So according to FLMM, i only have 1 mod enabled but in reality there are 2 since disco has it’s own installer and does not use flmm
Hey guys. I play Discovery and Crossfire but the problem is that when i save my SP in crossfire and perhaps after that i want to play discovery, i have to Cut (ctrl+x) my freelancer MY DOCUMENTS folder. Is there a way i can make save game location separate for discovery and crossfire?
Not indifference between you and the FW:TOW team. I am talking about indifferences between other modders.
Anyway, I can help (I don’t know 3d modelling and texturing (though i am learning it, which is hard)). If there are is any misc work you can tell me and I am sure there isn’t a scarcity of talented people on the forums.
Just had to step in to say that your work is awesome. Keep it up mate. I hope once you release the final version, other modders will work on it to improve it even further (if the renderer is capable of that, ofcourse). I wish you best of luck for your project. I hope we end up with graphics of FW:TOW but for vanilla. FF, wodk4, sizer and adoxa are helping you in it. That is how the FL community should be instead of modders having indifference and hostilities between them.
@corpse… Wow. thanks man. I have never heard of this one before.
Then I would like to apologize for what I said. Should I edit my comment?
@OP Yeah, you told me you wouldn’t support it.
@Helloween I don’t want to use it for crossfire (won’t be playing crossfire until i can get the shaders to work). Just asking how would JFLP help in this?
I know how to decode the ini’s to get internal names. I did that for Crossfire 1.9 ships (OP hated me for it). I thought this GDM would just save time. Anyways, how can Jason’s patch help in this situation?
I downloaded it and found the GDM. Thing is, whenever i click on choose root directory, it asks for an RTF file. I just type in my FL root folder in the bar and click start. When i go to the gamedata files, it only generates Nomad Cruise disruptor. Single line, nothing else, in all gamedata files.
So I heard that some time ago, LancerSolurus made a Gamedate MAKER for the IFCE (Ioncross Freelancer Character Editor). I could not find the program anywhere. I contacted him on Moddb. He told me to look for it on the star port. Can someone link me to it?
ok so… no i didnt try to make a new mod…i had discovery freelancer and it was installed in C:\Users\zebby12\AppData\Local\Discovery Freelancer 4.86.0
i wrote in my post that i tried runnign it as admin
whenever i launch freelancer explorer it says Can not open freelancer.ini …i tried running on compatibility mode too…but no use…then i tried running as admin…no use
Librelancer 2022.02
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
Librelancer 2022.02
Changing Save game location?
Changing Save game location?
Changing Save game location?
Changing Save game location?
Changing Save game location?
Changing Save game location?
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
New Renderer (OpenGL 3.3)
Gamedata MAKER ??
Gamedata MAKER ??
Gamedata MAKER ??
Gamedata MAKER ??
Gamedata MAKER ??
Gamedata MAKER ??
Freelancer explorer
Freelancer explorer
Freelancer explorer