Changing Save game location?
Hey guys. I play Discovery and Crossfire but the problem is that when i save my SP in crossfire and perhaps after that i want to play discovery, i have to Cut (ctrl+x) my freelancer MY DOCUMENTS folder. Is there a way i can make save game location separate for discovery and crossfire?
When playing different mods you have to have your saved games of your current active mod in the Singleplayer and Multiplayer folders (…\Accts) and you have to move your other saved games to another folder (FLMM automatically does this in subfolders of the Singleplayer and Multiplayer folders).
But discovery does not use FLMM. So according to FLMM, i only have 1 mod enabled but in reality there are 2 since disco has it’s own installer and does not use flmm
Thanks adoxa. I will look into it. Will try with discovery to change the save location/
Just checked the post. What i meant was that Discovery saves and prefs go into a separate folder and crossfire saves and prefs go into a different folder. For example.
Disco: MyDocuments\mygames\discovery
Crossfire: MyDocuments\mygames\crossfire
At offset 0x142684 in [c]common.dll[/c] you’ll find the string [c]Freelancer[/c] - change that (max 11 chars + 00 byte).
Thanks adoxa. It worked. now i can play both mods without any hassle/
As long as you dont go online with these changes.
The anticheat of both mods should detect that change.
Oh. That’s sad. But i guess that is just anti cheat. Thanks for the heads up anyways OP. I thought Crossfire would do problems so i did it on discovery (Didn’t go online yet though).
i assume disco does it in the same way…. would make sense to do that.
I remember but not tried under dacom.ini