@f!r “flcn link”? its just part of your title picture ??
“Download Error
The download requested (WTS-4-20-107-client.7z) is for members only. Join now to start downloading. Try searching:” mirrors work out ok though.
@LSF: Please add the bar to your new forum ASAP, you didnt get deleted since you left a message in this thread.
@Frag-Force: You got removed… If you still would like to do a link-exchange with just our site, The-Starport, you’re welcome to do so.
As said earlier, in order to appear on the bar, you need to show it on your site.
Just an update: I ordered a new Starport-external webserver from OVH. This way, Starport site outages will not affect the network bar.
Also, I’ve ordered a special domain for the network bar in order to quickly change the DNS resolution, so server changes/outages can be compensated without anybody needing to update any source code.
I’ve already put up a list of all broken or otherwise violating links in the FLCN applications thread with a notice that they would be removed if they do not respond within reasonable time limits.
<a id="hoverover" style="cursor:default;" onmouseover="Show_fl_community_Popup(document.getElementById("flc_table"));" onmouseout="Hide_fl_community_Popup()"></a>
```So, could someone suggest a new Colour?