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    Finally got some more dev diaries done. Not long now till the release of the Civ2 HoMM2 mod below and then the others after it! šŸ™‚

    HoMM2 Dev Diary 08 - Custom Font Colours & Better Backgrounds For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
    In this eighth dev diary we add custom font colours into Civ2 and completely overhaul all the ugly old GUI backgrounds.


    HoMM2 Dev Diary 09 - New Azure Dragon, Neutral City & H1 Addon For The Civ2 Heroes Of Might & Magic 2 Mod:
    In this ninth dev diary we replace Mattā€™s dragon with a mighty HoMM3 Azure dragon, add a 7th neutral faction city, and do some preliminary work on a future HoMM1 addon.

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    Blake00 wrote:
    Iā€™m kind of surprised that Egosoft didnā€™t do a Boron expansion (using fan suggestions on how to achieve their look and mobility in non-liquid environments)

    Quoting myself here lol as they finally done it! Egosoft are creating another addon pack for X4 and are bringing back the water based Borons! Iā€™ve been asking for this for years and years! Every time people would say itā€™s impossible Iā€™d pitch my ā€˜stations with separate water areas and Boron encounter suits for the normal dry areasā€™ idea and how it could work in the X4 engine. So to now see that theyā€™ve actually done that and made it a reality makes me so happy, as this is pretty much what I pictured in my mind years ago. And I loved the extra touch of redoing the good old Kingdom End music too.

    Teaser Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWfQ6fHsMQA


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    HunterKiller wrote:
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    Rubbishā€¦ just another program/browser getting paranoid about classic http sites without SSL certification. So basically every old site out there on the net now triggers big scary warnings in browsers when literally nothing has changed on the site and thereā€™s nothing dangerous at all. Anyway my old site does actually have certification but the redirect from http to https isnā€™t working despite me ticking the box on my hosting control panel. I really gotta visit every forum I have an account on and update my sig to the newer https address but havenā€™t got around to it yet. Have just updated my sig here though so that should stop messages like that coming up. And Iā€™m gonna go pester my host about fixing the redirect.

  • Starflight 3

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    Well here we are 3 years on and unfortunately there hasnā€™t been another attempt at a Starflight 3 game crowdfund or a new demo. However recently the first ever Starflight Anthology book was released and to celebrate that occasion something really cool happened! I run the Starflight fan communities so as a ā€˜thanksā€™ I got invited to take part in a group video podcast interviewing non other than Starflight lead dev and creator Greg Johnson himself!

    I was a nervous wreck as I donā€™t normally do live stuff, and I think I was the only non-American on there so people were probably wondering what I was saying half the time lol, plus on top of that my giant 46" screen was glaring on my face making me look like a bloody ghost hahaā€¦ but in the end I had a blast as it was so cool to talk to one of the creators of a game I played so much as a kid, not to mention getting thanked by him for my Starflight community work! Greg was a super nice and humble guy and he told so many great stories about creating Starflight, and his very popular ToeJam & Earl console games, along with his consultation work on the Star Control games and Spore which many of us didnā€™t know about! He even discussed the possibility of a Starflight and Star Control crossover game which would be pretty crazy! And sure enough he confirmed that the original Starflight games were heavily influenced by Star Trek heh.

    He also confirmed that the dream of Starflight 3 is not dead and that just a week ago he was on the phone with someone trying to secure funding for it. He talked about his dreams of what the sequel could be and he showed openness to trying another crowdfund campaign. We did our best to assure him that the Starflight fan community is in a WAY better state then it was back in 2018 when they last tried the crowdfund as back then all the big old Starflight forums were gone and there was only around 100 people in my ā€˜newā€™ Starflight Fans Facebook group so there was just no one to friggin tell about it! Thatā€™s up around 400ish members now, plus Iā€™ve since created a Starflight Fans Reddit group which is closing on 100 now, and best of all thereā€™s the Official Starflight 3 Discord I help out on as a moderator which is now up to a massive 800ish members, so thatā€™s over a 1000 starflight fans that werenā€™t around in 2018 so weā€™re getting there! The games sold millions of copies back in the day so thereā€™s certainly still plenty of long lost Starflight fans out there though! If thereā€™s any Starflight old timers lurking around here I hope you come join the gang! šŸ™‚

    Anyway, hereā€™s the video podcast if anyone is interested. I posted a comment on youtube with timestamps of interesting topics should people wish to skip to stuff that interests themā€¦

    There was more I wanted to say on there but yeahā€¦ obviously the podcast wasnā€™t about me hahaā€¦ but I got to say most of what I wanted. Really the only big thing I didnā€™t get to say on the podcast was that Iā€™m excited to read the new Starflight - Tales From The Starport Lounge anthology book (Iā€™ve ordered it from Amazon but it hasnā€™t arrived yet as itā€™s probably on a slow ship heading for Australia lol!). Iā€™m not a huge book person but I just had to get this as like I said earlier in the stream video itā€™s amazing how playing a game and reading a book about an adventure set in that same game universe really enhances the experience. The game makes you love the book more and helps your imagination visualize the aliens and places theyā€™ll go to in the book. While vice versa the book makes you love the game more as it adds so much depth to the game universe and makes you crave going on your own adventures similar to the ones these new characters your reading about are going on. They both really buff and lift up each other to a whole new level forming this equilibrium of awesomeness haha! I had that experience with the Starflight manual short stories as a kid, and I had it in the years since with other games like Elder Scrolls Oblivion, Witcher, and the X Universe series space games that all have novels or short stories set in the same universe. So hopefully Iā€™ll like the new book and get to have that experience again with Starflight! Once thingā€™s for sure, I already know I like the cover haha!

  • Cyberpunk 2077

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    3 Posts

    Matt1656 wrote:
    Just upgraded my rig recently. Ryzen 5 2600X, RTX 2060ā€¦ should run it well. ;D But the main point was to have 1000000 FPS in Freelancer of course.

    Yeah youā€™ll be fineā€¦ unlike me haha.

    Oh and it looks like the final Night City Wire Episodes 4 and 5 came out a little while backā€¦



    And of course the game is out this weekā€¦ although itā€™s apparently a massively buggy mess which shouldnā€™t surprise anyone lol.

    If people have given up on it for now and are waiting for patches maybe they should check out what I foundā€¦ I recently noticed a review in a recent PC Gamer magazine of a small indie game called ā€˜Cloudpunkā€™ that has you piloting a flying taxi around a rainy cyberpunk city at night. Looks and sounds awesome as that cockpit has massive Blade Runner vibes, the taxi reminds me of 5th Element and that creepy stormy sky reminds me of Highlander 2 lol!

    Apparently thereā€™s not much depth to the gameplay sadly as itā€™s more about immersion. However considering I was more looking forward to driving around Cyberpunk 2077ā€™s city at night listening to synth tunes instead of just running around shooting people then I suspect this little game will be right up my alley haha! Apparently you get your own apartment in a sky scraper with a balcony looking over the city that you can decorate and play retro video games in, so hmm yup thatā€™s got me written all over it too lol! Although yet again my old computer probably canā€™t even run this one either arrrgh haha!


  • Which engine? ;)

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  • Wings of Saint Nazaire

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  • No Man's Sky

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    Lol, today is exactly a month later than my review. I hardly play NMS anymore; it rapidly got tedious, plus the Dev team keeps releasing updates that are intended to fix things, but these seem to also randomly change how things work; besides they introduce new errors (or at least, issue-ish phenomenons). So, that is that.

    I purchased both Empyrion: Galactic Survival and Space Engineers. These are both games where you find yourself having to build your own stuff (bases, vehicles). I havenā€™t much looked into Space Engineers sofar, but I am learning to get along in Empyrion (at least, with the building function in creative mode.)

    Both of these games are in their alpha stages, and have been that for several years by now. Seems to be the trend.

  • 0 Votes
    11 Posts

    this game is too was using dianabol bad didnā€™t really enjoyed playing it i thought it will replace it but it didnā€™t

  • TF2 MvM Server

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    I play this on EVGA servers since they make most of my pc equipment. motherboards graphic cards and my power supply

  • Allegiance Steamed

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    The fact the game is open source and managed by the community rather than Microsoft also makes it a rather different beast.

    If we ever got OpenFL or something, we could probably do a similar thing.

  • Underspace Freelancer Clone

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    Pewpew canons ?

    I will crush you with my Shoop Da Woop canon ! Wait ! I roll the diceā€¦ Woops ! 1ā€¦ I failedā€¦ Iā€™m so bad at role playing.

    Hope you laughed a bit. šŸ˜‰

  • Star Citizen

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    w0dk4 wrote:
    Funny we do not have a Star Citizen thread yet šŸ™‚

    Check out the latest video which I find quite epic:


    Tune in at minute 13:00

    Also at minute ~44 remember Planet Houston? Looks like in SC itā€™s called Planet Hurston šŸ˜‰

    Iā€™ll watch the video when home again. (Youtube consumes my limited mobile internet bundle rapidly, and Iā€™ve already been watching a couple of Isaac Arthur videos (highly recommended btw!) yesterday evening.)

    I actually have a SC account, with a ship and Squadron42. But at the moment there isnā€™t much to do tbh. I have good hopes, but even itā€™ll eventually turn out to be vaporware I wonā€™t regret it; my buying of the game was also intended as a salute to Chris Roberts.

    Nonetheless itā€™d be cool to eventually meet some of you in that universe šŸ˜„

  • GE Model Submission

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  • GE Demo Videos And Pics

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    Howdy, I have been lurking around here once in a while. Been playing around with some graphic post FX a bit to relearn HLSL. The other main focus has been getting a pipeline from MakeHuman into the game engine. Finally got a working solution just last week, which you saw in the video as Amy. Anyways, you guys keep up the good work on FL!

  • Elite Dangerous

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    19 Posts

    Recently I found a interesting note about a voice controled Elite Dangerous Ship Assistant

    => here.

    Might be some fun for those playing it.


  • Another one Unity Related Noname

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  • Eve F2P Soonā€¦

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  • Space Related

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    This one at ModDB under ā€œCustom Engineā€ topic

  • Quintet

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