someone still here ?
??? -
barlink added
Bar added:
Sirius NAVY Fighters -> http://snf.icaros.eu (clan)
Bar will be added:
HAL 2007 Evo -> http://www.hal2007.eu (server/mod)
(New Evolutions mod 1.40 will be on January 2009)
bar added to our portal mainpage, http://northquadrant.us
|PX| Clan
bar added to our portal mainpage: http://px.zumreden.de/index1.htm
Great reaction,
that was fast ;D
Thank you very much!
the bar added to:
CorsairS -> http://corsairs.hal2007.eu /clan/
Worfeh, think you could add the new entries for a little while? I don’t think I’ll be able to for about a week if all goes well.
Or I don’t know if w0dk4 has access to it?
Bar added - http://freelancerpl.mojeforum.net/index.php
please add my clan to list as [317th] Scythers
Could anyone give tips on how to put the headbar on top of a phpBB forum?
I have tryed it and the network bar appears and functions properly but i also get error messages saying output already started and the rest of my page’s text goes massive.
Edit: once I edited overall_header.html I went to the templates section of styles in the acp and refreshed the style and now it works now -
Wich version?
in phpbb 2 its in the /templates/yourtheme/overall_header.tpl file
Just beneith -
version 3.0.2 (which is pretty much version 3)
ive found the right file now:
i just edit styles\Galaparin\template\overall_header.html
@phpbb:oh and i am using the galaparin theme which doesn’t have any headers stored in styles\Galaparin template…
wait no hang on a second… IT DOES!?
I’ve found the file
I’ve inserted the thing just after the tag
I’ve loaded it up in my browser…
Still doesn’t work this time it just displays the forum (no header) -
add =ESF= Clan to the FLC
add =ESF= Clan to the FLC
We will once the community header bar is added to their site.
btw, its added at forum, not at portal
Added, but change the colours of the bar in something readeble… darkblue? hard to notice/read.
lmao ok, didnt really watch it after i added the blue lol
pink ok? ;D
EDIT: Its not =EFS= its =ESF=