Re: Effects showroom!
This is going to be my last video/picture/effects thingie for awhile. Once the new version of 88 Flak comes out I’m going to take a break from Freelancer modding. This video is basically all the effects I’ve done put together.
"During an RC122 internal test, an enormous two part dogfight broke out above a player-purchaseable base. In total, the ships included in the dogfight are: Starstinger (Me), Centurion (KillerJaguar), Kusari Destroyer, Kusari Gunboat, Some 12 Blood Dragons, 4-6 Unlawful Freelancers, 4 Bounty Hunters. Also visible in the video are the all new effects used in RC122. These include the missile trails, torpedo trails, torpedo impacts, and the ambient Battledust. " Copy paste this link for the higher quality one. High quality works much better than the standard embedded quality.
If you look at reply 108 you will find the ale file for the explosion. The reason it does not work is the internal effect name is different from the file name. Change gf_explosion_li_battleship_wtfhuge.ale to gf_explosion_li_battleship_mainexpwtfbig.ale
nickname = gf_explosion_li_battleship_mainexpwtfbig
alchemy = fx\explosions\gf_explosion_li_battleship_mainexpwtfbig.ale
effect_crc = 3897419492
textures = fx\sarma.txm
textures = fx\lightbeam.txm
textures = fx\standardeffects.txm
textures = fx\kioncannon.txm
textures = fx\planetflare.txmeffect_explosion.ini
nickname = gf_explosion_li_battleship_wtfhuge
vis_effect = gf_explosion_li_battleship_mainexpwtfbigexplosions.ini
nickname = explosion_battleship
lifetime = 0.000000, 0.100000
process = disappear
effect = gf_explosion_li_battleship_wtfhuge
debris_impulse = 100
num_child_pieces = 20
debris_type = cap_ship_piece, 0.330000
debris_type = cap_ship_piece2, 0.330000
debris_type = cap_ship_piece3, 0.330000
innards_debris_start_time = 0.000000
innards_debris_num = 15
innards_debris_radius = 200
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris01
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris02
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris03
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris04
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris05
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris06
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris07
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris08
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris09
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris10
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris11
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris12
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris13
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris14
innards_debris_object = simple_metal_debris15
strength = 100
radius = 800
hull_damage = 500000
impulse = 15 -
strange to see a little star flier launching a missile or torp that’s bigger than itself…
Sorry about the criticism, but some times these things are just wrong
Hope that’ll be limited to only the larger models (higher class ships) as it looks damned strange to see your torp you launch from a tiny torp launcher being so much bigger than the ship that launches it
If you look at reply 108 you will find the ale file for the explosion.
thx Night, totally overlooked reply 108
strange to see a little star flier launching a missile or torp that’s bigger than itself…
Sorry about the criticism, but some times these things are just wrong
Hope that’ll be limited to only the larger models (higher class ships) as it looks damned strange to see your torp you launch from a tiny torp launcher being so much bigger than the ship that launches it
Don’t like it, do something better. All the effects I make are based on this motto. I provide the file for all my effects so that if people like the idea, but want to modify it, they can do so. The ale is able to be decompiled like any other, feel free to modify them if you want. w0dk4 already did this with my original flak effects.
If your interested though, my justification for the torpedo being so large was primarily gameplay. But gameplay aside, the physical torpedo is the same size as it has always been. Let’s just say it has a really bright motor.
Two upcoming effect releases are the torpedo hits, which are awesome because of their EVE lights, and the battledust. The torpedo hits I will upload when I get the chance, but the battledust will require proper explanation because it is not just an effect.
[Edit]Heh, I just realized who I was responding to. Chips, your old Evolutions mod was what initially pushed me to mod Freelancer.
Don’t make his head inflate more than it already is Why ;D
I have to say your effects really are by the most polished and “nextgenish” I’ve seen to date. Keep up the good work and let me tell you that opensourcing your whole work is some very nice decision of yours!
Well, here’s the most up-to-date video of my, still unfinished, plasma torpedo for Black Dawn.
It’s not much, particularly compared to some of the other stuff in here, but I like it enough, and when you’re piloting a UNSC warship and you see some of these flying at you, you 're going to be too busy going “ahhh, run away, run away” (plus or minus several explicitives) to take a really close look at it.
Nice work why…
sry for this offtopic:
How can i change those effects ?
I’ve tried many different things and couldnt make that big bs explosion… or make a gun hit like bs explosion…neither of that so pls explain me which files to change, what to add. Im a newbie in this so (understand me) ;))greets
I also fixed something else that really used to bug me. When a missile hits its target, the explosion effect flights right through the target and keeps on going. This no longer happens.
Sauce (Also known as download link)
Also, for those that want the capital ship asplosion, the file for that is here
As usual, if you want to use these, go ahead. Just give me a heads up and credit me in the readme/site/wherever.
SIMcrusher, thats where he linked to the download files, inside that RAR you will find the files that are edited to get those effects, and they already have those effects
Well i already downloaded the battleship .ale file.
The problem is how can i make it work in Freelancer
I would like to make a movie
Thought I’d show Why485’s missiles in action. Nothing better than high-quality missile spam.
I’m using his missile and torp effects aswell and specialy the torp effect are very cool.
I made them a mod option cause some players with older pc’s had some videolag when launching a torp.Great effects keep the great work Why485
Edit: Here is a video that one of our player made in a fight. -
Yeah, all of the new effects are bundled under the “High-End FX” option in 88 Flak, since some of them (the Flak Cannon and Battledust effects in particular) depend on the engine tweaks High-End FX makes to function.
Edit: More effects pictures! (click to expand)
Random Battledust:
Missile barrage:
Slug fest?: -
I decided to re-do the effect that shows up when ships are damaged as well. This was also combined with a custom xp_herm texture, which is used in nearly all explosions.
Combined with the debris system, the ship damage effect makes for marvelous explosions, as you can see by this awfully put together gif and several screenshots.
Your awesome work inspired me to upload these new screenshots. Yes, same business again, still not effects
And a test version of reflection-mapping on planets (with further research it could be used for rivers/oceans on bigger planets, but it doesn’t look good with planets entirely covered with pure water):
Incredible work Firekiss. I love those new textures/materials.
As usual, here is the sauce for my effects. Same rules as before. You can use them freely, just give me a heads up.
Flame effect is here:;12222915;/fileinfo.html
It replaces the effect gf_continuous_damageTorpedo impacts are here:;12246899;/fileinfo.html
Note that this includes the new torpedo effects as well as the impacts. The new torpedo explosion effects replace and are called ku_torpedo01_impact and li_torpedo01_impact.