Weapon enhancers?
The only method I found is to actually create new weapons and rename them to weapon enhancers. In that case, the enhancer should have no effects at all, have average speed. It would give +x damage per second. Good idea and it could be done, but for example in my mod the speed differences between weapon types are drastic, between laser and plasma it’s 1000m/s, so if the enhancer has the speed of 1500ms/s it will mess up the accuracy (targeting reticle distance from ship).
This may not be the right threat but a while ago II tryed to make a torp luncher with 2 different ammo’s, f.e. one cheap fast torp for fighters and expensiv slow one for BS’s.
I tryed to add 2 ammo lines to the luncher but it did not work.
Now I’m thinking about adding only the first part of the ammo name to the torp f.e.:
torp_mark04_ammoand 2 ammo types:
torp_mark04_ammo02But i dont rly think this will work, has anyone ever made a luncher with 2 torps?
I think the main problem is to make clear u can only buy one or another kind of ammo, with 2 ammos u could buy the double ammo for one torp (not sure how it would be work and be displayed but with the double ammo u may get kicked, i guess u would need to do it via client hooking or something else). -
not possible
FL is very sensitive with wrong written nicknames (and missing chars are wrong written)
the result will be a nice ctdeven if you follow the idea to create 2 ammos with the same nickname (possible that you also had thin in mind) you will notice that FL does only accept the first ammo section but not the 2nd one
You can for example implement a couple of torp launchers firing the same ammo, let me give an example:
A refurbished launcher, super cheap but also unreliable. You could use the unused line: “dispersion_angle =” to make it fire inaccurate, the line “turn_rate =” below 90 to make it turn slower into target and “lock_on_time =” to make it acquire target slower.
A line launcher –> your standard issue
A multiple launcher by adding multiple Hp_Fire to a launcher
Those are only a few fast shots I got when reading this topic, there is surely room for more.
… I’ve seen remains (models, icons) …
I v seen lots of stuff, like radar jammer, stelth armor, “damage_per_fire”, etc,
what seems 2 be prepaired - but not in use.But no idea about weapon enhancers
and also no idea, how it might be
possible 2 mod something like that
with the stuff i know atm.Maybe the wizards can do that with FLHook?
Does anyone remember the Ioncross Total War server? They had e.g. speed enhancers for ships, which, when bought, would lead to a kick and exchange your engine for a faster version (at least I guess so, I didn’t code it
)… I think one could do something like this, but with weapons (that are exchanged more often than ships) some more elegant solution should be used…
I doubt you can mount a 2nd engine via the equipment dealer.
so I m pretty sure, this would unmount the ‘old’ one.And mounting a better piece of equipment is
enhances 4 sure - but is not an “enhancer”.The only way 2 enhance weapons performance
i can think of, is with a kind of power booster
(a shield with negative constant power draw value).
If your weapons uses up lots of power. -
i have heard of a way to do this with flhook.
if i remember correctly it works by flhook seeing two items (in this case the enhancer and the weapon) and then a command being typed and it deletes them both and replaced it with a new weapon with the right upgrade. i suppose it would be like /enhance<enhancer><weapon></weapon></enhancer>