Let's get Coordinated!
Good Morning all,
Welcome to the Admin/Owners Group and welcome to Bas and Strail (the only volunteers to step up!).
You guys are here as it is quite clear there are many of us that want to actually take some form of serious action to save and ensure Freelancer has a future. As server owners and Admins we have a duty to our communities to keep the game alive and active, bringing in new players and raising awareness.
But we need to be Coordinated in whatever approach we take. We cant just go firing emails off to sites and magazines with no form of unity or professionalism.
Torch and myself have both attempted to contact Ubisoft. I have recieved a response from the head of the UK Community Development team, but I wouldnt hold out for anything exciting yet. You know what larger companies are like.
We need to draft and arrange an action plan and schedule. Specific sites, magazines and publications to target. We need compelling reasons and evidence for these people to even take notice.
We need people to set up and take some form of responsibility for this, even if in a small way like designing graphics for our ‘adverts’.
We can coordinate here in private, and share plans with the rest of the starport community when we have a clearer picture of what is happening.
The Starport will support this as much as we can, and will do what we can to help along the way.
So it look’s like this is firing up again huh?
Where do I sit? Anyone got any note paper? Who brought the coffee? And for crying out loud, somebody turn the heating on!
If we are going to save FL we need a list of things we need to get done:
- Story
Not as difficult as you might think, fortunately (http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4302407/1/Freelancer_Two_Revolution) that link contains a compelling story I think we can work with - our first priority is getting permission from the author to use his story in our mod…
- Design Concept
Although the story is still set in Liberty and the Sirius system, I was still thinking drastic changes, forcing the game at least a decade or two into the future…
Things should be more advanced technologically speaking, perhaps new modes of travel - certainly more advanced versions of the Vanilla ships in FL (like when Ford release a new mondeo) obviously the business model will have changed so perhaps some old companies are left but others went bankrupt and are now non-existent…
slightly faster cruise engines and thrusters due to advancements in technology could be fitted in (nothing that will lag servers though)…
Thinking realistically about this, what other changes could’ve happened in around the systems to promote change for example liberties sun going supernova, a whole new station dedicated to providing artificial heat and light to Liberty which has made it quite a different house to what it used to be…
Wars between major houses would be a good angle too, however as this will be an SP mod I think it would be wise to keep the wars, and relations to the story quite nicely written out before us
- Sounds
Reworking all the guns sounds using an onboard synthesizer won’t be too hard, I for one could probably make 100 different sounds for guns in 20 minutes just by loading up Fruit Loops and playing with buttons…
Music won’t be too difficult, we will apply the same structure FL did, such as a surprise theme, fight theme, and ambient theme for each house/system… I have a GCSE A grade in Music and hopefully a high Grade at A-Level to so I won’t mind putting towards this side of the project
Voices is where the fun begins, who doesn’t want their voice in FL, obviously voice acting for the script will be part of the fun, even if it sounds slightly budget
- Recruitment
We are going to need coders, ship modellers, SUR creators, AI specialist and someone with an experience of the SP side of modding which as far as I can see as remained untouched hopefully until now…
Any options/suggestions as to how we can head out a recruitment drive?
Hey Guys
I’m not the big modder but i have some suggestion for you and if I can help I’ll do.-
“The lost House”(Freelancer rumor)?What about freelancer without Tradelanes?
And with real cruise Engines?Lets just say they discovered an bug in the Tradelanes they couldn’t fix, but they had that really fast engine.
Need an bad English with German accent?
- What about legalnotices?
An SP or MP version should only be installed if someone has a legal copy of FL.
- What about a installer?
FLMM sucks, especialy when you never had to work with it, so its easier to create an installer for the game.
right, any1 needed overpowered guns for aliens? ;D jk
i can make really cool effects if someone just writes a GOOD TUTORIAL!
…… searching my 1.5 cents from an old topic and throwing them in …
While talking about this and that and making big plans,
everyone can easy add a link @
----> The Starport <-----
if he/she announces / advertises his/her mod.
It’s not a big plan and it might not as brilliant,
as other things we d hear 2 that topic,
but it’s easy and we do that 4 a while.2nd.
If i d be a fellow, who d found his old FL CD and came here,
i d find cool informations, how 2 deal with FLHook or tweak effects
or create destructible bases … but that wouldn’t realy be, what i m looking 4.
I d like 2 get some of those cool mods and i d like 2 get some infos about those 1st.
So i d suggest to add a main topic like “Mod - Database” with the mods and servers,
forums etc. listed and linked + a small info about.
(including a manual “How to install a Freelancer mod with FLMM”
and “How to connect to a MP server”).3rd
I think we might get people interested best with some nice pictures
from the mods.
Videos are cool 4 sure, but i think pictures are a little easier 2 handle
and they might create the “Whow”-effect better than a video
with maybe not so outstanding quality. -
Um, this is going to sound silly, but what does everyone who is reading this particualr area think this is about? just so we make sure everyone is on the same wave length
I guess looking at LS’s work it would all be easier if we jumped on that bandwagon and helped LS…
It doesnt sound silly at all. As I discussed with you and another couple of people on MSN/IRC it seems there is some confusion here.
Some people think you are building a new mod or evrn FL2 whilst others just think your putting together a Advertising Campaign.
Based on some of the responses I have read, it seems quite a few think you’re building a sequel…
I guess looking at LS’s work it would all be easier if we jumped on that bandwagon and helped LS…
Yes, that would be a VERY good idea.
I guess looking at LS’s work it would all be easier if we jumped on that bandwagon and helped LS…
the most satisfying ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ever. ^^
so any1 cares to give me the codes for those bloow reflections, which looks more like HDR?
Either work on one or the other.
FACT - fl players will not play some cobbled together freelancer clone.
FACT - you cant work on both.
FACT - If you dont know what your doing to start with, you might as well stop the save FL thing.Sorry, but it just seems thers a lot of knee jerking around.
Either work on one or the other.
FACT - fl players will not play some cobbled together freelancer clone.
FACT - you cant work on both.
FACT - If you dont know what your doing to start with, you might as well stop the save FL thing.Sorry, but it just seems thers a lot of knee jerking around.
You DO know GE is far from a Freelancer “clone”? If games which give similar gameplay to FL are clones, we might as well call X3, Jumpgate, Darkstar One and a whole lot of other games clones.
Also, this is something to try to get the game advertised and known around. If you think this isn’t the proper way to go, why don’t you actually enlighten everyone with your knowledge? It would help everyone and the community as a whole would benefit from it. Remember, none of those people are doing this for themselves and everyone is as dependent as they are of Freelancer’s popularity. If the global community dwindles, ALL SERVERS DIE. That’s a “FACT”, as you call it
Well, we just need to get everyone on the same wave length before we proceed, better to do it NOW rather than later strail
GE in many respects is alot like FL, but isint every space sim game that has come after FL, been a bit like FL? lol. Elite was the starting point FL just made it possible in a 3d universe. one of the things GE has over eevery other game that i can so far, is it is built with modding in mind, its even modable now, usuing a similar kinda of coding technique, you just have more control over what goes where, plus i cant wait to see his in game editor for modding in real time ^^
Please create a different thread for this discussion.
This thread is about Freelancer, not the development of a new game.
I don’t think we should try and turn our backs at FL and start working on a “new” game. First try to get this organised before jumping on other projects.
LS does a ace job on his game, but as he sais it him self, its far from finished.What do you think those countless mod dev’s think when they read this?
Mod dev’s with no program language experience at all?They read “lets abandomn FL and head towards a new game” …
Create a different project group if you would like to help LS in his game, but this thread is about Freelancer.
The thing I would like to:
Transfer vanilla freelancer to new engine that would allow more possibilities.
I mean creating by copying vanilla to new engine that would allow new missions, higher radar ranges, in-cockpit hud, atmospheric flights and all other stuff FL lacks. You don’t have to think about the story/ship design/factions, just copying. With upgrading grafics and smoothing models of course and making universe scale bigger(say, 10 - 20 times bigger).
Making it open-source.Somebody dosn’t like something - go do modding(just like with vanilla, but lot easier).
What everybody wants - is Freelancer with expanded possibilities(more RPG/PvP/Realism/universe scale/other options). This is the way(easiest and most natural) to do it.
The only problem - legal issues, even if the game will require classical FL installed.
Please create a different thread for this discussion.
This thread is about Freelancer, not the development of a new game.
I don’t think we should try and turn our backs at FL and start working on a “new” game. First try to get this organised before jumping on other projects.
LS does a ace job on his game, but as he sais it him self, its far from finished.What do you think those countless mod dev’s think when they read this?
Mod dev’s with no program language experience at all?They read “lets abandomn FL and head towards a new game” …
Create a different project group if you would like to help LS in his game, but this thread is about Freelancer.
well i was only pointing out that GE is not just another clone of FL lol but yea, lets keep on FL people
Mission save FL, Freelancer still alive and all the other discussions seemed to have caused more confusion than it would have been good
vids, wiki, fl forge sites, mod presentations, new engines, new games…. all that has been thrown into a big pot and now it looks like pure chaos
for sure there are many ideas but i fail to see how they can be used to help FLIdeas are not working concepts yet… maybe to stick with one idea and see how this actually is able to influence the community would be helpful
Well, a video of 2.5 minutes is a great marketing tool.
What Why made looks like the first vids from FL, its just nicely polished and shows what “vanilla” can look like, and thats what people are looking for in my opinion.A video, an story why FL aint dead yet, and a promotional story is basicly all we need atm, perhaps with some nicely made banners from FL and some kewl grapics on it.
I agree with OP here that the things thrown at our door step are tools to help the current community, not to get it bigger.
I believe that we ask Why to create a promotional video with the content he has to his disposal right now. Maybe with some additions of the possibilities of mods in FL (dunno some starwars, battlestar ships etc.
Than we have to setup a new section here on this site with basic tutorials, screenshots, mod/server links and some background info about FL so a new or returning player can get setup pretty quick.
When thats finished we would have to get the marketing machine loading, trying to get onto pages of game review sites, but we can only do that if we have something to offer.
Just my 2 cents.