Freelancer: Still Alive
It’s video time.
I need all mods to send me clips of their mod at its best. Along with descriptions of the highlights of your mod.
I plan on putting together a Freelancer: Still Alive video to simply show that Freelancer is still very alive and is still very awesome. However as has been mentioned, random clips put together will just look like random clips put together. Everyone recording videos I stress to make the videos as cinematic as possible. I want good camera angles, good lighting, etc. Now for better or worse, graphics whoring is what sells, and as such I especially would like cinematic footage from mods like Plasmafire or Itano Circus (Teehee
). The first five seconds of the video must make somebody say WOW! Otherwise, its failed, and the user will simply be bored (yes, within five seconds) and go elsewhere.
Protip: CHEAT. Cinema is all about cheating. Create specific camera ships. Make cruise go super fast, do lots of engine killing. Always minimize the hud that way I can crop it and make it look hudless. Hex edit the HUD away if possible. Adjust cockpit fov to zoom in, that way you get a very cinematic shaky cam ala Battlestar Galatica. Set up spawns that probably wouldn’t happen in the real game like huge formations. Good camera work and lighting does a longcat way towards making something look good.
… All hands, brace for impact.
this should be posted as news on the front page, can you submit this text as a news item?
i can do that in january but not earlier
Why, you mentioned you made a quick camera ship last night? If you hand me the code, I could easily make an XML mod that adds in the camera ship to any mod, which may or may not be useful.
Also, agreed. This should be news itemage (much to the misfortune of your cool IC post, but hey =P)
This sets up the camera FOVs as well as gets rid of the mouse.;12611850;/fileinfo.html
However everyone has different ship code. I took the smallest ship I have (Patriot) and just modified these lines.
mass = 300 camera_offset = 0, 0 camera_angular_acceleration = 0 camera_horizontal_turn_angle = 0 camera_vertical_turn_up_angle = 0 camera_vertical_turn_down_angle = 0 camera_turn_look_ahead_slerp_amount = 0 nudge_force = 72000 strafe_force = 72000
I am also using a modified OPEN SP to give me a patriot when I do a new game. The loadout in loadouts.ini was modified to add this.
equip = cloak_fighter, HpCloak01
The higher mass gives you a much smoother platform as well as a ship capable of moving at great speed in all directions. I recommend you add and bind the strafe up/down commands as well.
With all this put together, you get a ship that flies pretty stable. Is invisible. External view is slightly zoomed in FOV, and Cockpit view is zoomed in. You can easily switch between the two zooms just by switching cockpit/external.
how do you access the save FL or help forum , someone said it was private?
how do you access the save FL or help forum , someone said it was private?
You are in it. It’s been made public.
OKay ty sry just learning my way
You Tube Void Freelancer Videos Void Freelancer Videos should find some stuff there that you like.
I think Why would prefer in-game videos and stuff that’s packed with cinematic presentation. That means the GUI would be best left invisible… Also, maybe some stuff without music? The sound effects are a nice thing to have, but with the music on top of it they become impossible to use (cutting music every 3 seconds would be really bad) and Why would have to mute them.
This is trying to look professional. Death messages, chat and such shouldn’t get in that video IMO.
Of course, this is what I believe… Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.
FriendlyFire is 100% correct.
What I showed in the benchmark video is precisely the type of footage I am looking for.
The Void server intro has some shots that are actually fairly close to what I need, but raw footage using the camera ship I described would be ideal.
This is all I have for now for WT, but unless you really want to get this done soon, I’d prefer if you’d take some footage we will be recording this winter with the more up-to-date stuff (hopefully we’ll get it done on time).
Still, if you do it before we make another video, try taking a few seconds off that…
You guys are doing a fantastic job, just thought Id let you know that
we all try to do our best to save freelancer
we have a player Dartmop1 and he have make this video
and he have done something different then all other movies i have seen from Freelancer -
Very nice.
- heres a link to my video chanel some from my server some from other servers i have played on
That WTS vidoe was great! Simple yet so effective!
And I cant get enougg of the WT video! I love watching that ;D
WOW … ;D