A small "sorry"
Background story:
I use MSN + ICQ mainly for gaming purposes… but i also have private accounts.
Due to the mass of contacts (meanwhile more than 800) and the large number of accounts i use Trillian since I can display all messengers and their accounts in one window (i do this already since years).
Since some ppl that i authorized to see me online didnt appear on the contact list (usually i dont even notice it due to the somewhat long list) I decided to turn on the original MSN Messegner just to see somewhat more than 100 new authorization that Trillian didnt even show me.Sorry if you were waiting to be added… but I never got a message in Trillian.
All requests have been added now and im available again if there are modding questions.Are there better multi messengers out there? I used IM2 long time ago but that does not exist anymore.
Miranda is teh shit
No need to apologize for something that clearly is not your fault
gaim ftw
hmm ok - eventhough i always said that the only miranda that i try will be female, blonde and with big… ehmm eyes i seem to have no other choice
im absolutly not sure if such pics are allowed here ^^
Depends… PM them to a Staffer first and we’ll deliberate thoroughly on the subject ;D
Yeah we uh… got to assess the situation
Yeah, Trilly seems to have some problems with contacts for a while. (At least for me)
It dont show up all authorization requests and it also did ICQ contacts into the status “orphaned” again and again, so I switched to Pidgin.BTW, did someone here tried out the GMX Multi-Messenger? Never downloaded it because I think it isnt that good, but maybe positive opinions here?