Spining Bases
I made a mooring fixture and put it next to base as a child, and in system’s ini I added dock with = base.
I plan to make a Hangar model and replace the fixture. -
I created a hangar and put it on top of the base so it looks like they’re connected, the base spins but hangar not. Looks kinda funny.
yeh thats what the ship dematerilizer does
btw any solution making the hangar doors FOLLOW the spin?
You could do this by moving the origin ( 0,0,0 in x,y,z) of the model farther away from th model itself.
Freelancer spins models around the normals trough the models origin. -
Yeah, you should use complex maths to make the calculations and measures. And after all it’ll still look ugly.
Ok, it’s not so bad, but the spining objects trajectory is like a capital ship’s one - when you ram into it it spins like loco (Crazy).
If you setup your base to mount the hangar on a hardpoint, it will spin with the base. As noted below, this opens up problems of docking though. One possible remedy is to set it up so the model itself is animated to spin, then add an invisible docking model (1 triangle, hidden inside the center of the model) which remains stationary. Hardpoint that section of the model with your HpDock-blah’s, and increase the docking sphere size to extend beyond the model so ships wont actually enter the dock, but the door animation can still play. Keep in mind, there IS a limit how far out your docking hp’s can be spaced out - if I recall it is 1k? or 2k? experiment
To test, I mounted flashing lights on each docking hardpoint to see where things go wrong, you’ll know if your ship keeps turning back around … and around … and around to link up with the initial dock point.