Is it possible to add new patrols to a system crash free, if so does anyone have a good up to date tutorial for doing it. We tried a trial and error approach and currently it crashes.
The patrols have to start + end on a base,
where the faction, which does the patrol,
is located (maybe also possible JH / JG- but i don’t remember that atm).
Just put your patrol in space and
you ll c endless crashes.I got a nice tutorial about that
andi ll upload it, as soon as if i can find it. -
Thx, I never knew how to make them. And when I asked somebody they would say don’t use them they’re the system crasher, but nobody would tell me why.
The patrols are err… tricky they need a starting place at a base, jumpgate or jumphole and a end place at the same, i believe they also need a zone with the patrol factions in it at the start and end place. Than there are different patrols, one takes a tradelane others don’t. Its fun to find it out once you know the basics, but the nr 1 rule is: Patrols need a start and end place at a dockable object in a zone where those npcs are also defined.
What Worfeh said is correct - there are two types of patrols: “patrol” patrols and “trade” patrols. The “trade” ones are the ones that take tradelanes, and those can be safely placed in-between two jumpholes / gates / etc. However, “patrol” patrols MUST start and end at a base with that faction defined under [BaseFaction] in mbases.ini
So if you wanted an LSF patrol near, I dunno, Hamburg, you’d add:
[BaseFaction] faction = li_lsf_grp weight = 1 (can be any from 1 to 100) ```Somewhere under [MBase] for rh02_01_base - then, you could place LSF patrols that both begin and end at planet hamburg without any issue.
cheers guys think we have the issues with the ones we added sorted now.
Get yourself “trying to understand encounters” tutorial by Buck Danny. It has to be in tutorial downloads section.
cheers guys think we have the issues with the ones we added sorted now.
Good to hear it…
The first time trying to play with encounters is allways fun. -
Get yourself “trying to understand encounters” tutorial by Buck Danny. It has to be in tutorial downloads section.
YUP - that’s the one i was talking about.