Invisible Gun Fire from Mission Solars
I’ve managed to get my mission solars to shoot back at me. But there seems to be a problem, I can’t see the gun fire, but I do take damage. If I change the loadout to missile turrets I can see those, no problem.
I’ve tried a variety of different gun types, turret types and beam styles but still nothing.
Can anyone explain this please?
Rik -
You need to increase the lod_ranges value for example it might be
lod_range = 0, 20, 40, 60
So you might want to try
lod_range = 0, 500, 1000, 1500
even if the same turrets work ok on normal Solars, such as bases and weapon platforms?
I’m at work at the moment… but will check this out when I get home.
Rik -
I assume u meant the lod ranges on the turrets?
that didn’t work
got any other ideas?
Rik -
LOL ok thanks guys… I’ll have to improvise ;D
Yeah, this is a big gravedig, but I’m wondering if any one has managed to find a solutionon this yet?
The best I’ve got is projectiles (missiles, flak etc) - but it just doesn’t feel right without guns.
Rik -
Yeah, but it’s just frustrating that it works ok in openSP.
Thought I’d just nudge again see whether anyone found a work around.
Rik -
Probably the content.dll, I don’t know? try to use another SDK.
what weapon effect are you using? you may need to hex edit the weapon_large in the freelancer.exe. it’s a shot in the dark.
its sound like an FX problem. also you can look in the effect_types.ini increase the lod to 0, 10000. find the effect that the weapon is using in the weapon_equip. in the effects.ini it will have a type. eg
[Munition] nickname = turbolaser_ammo03 hp_type = hp_gun requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 2 hull_damage = 2000 energy_damage = 0 one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact const_effect = Purple_turbolaser_proj---this one lifetime = 14.000000 force_gun_ori = false mass = 1 volume = 0.000100
[Effect] nickname = Purple_turbolaser_proj effect_type = EFT_WEAPON_LARGE_PROJ ----- find this vis_beam = turbolaser_beam_Purple
in the effects_type you will find
[EffectType] nickname = EFT_WEAPON_LARGE_PROJ priority = 1 generic_priority = 1 lod_type = EFT_LOD_LARGE radius = 100 visibility = EXIST_OFFSCREEN update = CULL_UPDATE run_time = -1 pbubble = 1250, 1500 ---- try changing this to 0, 10000
that with the exe hex edit worked for me.
good luck. hope it helps
–------ Effects --------
– 6250000f in server.dll, 0x84ADC, 0x86AEC = square of maximum effect draw distance (vis_beam) ~FriendlyFireeft_explosion_large (limited duration):
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212AF0, 0x212AF0 = on-screen radius of effects, affects size-on-screen-based cutoff (make larger to increase cutoff range)
– 15f in freelancer.exe, 0x212AF8, 0x212AF8 = max run time of effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212B00, 0x212B00 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212B04, 0x212B04 = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble)eft_weapon_large_proj (infinite duration):
– 50f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C58, 0x212C58 = on-screen radius of effects
– -1f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C60, 0x212C60 = max run time of effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C68, 0x212C68 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C6C, 0x212C6C = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble) increase – 15f in freelancer.exe, 0x213158, 0x213158 = on-screen radius of vis_beam effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x213168, 0x213168 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble for vis_beam decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x21316C, 0x21316C = default vis_beam cutoff range (second value of pbubble for vis_beam) increaseeft_damage_large_smoke (infinite duration):
– 20f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DE8, 0x212DE8 = on-screen radius of effects
– -1f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DF0, 0x212DF0 = max run time of effects
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DF8, 0x212DF8 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212DFC, 0x212DFC = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble) -
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C68, 0x212C68 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x212C6C, 0x212C6C = visual cutoff range of effects (second value of pbubble) increase
– 100f in freelancer.exe, 0x213168, 0x213168 = unknown, likely the first value of pbubble for vis_beam decrease
– 500f in freelancer.exe, 0x21316C, 0x21316C = default vis_beam cutoff range (second value of pbubble for vis_beam) increaseThanks for your reply.
So I need to:
1.edit those four lines hex and increase all of its value.
2.edit weapon_equip
nickname = turbolaser_ammo03
hp_type = hp_gun
requires_ammo = false
hit_pts = 2
hull_damage = 2000
energy_damage = 0
one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun
munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact
const_effect = Purple_turbolaser_proj–-this one
lifetime = 14.000000
force_gun_ori = false
mass = 1
volume = 0.0001003.edit effects.ini
nickname = Purple_turbolaser_proj
effect_type = EFT_WEAPON_LARGE_PROJ –— find this
vis_beam = turbolaser_beam_Purple[EffectType]
priority = 1
generic_priority = 1
lod_type = EFT_LOD_LARGE
radius = 100
visibility = EXIST_OFFSCREEN
update = CULL_UPDATE
run_time = -1
pbubble = 1250, 1500 –-- try changing this to 0, 10000then I can in my mod saw the solars gun fire, and solve the “Invisible Gun Fire from Mission Solars” of problem, am I right?
I think I can safely say no this won’t work, not in multiplayer anyway. All this will do is enable you to see gun fire from standard solars from further away.
I think W0dka has probably summed up the problem correctly.
Rik -
If missile turrets are working try for example:[Munition] nickname = turbolaser_ammo03 hp_type = hp_gun requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 2 hull_damage = 2000 energy_damage = 0 one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact const_effect = li_missile02_drive ; <-- here lifetime = 14.000000 force_gun_ori = false mass = 1 volume = 0.000100
Next try any long-time effect for example from plasma fountain:
[Munition] nickname = turbolaser_ammo03 hp_type = hp_gun requires_ammo = false hit_pts = 2 hull_damage = 2000 energy_damage = 0 one_shot_sound = fire_capship_forward_gun munition_hit_effect = li_plasma_03_impact const_effect = rtc_mis5view ; <-- here lifetime = 14.000000 force_gun_ori = false mass = 1 volume = 0.000100
Moreover you may take flak and make it’s const_effect like turret same ways as above.