Hey Everyone
I clicked on a Freelancer Community Network bar and here I am.
I have played FL since it came out a few years back I have gone back to it every few months to play it in the wait that some other space sim will come along and take hold of my life like FL did when it first came out. But for some reason this hasn’t come yet ….
It has been great what the community has done with all the mods to enhance the game re-playability. Just imagine what the community would do with open source of FL…
See ya around
Hi D1.
I just visited your new site (found from the FLCN Application) and liked the start you have made.
Welcome to the Starport, let me know if you need anything.
Ahoy there, and welcome. I too took a quick peek at your site - very nice, with a good mix of both casual and professional looks. I like how you already have some informative postings for all of the games covered, so expect to see me pop in once and a while. =D
Welcome in! Make yourself at home and I’m glad to see a new, professional-looking site that covers the poor niche games we play
Also, I love your favicon ;D
Thanks everyone… been working hard and quick on it all. I’m trying to cover almost everything space game related from BBS/Door games to the latest Space MMO’s. Would love any feedback on the forum area because i’m trying to make sure I cover the majority of the game areas and also not make it look cluttered
Thx on the Favicon… I found it on the web only bad thing least for me it doesn’t seem to run on IE. The world just needs to dump IE entirely.
My download area is coming along and I have been contacting developers of the latest games trying to get some interviews so we’ll see how that goes.
Thanks for the warm welcome and long live the space sim!
;D Hi ;D
(not feeling at all cheerfull ATM but i’ll try)….
- And Welcome!!
…heyhey… i think i like this place lol
- And Welcome!!
Just want to inform you about FS2 modding and open source and patch projects
(http://www.hard-light.net)And the MP patch for SF: RU
(Somewhere in the official forums)
made by of one or multiple developers -
Just want to inform you about FS2 modding and open source and patch projects
(http://www.hard-light.net)And the MP patch for SF: RU
(Somewhere in the official forums)
made by of one or multiple developersThanks Bas
I will look into that and get the mods in my Downloads area. I like SFRU a lot. It’s a shame the game just got dumped after the release. The graphic engine was nice if they would have given out the tools to mod the game it would have been great!
Try to get the MP fix from the official forums and post it at your board.
Tools…. ;D there are tools?? ÂÂ
and here i am diging with my bare hands… sheesh
Im in a good mood now… hehe so ;D ;D WELCOME!! ;D ;D
Sry for being a grump… lol
btw my DS dont work no more after MS update (vista)… tryed the patch… nada… do you know another fix?? (PM ;))