Why do they make sequels if they know its going to suck?
Ever since I first saw ‘The Lost Boys’ I loved the film. For years now it has remained my favourite film of all time. I can watch it time and time again and never get bored.
The film for me mixed up all my favourite things in life, surfing, music, drinking and… women
Oh and throw in a few vampires, a couple of nerdy comic book store owners and a wicked Grandad! ;D
Man what a soundtrack that film had…
So anyway everyone that knows me knows I love this film and have kept going on about watching the new one; ‘The Lost Boys - The Tribe’.
Seriously… I want to shoot everyone in ‘Warner Premier’… what the hell were they thinking?!? It was terrible. They tried too hard to be clever with quirky little links into the original (excluding Edgar Frog obviously).
So disappointed… I am deleting the film from the HD and NEVER watching it again.
hehe, yeah I had the same reaction. That was a huge letdown, if you look closely you can even see that saxophone dude too, though he’s been uhmm … super-sized. Don’t think there was really a single thing positive about this re-hash, at least which I can remember.
If it’s a good vamp flick ya want, check out “Let The Right One In” or “Låt den rätte komma in” in its native tongue. It’s not an action flick though, so hopefully you dig slower, deliberately paced films. Much occurs off-screen, and open to viewer interpretation, which for me at least was a good thing -sticking in my skull after it was finished. Anyhoo, give it a looky, just don’t let the trailers trick you into thinking it’s Blade with 12 year old leads. And don’t read up on it beforehand either
OMG… thanks for the “heads up” … i was just about to go buy it… (saw it in store the other day) and being a huge fan of the original… I think i’ll just give it a miss then… lol ;D
Think i’ll just wait for UW3 to get released on DVD that’s more of “my” type of vampire flick hehe
Or check out John C’s “Vampires” … now thats a vampire movie wooo hooooo anyone for a nap in the sand??lol and i thought corey looked a little “stressed” on the cover lol now i know why hehe
First real acting job in years… and its a stinker, shame they had to do it to Edgar though he was for my brother and I a childhood hero… and we were sooo exited to see a sequel
hehe but ya get that alot these days… crapy cash ins at the expense of loyal fans… grrrr
hehe, yeah I had the same reaction. That was a huge letdown, if you look closely you can even see that saxophone dude too, though he’s been uhmm … super-sized. Don’t think there was really a single thing positive about this re-hash, at least which I can remember.
If it’s a good vamp flick ya want, check out “Let The Right One In” or “Låt den rätte komma in” in its native tongue. It’s not an action flick though, so hopefully you dig slower, deliberately paced films. Much occurs off-screen, and open to viewer interpretation, which for me at least was a good thing -sticking in my skull after it was finished. Anyhoo, give it a looky, just don’t let the trailers trick you into thinking it’s Blade with 12 year old leads. And don’t read up on it beforehand either
Oh yes the Sax player is showed at the beginning. I remember now. Hahaha…. he was rather… large.
‘Let the right one in’ is suspposed to be amazing. I think I will add it to my list