Anyone else
lol, was minus 4 at 1am here…
No, not really.
Mines are double packsThat’s the advantace beeing a woman ;D
It’s actually pretty hot over here, we’re peaking at -3C. Tomorrow’s -10C and then wednesday we get -13C. So I’d say not too bad.
-2 here and cry an inch or so of snow, i bloody hate the stuff and worst part i have to go to work in it.
Its amusing from my POV.
The UK has come to stand still over a tiny bit of snow. Yet countries round the world deal with it daily.
I woke this morning to news reports of Trains being cancelled, roads closed, planes grounded, ferries stuck in port etc…
The UK has come to stand still over a tiny bit of snow. Yet countries round the world deal with it daily.
And i’m here freezing my butt off, and the central heating is on full whack throughout the house
Its becuase ALL the heat is over my house……
I havent had the fans of in 2 weeks… for fear of melting my precious new PC… and me
i’d trade with u all in a xaranian heartbeat trust me…
It’s quite warm winter here… We didn’t even go under -15 this time ;D
We’ve got a few feet of snow here and it’s just business as usual ;D
Bus ride to work was fun, everytime brakes were applied the front end of the double decker skidded out of control and nudged the curb lol
What? 15cm? That’s a little.
15cm? Lol… its was alot less than that in some places… but still whole towns came to a stand still.
lol 15 cm theres 3 feet of snow on the ground in upstate NY But it hasnt gotten below + 10 F – but you have to understand the Brits ( london ) never get snow and have no equipment to handle it – i used to go over around christmas every year and would never use the winter coat i would wear to the plane and then leave in the place i was staying