System Crashes
That’s what long hours of looking through random crap does to a person
;D ;D Yeah look at me … I was “normal” before i started ;D ;D
Too funny…
**Without knowing what system you are crashing in, how the crash is happening, if in a system then your system script to look at, it’s going to be impossible to even have a clue as to what’s causing your crash….
Please post how the crash is happening and where…**
Its the server that crashes. After many hours ive narrowed it down to an encounter zone, the zone however has 8 encounters in it.
The one i believe is causing the crash is this one
[EncounterFormation] ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_battleships pilot_job = assault_leader_job make_class = wanderer ship_by_class = 6, 6, sc_gunboats pilot_job = assault_job make_class = wanderer formation_by_class = cruisers behavior = wander arrival = cruise allow_simultaneous_creation = no zone_creation_distance = 0 times_to_create = infinite [Creation] permutation = 0, 3
As you can see there is supposed to be 6 gunboats appear with the battleship, however the BS appears but the gunboats do not. We have no idea why as this has always worked before and nothing has been changed about it.
Also here is the zone i believe is causing the trouble
[Zone] nickname = Zone_No02_pop_ambient_07 pos = -24101, 0, 40673 rotate = 0, -19, 0 shape = ELLIPSOID size = 24132, 10558, 10558 comment = Pop Hen Sai sort = 51 toughness = 19 density = 12 repop_time = 15 max_battle_size = 25 pop_type = fc_rob_grp, single_base_law, jumpgate relief_time = 35 population_additive = false faction_weight = fc_rob_grp, 4 faction_weight = fc_n2_grp, 9 faction_weight = fc_merc_grp, 7 encounter = capitalships_nomads, 19, 0.050000 faction = fc_n2_grp, 0.100000 encounter = area_scout_custom, 19, 0.150000 faction = fc_rob_grp, 0.500000 faction = fc_merc_grp, 0.500000 encounter = area_nomads, 19, 0.150000 faction = fc_n2_grp, 1.000000 encounter = nomad_cap_raid, 19, 0.100000 faction = fc_n2_grp, 0.200000 encounter = area_nomads_elite, 19, 0.150000 faction = fc_n2_grp, 1.000000 encounter = area_nomads_elite2, 19, 0.100000 faction = fc_n2_grp, 1.000000 encounter = area_defend_custom2, 19, 0.050000 faction = fc_merc_grp, 1.000000 encounter = cruisers_custom, 19, 0.050000 faction = fc_merc_grp, 1.000000 encounter = area_cap_raid, 19, 0.0500000 faction = fc_merc_grp, 0.600000 faction = fc_rob_grp, 0.400000
While im at it another thing that it would be good for FLEC to check is bodypart errors.
Thanks for the suggestion Fox ill have a look into that, the crash occurs between 2mins and 1hr 5 mins, so its taking a while to test them all.
Found the crash issue its to do with this encounter
[EncounterFormation] ship_by_class = 1, 1, bombers pilot_job = cap_raider_job make_class = wanderer ship_by_class = 2, 2, sc_fighters pilot_job = defend_leader_job make_class = wanderer formation_by_class = fighters behavior = wander arrival = all allow_simultaneous_creation = no zone_creation_distance = 0 times_to_create = infinite [Creation] permutation = 0, 3
Dont know whats up with it but at least i found it.
ps. sorry for well hijacking your thread LS
pps if an Admin can seperate the posts related to this crash issue it would be much appreciated
Splittified as per Dragnite’s request
(Ya, I just invented that word)
How is your code setup in shipclasses.ini?
ship_by_class = 1, 1, bombers ```?
[ShipClass] nickname = BOMBERS member = bomber member = heavy_bomber