Accessibility and Disability
I was asked a serious question about a Joystick for the reason of Accessibility and Disability issues
and as the parent of a disabled child i feel a certain onus to try and help
I did a precursory search of the threads of TLR for this and came up with these two quotes" The reason being is the guns rotate on their mounts. Therefore it would greatly limit you in being able to proficiently target your enemies. "
" There is a Mod/plug as it were, if you can find it, that Bargib came up with that let you use a joystick. Not sure who would have it these days "
question is the first true – i was always given to understand that the mouse interface is hard coded and that was one of the reasons that people wanted the Source code
and of course the second question is that if there were such a Mod then i would like to pass it along to help this individual possibly climb into the multiplayer area and to generally better their FL experience –
I am always available if you were to drop me a pm or answer me on this thread –
my regards and Thank You in advance
( possibly also for your patience with my more sillier threads ) -
dont know much about the FL workaround mods for this problem but i do know that
i can use my Saitek (cyborg evo) in FL after some heavy config in the joysticks “emulator” program…
not the finest of solutions… and takes alot of trial and error… but i have got it working somewhat like Freespace/X2
just not with the extra targeting that the mouse provides (hat control too jerky)…roll works though… and adds a new element to flight that mouse don’t (as i said… like FS/X2)
so my point here is… if my budget Saitek can do it with a simple little control program… id say just about
any decent joystick (or similar) will have a “way” to do it… just depends how tenacious you are hehe… ;Doh and this is no silly thread ed… in fact i feel strongly myself that FL should have JS support of some kind… pretty
shure were not alone here… -
I do believe joystick support was never included because of the hassle of balancing mouse and keyboard. As it is now, I don’t think anyone with a joystick would be able to beat an even average player using a mouse. Just look at the consoles: the only game which tried matching mouse-based FPS with controller-based FPS, Shadowrun, hopelessly failed and was mostly dominated by PC users. The mouse is just too precise when compared to any other interface.
You can try to get a joystick to work, but only for giggles. You’d never be potent with that. If so you wish, try looking for joystick mouse emulators or joystick key mappers, as that’s as close as you’ll get from having true joystick support.
Hmm, they just didn’t do it right, lol. Want me to prove it? Check out a few of our videos.
Lot’s of them here:
The ones for Descent3, 6 degrees of freedom (more than Freelancer!) are the last two. The best is here:
These videos don’t demonstrate our best levels or fighters, fraps makes it pretty hard to be accurate when filming due to the lag. Dedicated mousers in D3 are few and far between, pressing 3 or 4 keyboard buttons at once to move in 6 degrees requires a special keyboard and years of practice. Joysticks are the way 99% of us have played.
The forward speeds aren’t as fast, so we have true in-your-face dogfights rather than jousting passes. If anyone wants to try this out, post on our boards, get D3, a joystick and a seatbelt!
edit, I’m the one making the ‘porkchop’ crack, hehe. Wow, I haven’t watched that video in5 years.
Has anyone besides me ever laffed themselves to tears after someone tried to fly a real flight simulator such as Falcon 4.0 in high definition mode with a mouse. ;D
Sorry, He insisted he could do it even tho I warned him loudly not to try it without the stick and peddles, Looked shaky but passable until the bullets started to fly. then it got real ugly fast. Muhahahaha
These control systems address the axis’s in an different manner, yes the mouse has more precision for a FPS shooter game. But what is Freelancer?
Likely in Freelancer the Stick would spank the Mouse…
The only reason we are locked to the Mouse in Freelancer is Microsoft,
MrEd I’d buy you all the rounds, I’m the guy looking for a mod or joystick work around,many games such as decent 2 an 3’ even mechwarrior use a joy stick, when it comes to a toss up between mouse and joystick i’ll take the joystick,we have a collection of worn out joysticks, that we keep on the shelf,as my right arm and hand doen’t work very well,i can use a joystick at least i’ll be able to play the game,and i recieaved a new ten button joy stick for christmass,last year from another ole gamer ,his thinking that at least i could still play,who knows maybe i’ll start a new clan of (ol dogfighters). Joy sticks when configered prop. are as fast as a mouse and just as accurate,as for the weapons they could just work them through the pov ,and buttons.and turrents in rear view autotrac were ever your looking anyway. u see there are a lot of gamers that are phyically Challenge, that are smart and intuivtive, that could give alot of other gamers a run for there money if they could be able to play i personaly thank any one that can help with this project, to help other gamers ;D
Thank You
Yellow Eagle
(Just and old Gamer) -
LOL Ty Yellow Eagle and Back at you bro
and a Big Thank you to all who answered this request
I was just trying to help a fellow pilot in need -
You might wish to explore this bit of Freeware ( I see there is notes posted about Donations
) a similar free program or one of the paid products that provide this ability.
Good luck no matter what you find, sadly native built in support would be the only one that would have been better than the mouse… But this will get you in the game.
Thank you Iv’e downloaded it and will try it out . you all deserve a standing novation,may your flight to the stars be a smooth one ;D