UnderVerse speech teaser
Brilliant, fellas! That’s awesome!!
Nice one, love that ;D
Every time i ask Dwn … Hey When is the UnderVerse Gonna Be Ready for the Public ?
He Has Always Said Two Weeks… Like a Bad Contractor thats Says two weeks and then takes 3 months to get the Job Done…
Well i asked him the other Night since we started the 5th Player Beta and he Said less than two weeks … ;D
So it cant be long Now … ;D Â Im so ready to Play this thing.
lol Soup.
So you guys actually replaced 3,160 sounds or put in that many? (quoted from your sound tut)
Every file in two pilots, the mission commission and one docking character are new. There are a few overwrites, maybe 30%. These are the standard phrases (all changed to new phrases). The bulk of the work is additions for our new systems, factions, commodities and bases.
edit, ok, you made me go and look…and cringe, lol!
files overwritten: 1851
current file count: 3858So, we replaced all the old and added that many again.
Poor Soupman is accusing me of giving him arthritis for his part.
Not surprised, that was a massive project all by itself. At least you two split the work between each other. Hehe, maybe I might even ask for some voices to place with in my game
later on
The Feeling is slowly returning to my fingers… ::)
next Dwn will have me Making The Bartender Chars, Trents new voice , The Bar Mission Folks… a Few more pilots and another Docking Char, lol
But not for the First Public Release … were gonna Play awhile once we get this out the door…