FL Promotion Thread
copy and paste the code at different community forums to get some people back or to buy the game Freelancer. Please always post here at which communities your wrote such an article so we can keep track of it.
Posted at following Communities:
- Aim To Kill
- Xfire
- 4Chan
- 3D Games (spanish)
Code for Copy and Paste:
[b]Title: You like space-simulations? Ever tried out "Freelancer"? And for old gamers reasons for grabbing out the game again !![/b] You like Space-simulations like Freespace, Elite, Darkstar One, SpaceForce? Then you will love Freelancer! Explore the open and giant universe, pirate other players, police and traders, follow the storyline, fight against NPCs and in massive PvP-Fights in Multiplayer, trade goods for your wealthiness and experience the dynamic reputation system with over 30 (?) Factions ! Greed, morality, compassion, anger... whatever motivates you, the dynamic universe will respond. Take the first step. The universe is waiting. In Freelancer you decide by your own. Do you want to be the hero of the police? Or do you want to chill out and relax while you are trading? Or do you want the bad boy who attacks the navy, police & trader organisations? It is your choice !! Screenshots: [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_005.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_010.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ch_004.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_006.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/cwevent3ub4.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/screen21.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/screen15.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/5y2u-6wy7u.jpg[/img][/url] Hungry yet? DOWNLOAD THE TRIAL VERSION FOR FREE NOW !! [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/home/trial.gif[/img][/url] [b][u] Reasons to grab out the game again ! [/u][/b] As time passed, many new tools and mods got developed which opened a bunch of new possibilities in Freelancer. [b][u]Autobuy, Credittransfer & more[/u][/b] Through the in 2006 introduced server tool called FLHook many server-side features got added, for example: - Ammo-rebuy everytime you spawn or dock at a base, - Credit transfers through whole sirius - ... [b][u]Player cloaking and undocking from player-controlled battleships![/u][/b] Through FLHook it is now possible to cloak with some specify ships (depending on the modification) and to undock from player-controlled battleships!! [b][u]Webinterfaces ![/u][/b] It is possible to connect your ingame characters to forums account and webinterfaces, here is the FlSES-Webinterface (Browser-Interface) as an example: (Sry, screenshots are in german but the Webinterface is bilingual) [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses1gq4vtwxc.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses25yxqmpep.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses6gx9zuwq7.jpg[/img][/url] The webinterface features: - Connect your chars to the webinterface - Mark your characters as clancharacters - Bank and transfer credits - clan leaders can write news for their members - deposit your weapons to the save place (virtual equipment depots) [b][u]Breakthrough of the 128 max. players limit !![/u] Meanwhile we managed to passed through the max. player limit of Freelancer, for instance, the discovery server is running with (205+) players in peak times. [b][u]Modifications !!![/u][/b] Not only servertools and webinterfaces got released but of course also mods. Here are some special mods to show you what awesome work has been done. [b][u][url]Freeworlds: Tides Of War[/url][/u][/b] (Star Wars Total Conversion Mod) Freeworlds: Tides of War is a Total Conversion Mod What does that mean? Gone are all the original Freelancer stuff. Every ship, every base, every system is completely customized. Join pilots from around the world! Whether you are from the USA, Europe or Down Under, FW:ToW has an international cast of characters for you to meet. X-Wings, TIE fighters, YT-1300 freighters, Star Destroyers! All these ships and more. Take your pick from the ships made famous in the Star Wars saga to fly! [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/screen73.png[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/C5.JPG[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.moddb.com/mods/freeworlds-182/images/new-laserturbo-laser-fx#imagebox[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/tie_fighter_cockpit.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/Sushi-01.JPG[/img][/url] [b][u][url]88 FLAK[/url][/u][/b] 88 Flak is a fast-paced combat mod with Unreal Tournament 2004 style speed and Team Fortress inspired balancing. It aims to bring quick and brutal arena-like combat to Freelancer, revolved around years of refined class balancing. In addition, it aims to expand the gameplay experience with numerous new features - including docking on player Battleships (use teammates as mobile bases), ability to hire AI wingmen, dynamic AI routines (88 Flak's AI is hailed to be the best in Freelancer), advanced graphics/audio, and more. 88 Flak also totes features such as purchasable stations (private bases that shoot at hostile NPCs (and players)), full customizability via a Freelancer Mods Manager script with configurable client-side and server-side options, "bot" squads for players who don't have many friends to fly with, and other stuff. [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Gameplay/th_GameplayScreen97.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen98.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen79.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen58.jpg[/img][/url] [url]Video Files here[/url] [b][u][url]Battlestar Galactica: Dawn Of War[/url][/u][/b] Featuring the whole range of Colonial and Cylon ships, stations, systems, factions and technology, including FTL jumps. 24/7 free multiplayer server offering endless opportunities of space combat, trading and deep space exploration in search of Earth. [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/centurionguard1.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/pegasusrescue1.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/raptorsdecoys2.jpg[/img][/url] [url]Video movie here ! [/url] [b][u][url]Plasmafire[/url][/u][/b] FL's graphics are however very nice, they can't be claimed as the best nowadays. I made these screenshots to show how will FL look with drastic graphics and DX9 features. Sit back and be amazed! [url][img]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/2291/screen110to5.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2390/screen98sr9.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/9796/screen97cc2.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1981/screen111vn1.th.jpg[/img][/url] [b]More modifications can be found at [url]MOD DB[/url][/b] You don't have the game aynmore or you want to buy it? It is aviable for less than 10 $/10 € ! [url]Check out Xplosiv (£ 9.99)[/url] [url]Check out Amazon ($)[/url] [url]Check out Amazon (€, Germany)[/url] Also visit this page if you want to start into the Multiplayer: http://www.freelancerpatch.com Community Links: http://www.the-starport.net (International Community site which much stuff at it) http://www.eoa.seriouszone.com (Tools & Mods) http://www.freelancercommunity.net (International Community) http://www.station-network.de (German Community) http://www.swat-portal.de (German & International Community) http://stats.freelancerserver.de/ (Server statistics) http://www.freelancerserver.de/topservers.htm (Server statistics) http://www.cryosphere.f2s.com/Freelancer/server-activity.php (Server statistics/Top Servers) http:///www.fllistserver.com (Alternative Masterserver project) http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer (Official Site) Code for C & P, without images (some forums have disabled pictures, so use this there instead): [code][b]Title: You like space-simulations? Ever tried out "Freelancer"? And for old gamers reasons for grabbing out the game again !![/b] You like Space-simulations like Freespace, Elite, Darkstar One, SpaceForce? Then you will love Freelancer! Explore the open and giant universe, pirate other players, police and traders, follow the storyline, fight against NPCs and in massive PvP-Fights in Multiplayer, trade goods for your wealthiness and experience the dynamic reputation system with over 30 (?) Factions ! Greed, morality, compassion, anger... whatever motivates you, the dynamic universe will respond. Take the first step. The universe is waiting. In Freelancer you decide by your own. Do you want to be the hero of the police? Or do you want to chill out and relax while you are trading? Or do you want the bad boy who attacks the navy, police & trader organisations? It is your choice !! Screenshots: http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/ss.aspx?ss=fl_ss_ss_005 http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/ss.aspx?ss=fl_ss_ss_010 http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/ss.aspx?ss=fl_ss_ch_004 http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/ss.aspx?ss=fl_ss_ss_006 http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/original/cwevent3ub4.jpg http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/original/screen21.jpg http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/original/screen15.jpg http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=5y2u-6wy7u.jpg Hungry yet? DOWNLOAD THE TRIAL VERSION FOR FREE NOW !! http://www.freelancer-reborn.de/freelancer_demo.exe [b][u] [size]Reasons to grab out the game again ![/size][/u] [/b] As time passed, many new tools and mods got developed which opened a bunch of new possibilities in Freelancer. [b][u]Autobuy, Credittransfer & more[/u][/b] Through the in 2006 introduced server tool called FLHook many server-side features got added, for example: - Ammo-rebuy everytime you spawn or dock at a base, - Credit transfers through whole sirius - ... [b][u]Player cloaking and undocking from player-controlled battleships![/u][/b] Through FLHook it is now possible to cloak with some specify ships (depending on the modification) and to undock from player-controlled battleships!! [b][u]Webinterfaces ![/u][/b] It is possible to connect your ingame characters to forums account and webinterfaces, here is the FlSES-Webinterface (Browser-Interface) as an example: (Sry, screenshots are in german but the Webinterface is bilingual) http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=flses1gq4vtwxc.jpg http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=flses25yxqmpep.jpg http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=flses6gx9zuwq7.jpg The webinterface features: - Connect your chars to the webinterface - Mark your characters as clancharacters - Bank and transfer credits - clan leaders can write news for their members - deposit your weapons to the save place (virtual equipment depots) [b][u]Breakthrough of the 128 max. players limit !![/u] Meanwhile we managed to passed through the max. player limit of Freelancer, for instance, the discovery server is running with (205+) players in peak times. [b][u]Modifications !!![/u][/b] Not only servertools and webinterfaces got released but of course also mods. Here are some special mods to show you what awesome work has been done. [b][u][url]Freeworlds: Tides Of War[/url][/u][/b] (Star Wars Total Conversion Mod) Freeworlds: Tides of War is a Total Conversion Mod What does that mean? Gone are all the original Freelancer stuff. Every ship, every base, every system is completely customized. Join pilots from around the world! Whether you are from the USA, Europe or Down Under, FW:ToW has an international cast of characters for you to meet. X-Wings, TIE fighters, YT-1300 freighters, Star Destroyers! All these ships and more. Take your pick from the ships made famous in the Star Wars saga to fly! http://www.moddb.com/mods/freeworlds-182/images/new-70000-poly-c90-corvette-model#imagebox http://www.moddb.com/mods/freeworlds-182/images/freeworlds-20-development-shots113#imagebox http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/screen1.1.jpg http://www.moddb.com/mods/freeworlds-182/images/fw-tow-cockpits3#imagebox http://www.moddb.com/mods/freeworlds-182/images/1831-screens-with-freelancers-nebula-background8#imagebox [b][u][url]88 FLAK[/url][/u][/b] 88 Flak is a fast-paced combat mod with Unreal Tournament 2004 style speed and Team Fortress inspired balancing. It aims to bring quick and brutal arena-like combat to Freelancer, revolved around years of refined class balancing. In addition, it aims to expand the gameplay experience with numerous new features - including docking on player Battleships (use teammates as mobile bases), ability to hire AI wingmen, dynamic AI routines (88 Flak's AI is hailed to be the best in Freelancer), advanced graphics/audio, and more. 88 Flak also totes features such as purchasable stations (private bases that shoot at hostile NPCs (and players)), full customizability via a Freelancer Mods Manager script with configurable client-side and server-side options, "bot" squads for players who don't have many friends to fly with, and other stuff. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Gameplay/GameplayScreen97.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/MiscScreen98.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/MiscScreen79.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/MiscScreen58.jpg Video Files here: http://www.memes.no/88flak/downloads/videos/FLV%20Videos.php [b][u][url]Battlestar Galactica: Dawn Of War[/url][/u][/b] Featuring the whole range of Colonial and Cylon ships, stations, systems, factions and technology, including FTL jumps. 24/7 free multiplayer server offering endless opportunities of space combat, trading and deep space exploration in search of Earth. http://www.moddb.com/mods/bsg-galactica-dawn-of-war/images/in-game-screenshots4#imagebox http://www.moddb.com/mods/bsg-galactica-dawn-of-war/images/in-game-screenshots6#imagebox http://www.moddb.com/mods/bsg-galactica-dawn-of-war/images/in-game-screenshots5#imagebox [url]Video movie here ! [/url] [b][u][url]Plasmafire[/url][/u][/b] FL's graphics are however very nice, they can't be claimed as the best nowadays. I made these screenshots to show how will FL look with drastic graphics and DX9 features. Sit back and be amazed! http://img53.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen110to5.jpg http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen98sr9.jpg http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen97cc2.jpg http://img213.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screen111vn1.jpg [b]More modifications can be found at [url]MOD DB[/url][/b] You don't have the game aynmore or you want to buy it? It is aviable for less than 10 $/10 € ! [url]Check out Xplosiv (£ 9.99)[/url] [url]Check out Amazon ($)[/url] [url]Check out Amazon (€, Germany)[/url] Also visit this page if you want to start into the Multiplayer: http://www.freelancerpatch.com Community Links: http://www.the-starport.net (International Community site which much stuff at it) http://www.eoa.seriouszone.com (Tools & Mods) http://www.freelancercommunity.net (International Community) http://www.station-network.de (German Community) http://www.swat-portal.de (German & International Community) http://stats.freelancerserver.de/ (Server statistics) http://www.freelancerserver.de/topservers.htm (Server statistics) http://www.cryosphere.f2s.com/Freelancer/server-activity.php (Server statistics/Top Servers) http:///www.fllistserver.com (Alternative Masterserver project) http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer (Official Site) Spanish version: [code][b]Titulo: Te gustan los simuladores espaciales? Probaste alguna vez el Freelancer? He aquí algunas razones para probarlo nuevamente[/b] Si te gustan los simuladores como Freespace, Elite, Darkstar One o SpaceForce, ¡entonces Freelancer te encantará! [list] [*]Explora un basto universo abierto. [*]Conviertete en un pirata, policía, comerciante, mercenario, revolucionario, terrorista o sigue el rol que mas te guste. [*]Lucha contra los NPCs o en masivos eventos de PvP entre diversos jugadores. [*]Vuelvete rico comerciando con bienes de todo tipo a lo largo y a lo ancho del sector Sirio! [*]Experimenta un universo amplio y dinamico, con un sistema de reputactiones que cambia según lo que hagas con tu personaje. [*]Avaricia, moralidad, compasión, ira... no importa lo que te motive, el dinámico universo cambiará segun ello. [/list]Da el primer paso. ¡El universo de Freelancer espera tu debút! En Freelancer, tu tomas las decisiones. ¿Que camino deseas seguir? Puedes ser el heroe de la policia que lucha contra el crimen, o volverte el máximo capo criminal. Tambien puedes convertirte en un comerciante, o un explorador. Unirte a la armada de alguna de las facciones, o volverte un mercenario, que lucha para el que mas le pague. Lo que sea, es TU decisión. Imagenes: [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_005.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_010.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ch_004.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_006.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/cwevent3ub4.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/screen21.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/screen15.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/5y2u-6wy7u.jpg[/img][/url] No dejes que el deseo de jugar Freelancer te carcoma. DESCARGA LA VERSION DEMO, Y DALE UNA PROBADITA! [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/home/trial.gif[/img][/url] [b][u] [size]Razones para volver a jugar![/size] [/u][/b] A medida que la comunidad de Freelancer progresó, se desarrollaron una gran gama de herramientas para modificar el juego original. Estas abrieron nuevas posibilidades, y permitieron realizar una gran cantidad de cosas que antes se creían imposibles o muy difíciles de lograr. [b][u]Compra automática, transferencia de créditos & mas[/u][/b] En el año 2006, una nueva y maravillosa herramienta fue introducida. El FLhook. Esta permite hacer muchas cosas que antes eran impracticables, como ser: - Recarga de munición automatica al aterrizar o respawnear en una base, - Transferencia automática de crédito a cualquier lugar del Universo, - Mensajes de chat offline - Listas de mensajes automaticos, configurable por el jugador. - Cuentas bancarias globales para toda una facción. [b][u]Aterrizaje en naves de batalla controladas por otros jugadores, y dispositivos de invisibilidad![/u][/b] Gracias a FLhook ahora es posible hacerse invisible con ciertas naves especificas (esto depende de la implementacion en cada MOD). Además, es posible aterrizar en las bahías de aterrizaje de las naves mas grandes. Como las naves de batalla y carriers controladas por los jugadores! Imaginate: una nave controlada por un jugador desplegando cazas y bombarderos en medio de la lucha, al mejor estilo Babilonia 5! [b][u]Interfases web ![/u][/b] Ahora es posible vincular a tus personajes a tu usuario del foro o sitio web por medio de interfases web. Por ejemplo, usando la webface FISES: (A pesar de que las capturas de pantalla están en Aleman, la interfase soporta varios idiomas) [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses1gq4vtwxc.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses25yxqmpep.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses6gx9zuwq7.jpg[/img][/url] Caracteristicas: - Vincula tus personajes a traves de la misma - Marca tus personajes como miembros de un clan - Transfiere creditos del juego - Los lideres de un clan pueden publicar noticias para que todos los miembros las vean - Has uso de los depositos virtuales de armas. Un lugar seguro para dejar todo ese equipamento que no usas. [b][u]Hemos logrado superar el limite de 128 jugadores por servidor !![/u] Gracias a un parche escrito por W0dk4, hemos logrado superar el limite de 128 jugadores por servidor. El servidor oficial del mod de Discovery está actualmente funcionando día a día con picos de 200 jugadores conectados a la vez! [img]http://lordkorrd.dynalias.org/docs/dgc/getgraph_singlesrv.jpg[/img] (El gráfico dinámico puede ser visto, [url]aquí[/url]. [b][u]Mods !!![/u][/b] No solamente han sido desarrolladas nuevas herramientas e interfaces. También han surgido muchos mods para el juego. He aquí una pequeña muestra de los mods que hoy en día se encuentran disponibles para Freelancer. Hecha un vistazo al impresionante trabajo realizado en ellos: [b][u][url]Freeworlds: Tides Of War[/url][/u][/b] (Mod temático de "La Guerra de las Galaxias") Freeworlds: Tides of War es lo que se llama "un mod de conversión total" Esto que significa? Que todo el contenido original de Freelancer es eliminado, y el motor del juego utilizado para crear casi un nuevo juego. Cada nave, cada base, casa sistema planetario es completamente personalizado. Juega con pilotos de todo el mundo! No importa que seas de EEUU, Europa, America Latina, Asia, u Oceanía, la comunidad de FW:ToW está compuesta por gente de todas partes del mundo para conocer! X-Wings, TIE fighters, Cargueros YT-1300, Star Destroyers! Todas estas naves y mas. Elije para jugar la que mas te guste de entre todas las naves famosas de La Guerra de las Galaxias! [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/screen73.png[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/C5.JPG[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.moddb.com/mods/freeworlds-182/images/new-laserturbo-laser-fx#imagebox[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/tie_fighter_cockpit.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/Sushi-01.JPG[/img][/url] [b][u][url]88 FLAK[/url][/u][/b] 88 Flak es un mod de combate rapido y dinamico, al mejor estilo Unreal Tournament 2004 y cuyo balance está inspirado en el Team Fortress. Su objetivo es el traer el combate rapido y brutal al mejor estilo arena al Freelancer. Es el fruto de muchos años invertidos en su desarrollo, balance y refinamiento. Además, fue pensado para ampliar la experiencia de juego con una gran cantidad de nuevas características - incluida la posibilidad de acoplarse con naves de batalla de otros jugadores, (usándolas como fortalezas móviles) y la habilidad de contratar escoltas formadas por NPCs, entre otras. ademas, la IA de los NPC ha sido mejorada (De hecho, la IA de 88 Flak ha sido aclamada como la mejor en todo el universo de Freelancer). Los gráficos también han sido mejorados, al igual que la música y los efectos de sonido del juego, entre otras cosas... 88 Flak tambien tiene caracteristicas especiales, como se la posibilidad de comprar estaciones espaciales (bases privadas que abren fuego contra NPC y jugadores hostiles al clan), la posibilidad de personalizar el mod por completo por medio de un script del Freelancer Mod Manager (FLMM) con opciones tanto del lado del Cliente como del Servidor, y escuadrones de bots para los jugadores que no tienen compañeros de equipo con los cuales jugar, etc. [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Gameplay/th_GameplayScreen97.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen98.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen79.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen58.jpg[/img][/url] [url]Video Files here[/url] [b][u][url]Battlestar Galactica: Dawn Of War[/url][/u][/b] Este mod está caracterizado por poseer todas las naves, estaciones, sistemas planetarios facciones y tecnología de la aclamada serie Battlestar Galactica (Incluídos los saltos a velocidad FTL) El servidor multijugador corre las 24 horas, los 365 días del año, y ofrece una gran cantidad de oportunidades de combate espacial, comercio, y exploración del espacio profundo en busca de la Tierra. [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/centurionguard1.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/pegasusrescue1.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/raptorsdecoys2.jpg[/img][/url] [url]Video movie here ! [/url] [b][u][url]Plasmafire[/url][/u][/b] A pesar de que los gráficos del Freelancer son bastante bonitos, ya no son tam buenos comparados con los juegos mas nuevos de hoy en día. A pesar de ello, muchas mejoras han sido logradas para mejorarlos, como la inclusión de efectos DX9 mas modernos! He aquí algunos ejemplos: [url][img]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/2291/screen110to5.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2390/screen98sr9.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/9796/screen97cc2.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1981/screen111vn1.th.jpg[/img][/url] [b]Estos y muchos mods mas, pueden ser encontrados en [url]MOD DB[/url][/b] Si no tienes el juego, o buscas el poder comprarlo nuevamente, este está disponible por menos de 10 U$D / € ! [url]Puedes encontrarlo aquí mismo, en Xplosiv (£ 9.99)[/url] [url]O en Amazon ($)[/url] Si deseas conocer el maravilloso universo multiplayer de Freelancer, visita ésta pagina para descargar el parche para ver los servidores MP: http://www.freelancerpatch.com Enlaces de la comunidad Freelancer: http://www.the-starport.net (Hub mundial que nuclea a la mayoría de las comunidades de Freelancer) http://www.eoa.seriouszone.com (Herramientas & Mods) http://www.freelancercommunity.net (Comunidad Internacional) http://www.station-network.de (Comunidad Alemana) http://www.swat-portal.de (Comunidad Internacional) http://stats.freelancerserver.de/ (Estadísticas de los servidores) http://www.freelancerserver.de/topservers.htm (Estadísticas de los servidores) http://www.cryosphere.f2s.com/Freelancer/server-activity.php (Estadisticas/Servers Top) http://www.fllistserver.com (Proyecto para un servidor maestro alternativo) http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer (Sitio Oficial) [quote][b]Title: You like space-simulations? Ever tried out "Freelancer"? And for old gamers reasons for grabbing out the game again !![/b] You like Space-simulations like Freespace, Elite, Darkstar One, SpaceForce? Then you will love Freelancer! Explore the open and giant universe, pirate other players, police and traders, follow the storyline, fight against NPCs and in massive PvP-Fights in Multiplayer, trade goods for your wealthiness and experience the dynamic reputation system with over 30 (?) Factions ! Greed, morality, compassion, anger... whatever motivates you, the dynamic universe will respond. Take the first step. The universe is waiting. In Freelancer you decide by your own. Do you want to be the hero of the police? Or do you want to chill out and relax while you are trading? Or do you want the bad boy who attacks the navy, police & trader organisations? It is your choice !! Screenshots: [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_005.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_010.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ch_004.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/screenshots/fl_tn_ss_006.gif[/img][/url] [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/cwevent3ub4.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/screen21.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://the-starport.net/images/rsgallery/thumb/screen15.jpg.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/5y2u-6wy7u.jpg[/img][/url] Hungry yet? DOWNLOAD THE TRIAL VERSION FOR FREE NOW !! [url][img]http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer/images/home/trial.gif[/img][/url] [b][u][size]Reasons to grab out the game again ![/size][/u][/b] As time passed, many new tools and mods got developed which opened a bunch of new possibilities in Freelancer. [b][u]Autobuy, Credittransfer & more[/u][/b] Through the in 2006 introduced server tool called FLHook many server-side features got added, for example: - Ammo-rebuy everytime you spawn or dock at a base, - Credit transfers through whole sirius - ... [b][u]Player cloaking and undocking from player-controlled battleships![/u][/b] Through FLHook it is now possible to cloak with some specify ships (depending on the modification) and to undock from player-controlled battleships!! [b][u]Webinterfaces ![/u][/b] It is possible to connect your ingame characters to forums account and webinterfaces, here is the FlSES-Webinterface (Browser-Interface) as an example: (Sry, screenshots are in german but the Webinterface is bilingual) [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses1gq4vtwxc.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses25yxqmpep.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.abload.de/thumb/flses6gx9zuwq7.jpg[/img][/url] The webinterface features: - Connect your chars to the webinterface - Mark your characters as clancharacters - Bank and transfer credits - clan leaders can write news for their members - deposit your weapons to the save place (virtual equipment depots) [b][u]Breakthrough of the 128 max. players limit !![/u][/b] Meanwhile we managed to passed through the max. player limit of Freelancer, for instance, the discovery server is running with (205+) players in peak times. [b][u]Modifications !!![/u][/b] Not only servertools and webinterfaces got released but of course also mods. Here are some special mods to show you what awesome work has been done. [b][u][url]Freeworlds: Tides Of War[/url][/u][/b] (Star Wars Total Conversion Mod) Freeworlds: Tides of War is a Total Conversion Mod What does that mean? Gone are all the original Freelancer stuff. Every ship, every base, every system is completely customized. Join pilots from around the world! Whether you are from the USA, Europe or Down Under, FW:ToW has an international cast of characters for you to meet. X-Wings, TIE fighters, YT-1300 freighters, Star Destroyers! All these ships and more. Take your pick from the ships made famous in the Star Wars saga to fly! [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/screen73.png[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/C5.JPG[/img][/url] [url][img]http://www.moddb.com/mods/freeworlds-182/images/new-laserturbo-laser-fx#imagebox[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/tie_fighter_cockpit.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/11/10662/crop_120x90/Sushi-01.JPG[/img][/url] [b][u][url]88 FLAK[/url][/u][/b] 88 Flak is a fast-paced combat mod with Unreal Tournament 2004 style speed and Team Fortress inspired balancing. It aims to bring quick and brutal arena-like combat to Freelancer, revolved around years of refined class balancing. In addition, it aims to expand the gameplay experience with numerous new features - including docking on player Battleships (use teammates as mobile bases), ability to hire AI wingmen, dynamic AI routines (88 Flak's AI is hailed to be the best in Freelancer), advanced graphics/audio, and more. 88 Flak also totes features such as purchasable stations (private bases that shoot at hostile NPCs (and players)), full customizability via a Freelancer Mods Manager script with configurable client-side and server-side options, "bot" squads for players who don't have many friends to fly with, and other stuff. [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Gameplay/th_GameplayScreen97.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen98.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen79.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/foxUnit01/88Flak/Misc/th_MiscScreen58.jpg[/img][/url] [url]Video Files here[/url] [b][u][url]Battlestar Galactica: Dawn Of War[/url][/u][/b] Featuring the whole range of Colonial and Cylon ships, stations, systems, factions and technology, including FTL jumps. 24/7 free multiplayer server offering endless opportunities of space combat, trading and deep space exploration in search of Earth. [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/centurionguard1.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/pegasusrescue1.jpg[/img][/url] Â [url][img]http://media.moddb.com/cache/images/mods/1/13/12096/crop_120x90/raptorsdecoys2.jpg[/img][/url] [url]Video movie here ! [/url] [b][u][url]Plasmafire[/url][/u][/b] FL's graphics are however very nice, they can't be claimed as the best nowadays. I made these screenshots to show how will FL look with drastic graphics and DX9 features. Sit back and be amazed! [url][img]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/2291/screen110to5.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img58.imageshack.us/img58/2390/screen98sr9.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/9796/screen97cc2.th.jpg[/img][/url] [url][img]http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1981/screen111vn1.th.jpg[/img][/url] [b]More modifications can be found at [url]MOD DB[/url][/b] You don't have the game aynmore or you want to buy it? It is aviable for less than 10 $/10 € ! [url]Check out Xplosiv (£ 9.99)[/url] [url]Check out Amazon ($)[/url] [url]Check out Amazon (€, Germany)[/url] Also visit this page if you want to start into the Multiplayer: http://www.freelancerpatch.com Community Links: http://www.the-starport.net (International Community site which much stuff at it) http://www.eoa.seriouszone.com (Tools & Mods) http://www.freelancercommunity.net (International Community) http://www.station-network.de (German Community) http://www.swat-portal.de (German & International Community) http://stats.freelancerserver.de/ (Server statistics) http://www.freelancerserver.de/topservers.htm (Server statistics) http://www.cryosphere.f2s.com/Freelancer/server-activity.php (Server statistics/Top Servers) http:///www.fllistserver.com (Alternative Masterserver project) http://www.microsoft.com/games/freelancer (Official Site) [/quote] PS: Translations much appreciated !! Please also tell me any grammer and type mistakes.[/b][/code][/b][/code][/b]
Any suggestion how to solve the mod question or do I have to decide by my own? -
its a great idea my friend only problem find a place to post it.
Any where
At least where a playerbase (NOT Freelancer players) is located. For instance, gamer’s hell, xfire…. -
Just updated the post a bit, what do you say? ^^
Go ahead m8
- and don’t wait 4 negative statements.
If you should get negative feedbeck,
you still can improve the post 4 the next time.
- and don’t wait 4 negative statements.
I… um… (gulp)… agree with F!R
Ignore ALL negative statements… It looks great m8.
oh and F!R… um… peace?
Nice job, Bas. Looks great from here.
Yeah, but one thing I fear that the posting might get too long if I include more mods? (I am going to do so though, but just a thought.)
And I have to find a better title I believe ^^ -
makes me wanna buy Freelancer, but unfortunatelly i have one already, so i won’t do so
perfect Promo -
As i said before if you cant include all mods then dont include any. I see this as a very biased approach.
great job brother keep it up. ;D
As i said before if you cant include all mods then dont include any. I see this as a very biased approach.
Totally agree.
You can find everything you want to know about Itano Circus at the moddb page here. Info, screens, video.
Be sure to include this screenshot, as it is sort of the title card for IC.
Hey, at least Frank doesn’t waste any time in getting his mod info up. applaudes
No but really, while I tend to agree with statements like Dragonite’s “if you can’t fit 'em all don’t fit any”, ads like this need fine mod examples to help convey the point - so why not just submit stuff on your mod for Bas to put on there? That pretty much solves the “bias” issue; has modding competition really gotten to the point where mods can’t be advertised to the non-Freelancer public?
Also, for feedback:
Perhaps remove the specific Autobuy, credit transfers, player cloaking, player docking, and webinterfaces mentions. They take up room for things that are becoming pretty standard, and are mentioned in the mod descriptions themselves. I think people tend to care more about the end-product mod anyways, so this would free up more space to display mods without getting crowded.For the mods in the ad, I think Freeworlds is a good choice. It’s a polished project centered around a universe everyone loves, so that alone is bound to throw some interest back into Freelancer. As for Flak, to be honest I was a bit surprised to see it here, as it’s a rather radical mod, but I guess it’s good to cover the spectrum; I certainly shouldn’t complain. =P
I think a few more mods - especially familiar ones - would be good for grabbing back old players. Seeing new mods mixed with the old ones would probably give an old vet plenty of reason to at least check the community out again.
Also, for feedback:
Perhaps remove the specific Autobuy, credit transfers, player cloaking, player docking, and webinterfaces mentions. They take up room for things that are becoming pretty standard, and are mentioned in the mod descriptions themselves. I think people tend to care more about the end-product mod anyways, so this would free up more space to display mods without getting crowded.Players who were inactive for a long time simple won’t know about those features.
Don’t worry, I will add some other mods later.
No but really, while I tend to agree with statements like Dragonite’s “if you can’t fit 'em all don’t fit any”, ads like this need fine mod examples to help convey the point - so why not just submit stuff on your mod for Bas to put on there? That pretty much solves the “bias” issue; has modding competition really gotten to the point where mods can’t be advertised to the non-Freelancer public?
What exactly gives you or anybody else the right to sit there and type that one mod is better than another or one is more polished or one is a bit radical. Those are your opinions and everyone has a different opinion. MU has been around for 5 years and has seen thousands of players walk through its doors. So what gives you the right to say it doesnt belong in an ad for the game.
Its this kind of stupid mentality that got the FL Community into this situation in the first place. Too many idiots with huge egos who dont share and believe their mods are the best thing since sliced bread.
I dont claim to have the best mod around because i know damned well their are better ones but i do claim that MU is totally unbiased and if it were us making such an ad then we would either inclue all of the mods or not mention any of them.
Also if i am asked to share something or asked for help then i do it and i do it in a way where i am not putting someone down because they are trying to learn how to do something.
Im also not scared to advertise other mods within my mod and am doing so right now for the Underverse mod. Its just a shame that so many other people are incapable of doing the same thing without some petty flame war breaking out.
Thats all i have to say on the matter and if anyone doesnt like my opinion then you know where my inbox is
I just want to include quite different mods and such which will attract new and/or old players. That has no thing to do with which mods is better, I for instance also won’t add 2 SW-TC mods there, because one is enough. And I have to get a very compressed post, other wise I really would in clude (all most) every mod out there.
But I have “lack of space”.
(This is not meant offensive in any way) -
…… oh what …
… no WTS in the announcement…
… you can’t do that …
… atleast you also have to remove all other mods …[–->SARCASM OFF<—]
I think it’s obvious, that such an announcement can’t include all the Freelancer mods
I think BAS did choose 2 very nice and especially very different mods
(what doesn’t mean your mods - or WTS - are worse),
Those examples will help to show interested players, what’s possible with FL today.
And i m furthermore convinced, that it’s better to
have one or two mods in a kind of showcase, than nothing.And readin’ some of those statements above,
i m really glad he didn’t choose WTS 4 that.
So PLEASE stop bitching around and discouraging him.
Every new FL player he attracts with that,
might sooner or later try your mod, even if it isn’t named now.BAS does PR work 4 us all and we get it 4 free.
That earns respect imho - nothing else.