Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
Oh man that’s so awesome.
Hey neat. Flak’s fields are 100% dynamic fields, so I’ll see if this does anything for 'em.
If its work, please let me know, thanks.
– Moved System Editing section closer to the top, under Visibility, as the two sections have similar utility
– Added w0dk4’s offset to render asteroid fields from greater distances, under System Editing -
I was tested to increase the FL render asteroid fields distances at dynamic asteroid fields values, and here is what I got:
change 1.74f to 10f: no obvious change
change 1.74f to 100f: increase a little of visibility
change 1.74f to 2000f: increase a little of visibility same like I change its values from 1.74f to 100fSo I think this edit will only for static asteroid fields, not for dynamic asteroid fields.
i cant see any diffrence at all -_-
Found another one.
0xBB1DA Content.dll (v1.1) - 2000f - distance from the patrol zone that patrol_path encounters begin to spawn.
Note: so far tested only with patrol zones and patrol_path behaviour encounters.
This is not the distance from the end of the patrol(suprisingly), but from the patrol zone.Say, you have patrol that begins near New London and ends near Cambridge gate. So between these to points if you are closer to the patrol than 2000 m, patrol encounters will spawn.
This is not from the middle of the patrol.
Say, your patrol has size 75030000. in this case encounters will spawn 2375 - 2750 away from the patrol. If your patrol has size 130000, they will spawn 2000 away from it or closer. -
w0dk4 , a question about your video: system is huge in the video, what about ship shaking?
Any way to fix?
Hey neat. Flak’s fields are 100% dynamic fields, so I’ll see if this does anything for 'em. Either way, with static fields, I always thought it was strange that you didn’t start seeing actual asteroids until you pretty much entered the field - the 2D billboard rings look fine from a distance, but they’re damned ugly up close.
I think this problem about the recharge_time = 2.000000 in asteroidarch.ini
w0dk4 , a question about your video: system is huge in the video, what about ship shaking?
Any way to fix?
There’s no effective fix for this. However, the shaking is only really noticeable, and disturbing to game play, if you’re in cockpit mode. When I first started to design these systems, the huge scale to me was more important than a little shaking. We also have most of our important things in system centralized with a few periphery things; this helps reduce the shaking effect by clustering players near the centre where shaking is non-existent.
Did you change the far plane of view frustum?
When changing the far plane of view frustum to any other number than 250000, the server no longer appears in the server list. Direct connecting with the -s command won’t work either.
If your systems are huge, how did you manage to get around this problem? -
I’ve never had this problem and our view distance is well over a million.
Ya, I’ve never encountered this problem, either. And our test server is currently on the server listings.
Found an offset of creating second mission waypoint and ships spawning in randommissions, but still can’t find the offset of wave ships creation distance in randommissions. Seems like it is 2500, but I’ve replaced all the 2500f in content.dll, maybe should try other variations, kinda 2.5 etc?
any ideas?
11CBCC 6000f content.dll v1.1 - distance from 1st mission waypoint that second waypoint and ships at it in randommissions are created.
Finally. F17D9 2625f content.dll v1.1 - wave ships creation distance in randommissions.
Off to test for drawbacks.
nice find
Here’s a nice one for those who take videos.
0x0F85->0x90E9 in freelancer.exe, 0xED5B9 = remove HUD elements on objects in space - includes text, brackets, targeting reticles, and missile warnings
Here’s a nice one for those who take videos.
0x0F85->0x90E9 in freelancer.exe, 0xED5B9 = remove HUD elements on objects in space - includes text, brackets, targeting reticles, and missile warnings
11C2C8 3500f content.dll v1.1 - retreat distance from randommission waypoint.
11CAB4 250f content.dll v1.1 - addition to the above. It is + distance for retreat and -distanvce for back in range. So in vanilla you retreat at 3750 and you are back in range within 3250 away from randommission waypoint.Replacing this 250f with 10000f renders these distances 13500 and 6500 accordingly …3500 - 10000 = 6500 …hmmm, negative numbers??
By the way, guys, any way to make npcs use missiles in missions and countermeasures?
For now the only way seems rename misssiles to cruise disruptors(like fox did with CMs).
11C2CC 2000f content.dll v1.1 - distance from you to randommisions hostile npcs that they will engage into battle, out of this range their behaviour will be rather weired(flying circles etc.) or they will just sit there ignoring fire.
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