Hi! - Possibly new player soon -
Hello there, name’s Xeathos , and am yet to play Freelancer!
I discovered from a post. I said that I was looking for a Sci-Fi space faring game similar to Eve Online / X3 that I would be able to play COOP via network or something like that with my dad. This was suggested… So, here I amUhh… yeah… What is this game about! I read the description on the website, but it really didn’t answer any of my questions… Sorry if this is the biggest n00b post any of you have seen in a long time. But … yeah
What can you do in freelancer ?
What cant* you doo ?
And what does a LAN / Multilayer environment limit ?
I am hoping for the ability to be able to have both of us start from, scratch, then together work our way up. I.E. Eve Online / X 3.
Replies would be appreciated!
Oh, Almost forgot.
Name: Xeathos. Yes I already said that…
I’ve been gaming for years, started on the good ole N64. At least that I can remember clearly
First game that I ever owned was some sort of Star wars game… And it was a hard bugger… ( Games back then were soo much harder ! )
Moved onto Quake / Hexen, learned to read play Zelda , etc etc… Got a computer, joined into the RTS games with A.O.E. 2
then discovered FPS’'s and have just played some of everything since then.So, that’s a bit of me… Sorry if this post makes no sense! It’s 1;30 am and I’m trying to get this down now while I can remember it!
Thanks all! And hello Star port!
Xeathos out/
What you can do?
Freelancer is a mix between Shooter and RPG.
That means you can go where you want to and do what you want to (but read the Serverrules) but if you fight its looks more like an FPS-Shooter.
The Story of Freelancer… I think its the best to play the Storyline to get an answer to this question. (The Story is great!)And of course there are many possebilities to extrude the game with mods.
What you cant do?
You can, but you shouldend, break the Serverrules.
A lot of Modding Stuff is not possible/not discovered yet.
But at least Freelancers full name is “Freelancer - a Universe of possibility”And what does a LAN / Multilayer environment limit?
The Multiplayer is completly different to Singleplayer. On much Servers are RPG Structures (as Event, Clans or Serverrule) mostly mixed with PvP structures.
An overview about all Servers you can find at http://stats.freelancerserver.de/I hope I understand all questiosn correctly and my english is understandable
mfg Syd
Welcome to the Starport first off
Freelancer is a total space sim you can do missons for credits ,trade in commoditys fully upgrade ships weapons shields
Online play is very good but most forums need you to register and follow server rules
Freelancer can be modded also take a while look around you will soon see
There are a very lot of mods around based on sci fi shows and there equipment ,ships ,trade .
There is a community bar at the top of the forums with different links to forums/server /owners so on .In my own opinion its best to play the freelancer game in single player first to get a good feel of the game,then you may want to join a server that runs a mod to increase your gameplay.
Welcome to the Freelancer community if you decide to join in online play players will help you out were ever you decide to play
as above post read server rules and enjoy yourself .
Flint Marko
All servers will only work with one mod of their choosing, which will be explicitly shown and available for download (many servers have their own mods). You cannot take any mod you want and log on a server; you’d likely crash the game and/or get automatically banned.
Servers are indeed fully persistent and will keep track of your ship’s status and location. Some servers offer additional stats tracking and functionalities, but this is on a case-by-case basis.
In essence, Freelancer has the multiplayer capabilities of EVE with the more twitch-based gameplay of X3. I’d say it’s even more akin to a FPS than X3 as its combat is far more fast paced; the physics, while unrealistic, offer a very interesting and dynamic array of options on how to fight. Many mods do change the balance, handling and overall gameplay, however, so it’s likely you’ll find something that suits your style.
Each server is its own little universe which is completely isolated from all other servers. It runs on its own rules, with its own style and gameplay. It’s a unique experience every time
Welcome to the community and to The Starport!
Welcome Xeathos.
Just for curiousity - May you tell us which server you have chosen? ^^
Oh - And welcome btw !
Yes, the gameplay is identical except of course that on your own LAN there will only be your own human players. How boring!!
Check us out - Old Fogies’ Playground - no, I mean the Reputation Repair and Judicial Distribution Specialists Guild (same thing really, our Modus Oparandi is Ragged Roustabouts and Jenerally Drunken Spacers’ Guild)!!
Our Three Pillars of Virtue are:
To play with Fairness, Sportsmanship and Honour towards other players on our server.
At least one of our members is an original Beta Tester of Freelancer, with a long straggly white beard, bottle-bottom glasses, and a hearing-trumpet stuck to his left ear.
We don’t beat you up when you join us, ask any player and you will be offered help and team-up and guidance to learn the trade routes and playing methods and hidden attractions.
Then we expect you to tutor other new players without beating them up.
http://www.rrjds.com & http://www.rrjds.com/forum
(Uhhh…. Sorry for the severe plug!)
Howdy Xeathos, welcome to Freelancer. Â In single player there is a set story line to follow, with options to take little side-quests along the way and do trade runs as well. Vanilla (stock FL with no mods) ends around level… hrm 20 or 30? (been a while) It’s a pretty cool story by itself, but after you finish that the side-quests are pretty much the only quests you’ll do in multi-player. One side-note, only in single player can you do the full storyline.
But there is plenty of fun to be had in MP with so many mods out there; new ships, new star systems, re-done graphics, better AI for NPC’s, hire-able wing men, jazzed up effects, custom music and sound / voice, custom factions, and almost every one changes their trade routes and goods. Â For me some of the most fun was just exploring and finding new items or new foes. But the PVP can be verry fun too >:) As others have said, its physics are not like regular space flight. Which gives the possibility of flying ships that handle like mad, or trade off a little and haul bunz, or have a crazy load-out. The other cool thing in MP is that most enable Capital Ships for player use, and up the cash limit to ~2 billion.Anyhoo, you’ll want FLMM -freelancer mod manager- to get mods installed. Extensions are .flmm which are either a zip file, or 7zip (usually that will be in the file name, if it’s 7zip you want FLMM 1.4, otherwise stick to 1.3). Â There should be a getting started thread around here listing all the updates and global server work-arounds to get you up and running. That last one is handy because Microsoft finally pulled the plug on their server listings, so the community had to come up with their own solution. Many servers also list how to connect directly via making a shortcut with the server IP as a switch. It might sound like a lot, but after you’ve done it once or twice it’s pretty easy after that.
Good luck, and good hunting
EDIT:: woops, almost forgot! Very important, be sure to write down your multi player ID for backup, if you re-install that number will change, and it is how your characters are stored on all multi-player servers. Look in the \Freelancer\EXE\ directory, double click myflaccountid.hta and thats what you’ll need to write down.