Freeworlds: Tides of War - A Starwars Total Conversion Mod!
Since it’s a standard ISD, it should be flyable… Unless they have kept the lower-poly model for flyable ships.
Am I correct when I say that this mod does NOT support shield batteries?
Yep. We don’t support bats or bots.
Sushi, just out of curiosity, your massive 7-part mutant of a Star Destroyer… Does that thing fly? As in, by player control?
I ****ing hope not, as that bloody monster will lag the crap out of my machine even as a station, stick several in a firefight and my card will fry.
It’s flyable since of the way we created the .cmp file. And no, it doesn’t lag machines at all, actually. I’m able to run it fine on my laptop that is 1.2ghz and 250mb of RAM.
I’m sure it is, but we don’t want any bats or bots used in FW:TOW.
It’s flyable since of the way we created the .cmp file. And no, it doesn’t lag machines at all, actually. I’m able to run it fine on my laptop that is 1.2ghz and 250mb of RAM.
- That’s absolutely fantastic. With that in mind, modders could make incredibly detailed ships, hack 'em down into several files, glue 'em together, and fly ships that’d give even X3 ships a run for their money… ON FREELANCER~
- How the heck do you run on 250 megabytes of RAM? O_o
A hell of a lot of pagefile on lowest settings?
Now that summer has come, the FW:ToW Development team is back at full steam. We’ve been busy adding in vessels into the mod, making sure that attention to detail remains our top priority. With 108 ships, and custom hitboxes to be made in Milkshape 3D for each one, it’s a huge task. To model/texture, hitbox, hardpoint and code a single ship into game takes upwards of 30 hours. However, slowly but surely, we’re working on way through them all. I’m also pleased to announce that we’re in the process of working on our capital ship prototype. Hopefully, by the end of the month, we’ll have a team of testers from the FW USA and FW France communities test the prototype for further modification.
Concurrently, Oma and Deety have been burning the mid-night oil making the FW:ToW systems a spectacular sight to behold. They have just completed the system layouts of all 22 systems. Deety is now busy placing the Non-Player Characters within these systems to bring them to life. I hope to capture a video of these systems, with Oma’s explanation of how he designed them, in the next FW:ToW Development video.
Now, without further adieu, this is a development video of just a few of the notable ships we have into game. I would have included more of the New Republic Capitals, such as the Quasar Fire, MC40a and MC80 but ArvisTaljik, creator of the mod (an example of his work found here Sith Destroyer, has graciously agreed to redo their textures. So, as soon as he’s finished with them, I’ll be sure to show you all his brilliant work!
I also wanted to give a appreciative shout out to Overfiend, who has been working many hours to make sure the FW:ToW hitboxes are perfect. He’s already done over half of the FW:ToW 108 vessels.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy the newest video in the FW:ToW series. As always, any questions or comments are greatly appreciated, as well as your continuing support!
And, as a bonus treat, I wanted to show you all the MC-90 we have in game. It was created by EvilleJedi and imported into game by Sovereign and Dev.
Awesome graphics there Sushi. Everytime I view something you do, it amazes me at your talent. Great job and those cockpits are making it all look much better. I often battle from within the cockpit to try to improve my skills.
I’ll admit it has been a terribly long time since I shown my face here, and just as much time has passed since I last seen this mod and my god does it show.
It’s amazing what time does for so many things and this mod is no exception - I dissapear for a couple of months and when I return the 130K poly limit has been cracked, cockpits rival that of Microsoft Flight Simulators and a new freeworlds logo which has now replaced much of the porno collection of men everywhere…
I missed you guys I really did - to mirror Sushi’s enthusiasm, the summer is here - this means I am back working on what I started out doing all them months ago
Good job guys!
Thanks for all the positive feedback, guys. It means a lot.
@Gibbon: FW:ToW got to where it is today because of people like you that shared their talent with the rest of us. So, hats off to you mate for all you’ve done for the FL community as a whole
@Hunter Killer
I wish I could take all the credit for this, but I can’t. It’s been a team effort all the way, I’m just more public about it than the rest. Big thanks goes to Sovereign for converting these models for me to code them in game. Â Nevertheless, I’ll send your kudos to the team. It’s always nice to hear nice comments about the work we do.@Hazard
Your forum is still waiting for you in the FW:ToW Development forum. We got lots going on now, but I’m sure you can catch-up in a hurry, if you want. I’d love to see you back there
A link to your forum: -
No more missions. So what ?
It’s been a long time i haven’t written anything here. With exams, i didn’t really have the time. Though, lately i’ve been working on quite a lot of things : i’ve put some numbers in the capital ship prototype we’re working on, and made the first tests. Meanwhile, i’ve populated most of the systems with NPCs. I may show you some areas soon.
However, today we’re going to talk about something else. As it has been announced previously, there will be no missions in Freeworlds:Tow. So, the question is : what are we replacing them with?
The first idea is to put a lot of hostile NPC everywhere. That’s what i’ve done when populating systems. Around 10% of the NPCs you encounter are pirates. Core systems are safer than Outer Rim territories, and even within a same system there can be huge differences : stay close to Military Checkpoints and Police Outpost to be protected! At the same time, most of the pirate bases are under imperial or republican assault.
Besides, around eight months ago Aldebaran came with another, new, great idea : the Raid Systems. You may have ever heard this name before. Basically, they are small systems dedicated for fighting. In these systems, you will be fighting waves of NPCs, and progress in the system until you reach the final objective (for example, a boss). Furthermore, with Raids, missions have a background. You’re actually trying to do something, and not just kill swarms of NPCs without thinking.
Although this is a great concept, nothing had been done so far. So far. You’ve guessed that i’m here to show you the first Raid system!
The idea behind it is that we wanted to put the awesome Death Star Zaxx and Sov had done. However, in 12 ABY the Death Star shouldn’t exist anymore. Thus, i’ve thought about using the Raid concept to create a simulator of an Historical Battle where the Death Star was present. Of course, i want to talk about the Battle of Yavin.
Here is the explanation i wrote in the Development Section :
But think about this. As a Rebel :
- you dock to some capship somewhere in republican space. When you undock, you can jump to a Republican Fleet system (as you do for every Raid).
- there, you choose the “Battle of Yavin Simulator” buoy. Undock, and you “jump” (we can do some kind of jump sequence to show that you’re entering the simulator) to Yavin. This Yavin looks like the real Yavin, except that there is a Death Star instead of its debris.
- we’ll think about a way to kill the cruise speed (Interdictors?). Then, all you have to do is to reach the Death Star through the ennemy lines (TIE swarming!). We can think about secondary objectives : for example, you have to kill an ISD to use a jump buoy and get closer to the Death Star.
- once you reach the Death Star, the trench run starts. You have to get to the otherside. Heavy, accurate towers can prevent you from getting out of the trench. You win when you kill the exhaust port with a torpedo.
This was written one month ago. Yesterday, i’ve duplicated the awesome Yavin system Oma made and tweaked it to create the Battle of Yavin system. The battle is divided in five stages. I’ve used tradelanes to link the areas together :
- in the first area, you’re attacked by a medium, compact group of TIE Fighters. You have to shoot them down until your allies arrive.
- the second stage requires you to fight your way through a large number of TIE Fighters. The next level is 20K away and you can’t use the cruise speed…
- in the third area, a Star Destroyer is on your way. No need to tell you what to do.
- in the fourth zone, TIE Avengers and TIE Bombers come to party, while you have to reach the Death star surface.
- the last zone (not done yet
) is the trench run, with Vador on your six!
The battle still needs a lot of tweaking, but it begins to look great. Here are several pictures to give you an idea :
Squadrons of TIE Fighters :
“They are everywhere” :
A Star Destroyer you have to destroy :
Same ISD :
Death Star Hangar :Death Star Trench :
The NPC forces are the following one :
Rebel Alliance
- X-wings
- Y-wings
- Luke Skywalker (hero)
- Wedge Antilles (hero)
- Millenium Falcon (hero)
Galactic Empire
- TIE Fighters
- TIE Bombers
- TIE Avengers
- Star Destroyers
- Dark Vador (hero)
You may argue that there weren’t TIE Avengers in the Battle of Yavin. However, as they’re based on Vador’s x1 prototype, i believe it makes sense to put them in the battle too. Furthermore, they represent a major challenge. You’ll need a lot of friends to go through all the different battle areas!
To finish, Sushi has spent countless hours working on a presentation video. Enjoy !
Oh and, if you can’t wait for the release to play the Battle of Yavin, try this :
Not sure what you mean, exactly, Gibbon; Open Source Project? If that’s what you mean, I welcome pretty much all modders that are interested in helping FW:ToW. If they want to work mutually on the project, and borrow some of our materials/methods, I welcome that, too.
As of now, Forsaken, FriendlyFire, W0dk4, Why485 and possibly F!R have access to our developer boards and mod. If you’d be interested in access to the boards as well, join our forums over at I’ll add you to the development group and you can go from there. There’s no obligation to contribute anything but you’re always more than welcome to if you so desire. I thought this would be a great way of bringing some of the talented minds of FL together. And, fortunately, we’ve reaped some fabulous rewards of this collaboration.
I think you MUST play this in SP with friends.
Its worth it -
Oh, well that’s an entirely different story. The answer to this is I doubt it. A lot of the functionality we have in the game is through FL Hook. By removing this server application with the mod, you’ll lose a lot of what we hope to design into it (dockable carriers, dynamic economy, etc).
Yes i should have made myself clearer. I was referring to open singleplayer. I get asked about OSP all the time with my mods and i tend to provide it these days. I agree certain funcitonality is lost like dockable carriers but a dynamic economy is easy enough to do in SP using Cold Void’s price randomizer which simulates that. Just a thought
It has been a few months since our last development video, so I thought I’d try to include some of our most recent happenings in the 11th edition. Unfortunately, I was not able to capture all of our work because I personally do not like making these videos over six minutes in length. So, for the work that wasn’t included, I thought I’d show you some of the short clips/images here.
This 11th Development video focuses on the capital ship prototype that is being developed, primarily, by Deety. He and I have spent many hours conversing over what we want capitals to be in the mod and thus far, I’m quite thrilled with the results. He’s spent countless hours recording statistical data and coding it into the mod to bring these beautiful gigantic ships we have to life. With Deety’s determination and work ethic and our new capital testing crew, we’re inching closer to the final capital ship prototype. In addition to that, Deety has been requesting many custom capital effects that I’ve been assisting him with. You’ll see that there are many new shield hit, hull hit and explosive effects, which have been a joint project of Deety and I. We are also using some of the work Why485 left us to further the immerse feel.
Another developer, W0dk4, has done some incredible things for the mod. His recent creations brought animations to our game. Through the tutorial he gave us, we were able to recreate many of the wing folding animations you see in the movies: Lambda Shuttle, B-Wing, X-Wing and ETA-2. In our next development video, I hope to show the wings folding appropriately when you engage the ships hyperspace drive. In addition to this, he also has written a FL Hook that increases the turning rate of fighters/bombers/interceptors when they go to 33% throttle. Those of you that have played X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter or X-Wing Alliance know that this throttle percentage was the optimum level to turn quickly in the game.
As a personal mini project, thanks to a little prod from Lancer Solarus, I’ve been working on a new enter/exit hyperspace effect for the game to take away the standard Freelancer jump tunnel. Although it is still a work in progress, I’ve been quite happy with the results. The only sad thing is that there is no possible way to slow down the effect at the end of the sequence. This means that I cannot slow down the stars at the end.
Overfiend and Mirkha have also being working incredibly hard on hitboxing all the models in the game. I can assure you, that is no easy task. Fortunately, with our newest hitbox technique, which allows us to use infinite hitbox groups, they’ve been able to hitbox things that we only dreamed about. The image below is our 10km long Mon Calamari Shipyards generously donated by EvilleJedi.
This hitbox took over 298 parts to make. But, we do believe it’s paid off as you can see in these early images: 1 and 2.
Overfiend also has been working very hard on new Mon Calamari Cruiser textures as well. I won’t get into this now as I’ve already discussed his work at length in my last news piece.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please feel free to post. And please click this link to keep up-to-date with Freeworlds: Tides of War.