Hi @ all
Nice to know we are only “kinda cool”
Welcome to the starport, where we aren’t just cool we are… kinda cool…
seriously though welcome!
There are lots of people here who will be able to look at your mod and identify issues pretty much immediately so just post and ask
That was just fun ;D
I uploaded the current kinda stable version.
The major problem is this:
When you buy a capital ship, or large train, etc. and click the undock button the server will kick you:
-Ship RelatedBut when im editing a character via ioncross or dam then there are no problems to undock.
klick (MD5: 5D55A1546E84B00281F14343315B2F5D )
/edit: can only be downloaded 10 times
cause my collectr account kinda sucks atm
absolutely nothing (ya can try if ya want^^)
Hi and welcome
I’m also suffering from this just for once. I’ve got ammo that’s taking up space but i make sure that’s sold first. Cargo area is showing full but it’s not because there’s nothing in it so why is FL thinking it’s full? Getting kicked every time i try to buy this ship, in my case a Junker CSV. I know it’s full of something….bs springs to mind lol
*** EDIT ***
Fixed, amazing when you think about it what it could be. In my case the first place i should have looked is in the loadout for the ship i was buying. For some reason the engine took up 400 cargo space which was the cause of my problem. That made the cargo space for my ship set at 70 be 330 over hence why i was being kicked.
Thank you very much.
I found some engines in engine_equip.ini with a volume about 400.
Now I set it to 0 and the mass either and now im gettin’ kicked cause of Equipment exceeds ship specs. -
Hey guys now i’ve been checking every single file in my mod and have extremely headache.
Now im asking for big help. Maybe someone who can fix it out with me.
Pls pm, post here, or add me in any messenger. I could cry ‘’>_> -
I found some engines in engine_equip.ini with a volume about 400.
Now I set it to 0 and the mass either and now im gettin’ kicked cause of Equipment exceeds ship specs.Eh, isn’t it an option to keep the old volume of 400 but increase the cargo hold of the ship by 400?
It’s a matter of neatness Bas. Yes you can do it like you suggest but think about the problem i had. I added the Junker CSV with a hold of 70. If i kept the engine with 400 cargo space, means i would have to have a cargo space of 470.
Isn’t it much easier to actually put in the cargo space the ship is supposed to have instead of calculating for an engine as well? To this end all player flyable ships have engines with 0 cargo space in normal FL. If you’re adding a non standard ship as i did, obvious choice was to reduce the engine size in engine_equip to 0.
There is no problems with the engines.
When I edit the ships to a player (f.e. with DAM (Discovery Account Manager)) theres no problem with undocking at any base. Just if you buy it and launch into space.
Maybe i reupload it later on a good hoster so you can look into the files. -
I’ve sold it before i buyed the ship and edited it away another time.
I’ve reupped it so ya all can see itStart a LAN Server get some cash and go the Manhattan Ship Dealer.
Sry for another double post, but I found something new.
When ya go to the goods.ini and edit f.e. the br_bat_package so that ya only have the hull, a power plant and an engine you still get kicked after you bought it. :-
Thats freaking my mind