Creating .cmps with over 20k polygons
Not a problem. I hope it allows everyone to get any model they want into game now
Boy talk about confusing…
??? Vids are cool visual references, but I am a hands on learner, I need written tuts to try and figure out what you did. (and maybe a sample file I can look at in the programs)
Ok let’s start off w/programs- what version of utf editor was that in sushi’s vid, and what was that other amazing program?
i have like a 200K death star model ive always wanted in game…
NOW I CAN!!! thanks guys, your work is soupar!
Fusion link=topic=2018.msg18238#msg18238 date=1249717963]
Boy talk about confusing…??? Vids are cool visual references, but I am a hands on learner, I need written tuts to try and figure out what you did. (and maybe a sample file I can look at in the programs)
Ok let’s start off w/programs- what version of utf editor was that in sushi’s vid, and what was that other amazing program?
Hit Replay (or Rewind / Play) about 20 times, having first watched the whole thing through each time! lol
UTF Editor, usually referred to as 1.4
Other amazing program? HardCMP?
Fusion link=topic=2018.msg18238#msg18238 date=1249717963]
Boy talk about confusing…??? Vids are cool visual references, but I am a hands on learner, I need written tuts to try and figure out what you did. (and maybe a sample file I can look at in the programs)
Ok let’s start off w/programs- what version of utf editor was that in sushi’s vid, and what was that other amazing program?
Have to disagree on the written tutorials here, Fus. First of all, it would take forever to explain and probably would be even more dfficult to grasp than on the video. As I mentioned, Dev’s tutorial, while extremely informative, is also a bit over the top at first. That’s just the nature of the .cmp file, sadly. Secondly, videos allow you to see exactly what I am doing, unlike a written tutorial. But hey, to each their own, I guess. If you want to type out a tutorial for everyone, by all means.
As for the programs,I linked you all to them in my infinite hitbox tutorial post:
UTF Edit 1.4 (linked directly to TSP)
XVI 32 (linked directly to the download site)
HardCMP -
I just watched Devs video about cmp structure and I think its wonderful. Maybe hes speaking a little too fast sometimes, but I think you get a very nice overview of how it actually all works. The only thing missing for me was how sur files link to cmp files, but I guess other hitboxing tutorials cover that.
Got one on how to break up the models? I got a huge poly ship in the UV that we can’t make buyable cuz of the poly count…. It’s got so many groups in ms3d it’s not even funny…greater than the 18 caps in the cmp/sur exporters.
Ok I was able to follow Sushi’s vid and duplicate it on one of my high poly objects, but I lost track of how or where he came up w/the cons fix file. I know it comes from a sur splicer process, but I haven’t cooked one up yet.
Watch for the hex editing sections in the vid. With that you can go into any Fix / Rev / Pris data, export it from UTF editor, hex edit the resulting file to add or remove however many parts you have, and rename child / parents. Then just import back with UTF into the same node. It’s handy to keep a couple of these handy as a template, with just one Fix section. Having that, you just copy / paste as many times as needed.
Differentiating the sections is easy once you know what to look for; in most basic models: section starts with Root and ends at the character right before the next Root. This is while looking at the right window.Fix:
Pris is the same procedure, you get the idea
You can use any cmp’s exported data which has the type of Cmnd entry you need. Just note that Fix and Rev or Pris are different lengths, so not interchangeable -if I recall, Pris and Rev are though, since they both use the same types of values. -
Ok, What did I do wrong? HardCMP can’t open the file… ??? SS of UTF Editor: Click
It’s hard to tell what you did wrong from the SS. Host it up and I can get it working, hopefully.
Link will be valid for 7 days, as I am using a You send it account.
Are you using the “Custom controls” section of UTF editor to edit the names and such?
[Edit Fix data] [Edit Rev data] [Edit Pris data] [Play sound]
are the buttons I’m referring to.
This data cannot be modified by “interpret as string”.Edit: here’s a copy of the fixed…Fix data, ready for import with UTF
The length of each section was a little off m8. -
Here’s the fixed .cmp’s an image of it ingame
Pardon the TIE Fighter ;D
Ty for your quick response and repairs. Can you explain to me what I did wrong? If you had to tweak my source mats, could you also send them as well?
How can I install HP’s for use as a Jumpgate now that it looks all warped? I was hoping to have them(at least the docking and animated hp’s) preset before the merging of the cmp’s.To Mini Me:
Today was the fist time I had ever done any manual tweaking in any version of the UTF editor. All I have ever done in the editor is look at the basic info of cmp or mat files that it provided.Fus
Edit: Can I get away w/a simple “drag and drop” from a cmp that I made earlier? (Jump_Left’s ms3d file exported)
ETF ditor is pretty handy for many things
definitely one of the must-have tools if you’re doing anything with models and / or textures, animations, etc.
The model looks rather nifty, you could go into the materials and add in Ec to make the purple parts, and maybe the blue as well, glow a bit. Might not be the look you’re shootin for, I just like glowy stuff ;DIf all the dimensions and such are the same, and orientation, you should be able to hard point all on the Root (using HardCMP), save, then just drag copy the whole hardpoint branch over to the new cmp in UTF.
If you did this early, then yeah it should be a simple drag n drop
Fusion link=topic=2018.msg18309#msg18309 date=1249878785]
Sushi,Ty for your quick response and repairs. Can you explain to me what I did wrong? If you had to tweak my source mats, could you also send them as well?
How can I install HP’s for use as a Jumpgate now that it looks all warped? I was hoping to have them(at least the docking and animated hp’s) preset before the merging of the cmp’s.To Mini Me:
Today was the fist time I had ever done any manual tweaking in any version of the UTF editor. All I have ever done in the editor is look at the basic info of cmp or mat files that it provided.Fus
Edit: Can I get away w/a simple “drag and drop” from a cmp that I made earlier? (Jump_Left’s ms3d file exported)
All I did, Fus, was use the b5_bottom.cmp as my splicing file. I then dragged and dropped all the vmeshlibrary info into the file. Then I dragged and dropped the vref stuff into the b5_bottom file. The only thing I really made custom was the cons_fix_data, which Mini-Me has shown was too long in some parts (they have to be exact lengths). I didn’t alter anything of the .mat. If you want, I can make a quick video of what I did?
Plz? maybe w/a zoom in w/the cons_fix part? that would be really cool of you.
OK. I’ll get that done later today
Sur Q. Since you are exporting each cmp as a single mesh, Do you use a single primitive in ms3d to create it, then use the splicer, or can you use multiple primitives, splice, and then somehow combine the existing cons_fix w/the one created by the splicer or what? I watched your vid tut here, but it only showed how to do it w/a single vmesh model.