3D Model Showroom
dont foget the planet size ;D
Kreeargh’s Models are always a treat to behold in FL…
Im good m8’s with the guy, He’ll be quite happy to see his work looking so
nice… U guys do know he’s released a new models pack… or 3… in the past
few months… its for Sins and is modeled as such (havent tryed converting it yet)
but any BSG/Kreeargh fan should have a looksee… as Kree (C&D studios) make (possibly)
the best darn low poly models ive ever had the pleasure to work with ;DGreat work on the retex Gibbon
also great to see this thread still alive and kicking…
had a thought the other day… apart from Gibbons packs… not much has been released of late
in the way of ship/base packs… I may just try to change that… hmm got alot here i woont use but have
converted… Give us some time to ask the right ppl… and i’ll release a shippack or 2… but only if others
will as well… about time FL got a new “injection” of cool??.. -
I have so many models lying around, ships, bases, i’ve lost count. Maybe when i’m finally done with modding i’ll just put together a megapack lol
As to Kreeargh, fine fellow and damn fine modeller. Used a variety of his models at some point in various mods, he knows his stuff. He created some one off custom stuff for my BSG mod which was simply outstanding
Hehe… got a few ship pics whilst we on the topic of Kreeargh ;D
These ones from Battleclinic… no known owner??
I love ships ;D
A few days ago i looked into my Freelancer dictionary and found something with the name"space_mining02.sur".
But there were no .cmp or .3db
So I opend the file with ms3d and i got an clear plan for this base.
so i got the idea to rebuild it…
here is the result:
http://sydmontague.funpic.de/bilder/space_mining02b.jpgPS: pls exuse my mistakes, its my first 3D work
some of this bugs will be fixed (like some textures)
when i´m finished you can use it for all you want -
Been busy with some new planets. I’ve been modelling the solar system amongst other things, came up with these. They all have atmospheres where appropiate. Also starting to add some Starlancer stuff, in this case a Coalition Jumpgate, lightmapped of course lol
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y155/Wargibbon/Galacticum/Io-1.jpgEUROPA & GANYMEDE
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y155/Wargibbon/Galacticum/Saturn.jpgCOALITION JUMPGATE
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y155/Wargibbon/Galacticum/Jumpgate.jpg -
Kusari battlecruiser model built texture and hitboxed entirely by me, for the discovery mod, inspiration drawn from vaporlynx’s kusari battlecruiser for the shattered worlds mod, built first in milkshape, then due to extreme irritation and dissatisfaction, rebuilt from scratch in 3ds max (when i acquired it finally :D)
http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k13/gurjiv/1-25.jpghope ya like it.
Beautiful stuff, Gibbon and Frozen!!
Sherman Station from Starlancer, lit & unlit
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y155/Wargibbon/Galacticum Bases/ShermanStation2.jpg
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y155/Wargibbon/Galacticum Bases/ShermanStation1.jpg -
That’s beautiful! Damn.
that is really nice o.O
awesome work
Alive wrote:
A player sent me a file from a ship, which is called Archangel.I like this shippy very much, that I wanted to have it in our new mod.
Is a person here, who can give us the permission to use it or does somebody know the person?
I don’t know the ship or who made it but its outline look very nice.
@ Alive… Its an Epsilon ship m8…
Im currently trying myself to talk to anyone about that mod and its assets?.. but i think this particular ship may have been made by
either Harrier or Parabolix… I can’t find an exact credit in the Epsilon Readme for this particular ship…
:-? -
Something a little different.
http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y155/Wargibbon/Galacticum Ships/PachydermCollection.jpgThe long versions of the ships are by Triple X with modified textures by Gibbon. The small Pachyderms were originally made by Whitestar, textures by Gibbon. Rebel Pachyderm textures by Whitestar & Gibbon