Forum Bug Report
Schmackbolzen wrote:
It seems like you must have changed smth. recently because if you enter the BB code produced from the xfire homepage for a video it interpretates it as a image and not a video link anymore (the code is a img bb code surrounded by url bb code).Think thats something for FF’s magic fingers to work on.
He’ll read this and will attempt to fix it. -
Worfeh wrote:
HunterKiller wrote:
Where’s the Members Area at or am I just blind to it all? Seems like my prior permissions have been kicked to the curb?
Keeps telling me I have no rights to view this and/or that. I also have 39 forum posts in my inbox as Private Messages?Don’t worry. Rights will be restored. Except for the server admins and owners. People will have to re-aply for them.
Somehow you enabled notifications, you can turn them off by going to “Notifications” in the user menu.
No, I haven’t enabled anything in that area. All boxes are unchecked. I just replaced my av and sig in my ucp.
I haven’t found the place but here’s the app again.
Name: HunterKiller
Server: The Universal Wars 24/7
Time on line; (some down time not much, mod changes and some bad files.) 2 3/4 yrs up. Down 8 months (equipment / isp related & moved). 5 months this year.
Owner/OperatorServer down atm for modifications to mod for server. Forums going to be changing as well.
Access request for Admin entrance.
I just noticed that my forums url didn’t work now in my logo so I had to add the UW link below it.
Something’s still out of whack there. Click it and see what it does. Doesn’t go to my forum like it did before.
Another edit: Same as when you click on my signature. o_O
Should be fixed now. Going to polish this further, but now all images with links are working.
EDIT: Updated. Now use Slimbox when the image is NOT linked and is bigger than 500px in width.
Code tags fixed, now appear on multiple lines.
That image is not supposed to be that size. It wasn’t before and I didn’t change it. I’ll just delete it now.
Not only did it change here, it changed in my first post for this as well. Went back to edit it and this is what I got.
etc… nothing but codes to have to delete to make it right.
Same thing is showing up in the quote…
for giving me access.
Even other sigs are now over sized now.
The only notifications I have checked is for e-mails from admins, not forum posts. No-one can email me but Admins from this forum. I don’t need to be notified of posts when I have this as one of my Home Pages.
I just look in to find them.It’s full of buggs
That’s intended? The image is too large to fit, so it gets automatically resized.
Don’t expect to be able to fit a 2048px image in a 600px forum…
Only that one post did it and that might be due to me changing things right at the moment you posted.
Don’t go crazy for no reason PLEASE.
Dual mega jedi Jesus facepalm
Good joke
Sorry for offtop
HazardFN use Arachne Browser -
Not trying to be an impatient or annoying P.I.T.A.
Just bumping it to let you know I still have the issue.Will be say nothing again unless asked for a month or two…
Worfeh wrote:
Grey Wolf wrote:
All attempts get message of:ERROR: Invalid Username
Result: Can not change Signature or other information in the “Edit Profile” screen using the two installed Browsers.
Windows XP SP3
Primary Browser: Firefox 3.5.2
Secondary Browser: MSIE 7.0.5730.13
Need more info just ask.
Is this on accessing the profile or on saving the profile?
Need to know where it happens, but have a fair good idea allready.Grey Wolf wrote:
I can enter the Edit Profile screen with no issues.Error occurs when trying to submit changed data.
It then Issues: ERROR: Invalid Username
And all fields revert to original state.
I hope that explained it,
Apparently it’s something to do with your username have a space in it. We can change it to remove the space, after which point you’ll have to re-log in and it should be fine.
Uh I just noticed another bug, it’s again in the code tag
when I type 4spaces, it makes them to 0 spaces, have a look at it at
theres an print statement, it should be intended, but is not.
Would be great if you fix it
Should be fixed.
The Private Messaging category on the left hand links menu (that has User Menu, Main Menu, etc) on the Private Messaging page doesn’t have any links in it.