[Freelancer Mod News]Jason's Freelancer Patch
w0dk4 wrote:
So I think its BS to discuss these type of things in private or to force adoxa to remove 4-way strafing in his patch.
No-one that I can see was asking him to remove it. It was only to express that many servers don’t allow added patches to their mods or server. Just like the Speed mod, if caught using it, players get banned.
The warning is a good idea and was something that should have been thought of in the first place. At least be real about it. I’m sure of I were to jump on your server with something you didn’t allow , I would be banned, I’ve seen your ban list and many others around the Freelancer Community.
As a Server Op and Owner, I think you can understand my reasons. If I were to download a patch that I believed was innocent to be used everywhere and jumped on a server that didn’t allow it and got banned for using it, I wouldn’t understand because I can use it everywhere else and get away with it.
With a warning attached, it gives the user an option to decide if whether or not it’s allowed to be used on that server. If he uses it anyway and gets banned, that’s on him and not the server.
It’s all good and no-one here was wanting anything removed as it may be beneficial for some servers.
@Wodka: Simple human reaction. They weren’t such public, weren’t they? I don’t mean the possibility to downlaod them, but creating an own thread for the mod makes more publicity. Also not to mention that users tend to rather reply on threads than creating their own one, and, that T SP is mainly a place for modders, and many of those players who visit T SP are from modded servers, aren’t they?
I personally even think that it is good that it got handled in public, 1.) Other ppl might now read about the risks and the reasons behind them, 2.) What if Outcast and #NosFi won’t have been server admins? Would the topic than even been discussed? It is nice that it has been, so….
This is weird, what’s with this fuss about 4 way strafing…I’ve figured out the thing last year I think, and it improves my gaming big time. I’f youre a good pilot you can use it to your advantage even in a fight. You have the freedom to be unpredictable in battle. I’ve been modding at this game since lancersreactor began and I’m tellin’ ya…this is a big improvement.All self respecting servers should have this.I mean cmon, you’r flying a space ship not a f*in plane, if you know how to ini code the physics of the ships this game has more potential than a few very recent titles. To me I think this game could use a shader support module for the engine and a solution to the max distance from center point of the systems so that scaling solar systems to more realistic sizes would not pose such a problem. I just got a new i7 6gigs o’ram bla bla pc and I still think Freelancer is THE game. Anything to improve the physics of the game just makes the thing more realistic, and that’s good in my book.
Whatever the circumstances, there’s no use arguing about it. I’m surprised there’s this much reaction to vertical strafing, considering it’s been something that’s been in use for years (anyone remember the Roll Baby Roll mod? That’s like 2003 there). Also, with vertical strafe, you can’t strafe in two directions at once (unless that’s something the client DLL in this mod fixed).
It’s sad to see arguments like this deface a mod release topic; come on, guys. We can do better than this.
fox is right: the argument is done, adoxa has introduced a warning and vertical strafing has been available for a long time. Let’s stop now please.
You asked earlier if incorporating the new stats into an existing mod work and wanted some feedback.
Well…. i’ve tried to add it, so far without success. Bear in mind i suspect the issue is 99% to do with me and not your code lol as for some reason it takes me longer these days to get my head around new concepts. It took me a week to figure out the navmap naming solution you came up with which i love now.
So, i was wondering if it’s not all ini related, if getting those stats to appear is coded into one of the dll’s and which one. Problem i have is i’ve modified almost everything in my mod and i’d need to know if it is in one of the dll’s so i can try to figure out how to get it working. If it’s in your custom jflp.dll then i don’t understand yet what i’ve done wrong but any insights from yourself would be appreciated
As long as jflp.dll is being loaded, the new stats should just work. Looking at the spew will tell you if jflp.dll is loaded; you should also see a blank line after the “Stats” line for all stats (I added this for equipment, to make it the same as ships). To demonstrate, I’ve attached a screenshot of the Powerplant stats (from Hostile Universe).
@ Gibbon
All i grabed was the new jflp.dll & the key .ini’s from the actual patch…
Works fine in XLR… and she’s a beast of a mod compared to others (i’ve been bored… for a few years)… a few missing IDS references, but i was expecting that as i tryed extending the controls out years ago (dev commands… yeah that hurt finding out they dont exist hehe)@ Adoxa… Fine work… Im playing with things now i gave up on years ago…
Dam fine work!
I will have written a news article at www.station-network.de about the patch, I hope you don’t see any problems with this additional PR
btw: How about writing a front news article at MOD DB about this one?
@RimShot: Dunno, it might take a bit more effort to search for the details. Besides, mods tend to customise it, so it might prove more of a hindrance than a help. However, I guess I could at least combine the two pages so you don’t have to create the third. Hm, perhaps I could detect an id of 0 and generate it automatically, otherwise use the supplied resource. That way a vanilla game could do it automatically and a mod could still customise it. Or maybe try and use format substitution (for example: “%g” would mean number of guns, “%t” number of turrets), so it would work with both, as well as being easily tweaked for your own preferences (possibly like putting turrets first for freighters). I guess that’s what M0tah and foxUnit01 were considering… I s’pose if I do it for the ships, I’d have to do it for all the other ones, too. In for a penny, in for a pound…
@Bas: Not a problem. I guess the warning was enough for you?
(How about that, “jay-flip” is the same in German. :D) I was going to submit it to Mod DB, but wanted to gauge the reaction here, first. Now I’ll wait a bit and see if I can do the above, which would warrant a new release, I think.
Other than the first reply, there’s been no mention of widescreen. I guess that means it’s working fine? Not having a widescreen monitor, I was doing all my testing in a small window (960x576), so I was hoping it would all scale up okay. Does the desktop resolution (which I assumed to be the preferred widescreen resolution) show up in the list (replaces 800x600)? It’s just I received an email who hasn’t replied, so I’m not sure if he missed it or there’s a bug.
regarding the widescreen-solutions: I hope you have changed the settings in the perfoptions.ini? Moreover, be careful with the freelancer.ini as some anti-cheat measures will detect it as cheat, for instance, Hamburg City. -
@Bas: Hamburg City asked for and received a custom jflp.dll to provide a cameras.ini anti-cheat (ignore fovx/fovy, always calculate it). There should not have been a need to change perfoptions.ini, but apparently I do have a bug if Gibbon isn’t seeing his resolution. I don’t change *fonts.ini like the previous widescreen solutions, since the patch uses the height or equivalent 4:3 width. I just hope I got them all…
Oops, there is a bug. I changed my desktop to 1280x800 and it didn’t show up, although the list was successfully patched. Now why didn’t I think to test that before I released it.
@Gibbon: Get the stats working, at least?
As you may know, FL Hack has an option to put the sector letter first, which seems to be preferred. Should I remove it from FL Hack and fix it into JFLP?
BTW, if there’s no negative responses on the 8-Way Strafe topic, that shall also be incorporated into the next release of JFLP.
@RimShot: Looking at the customised ship info used by Evolutions 1.30, it’d pretty much require another plugin for the format, so I might wimp out of that. Should still be able to combine ids_info2 + ids_info3 to make ids_info, though…Ah, but they use different “Stats” lines. Bugger it.