[Freelancer Mod News]Introduction: Freelancer Addon: Station Network
I want to take the oppertunity to introduce the “Addon” at which I am working at the moment.
(Für deutsche Version runterscrollen)The intention of this modification lies in the using at especially vanilla/original FL servers, by adding additional Features and improved graphics without altering the gameplay. No mod user should have an advantage about a non-mod user. But if you are still in the opinion that this is the case feel free - NO! I BEG you to do so - Open a thread in this forums about it, I will really take it into consideration if features shall be included or not.
Every player shall have the right to customize the modification to his wishes.
It would be also cool if you share some ressources as I will do - Ok, I am a noob at modding at the moment, but nevertheless… - But also read the following sentence before you submit stuff.
Moreover, the whole modification can be considered as “Open Source”//“Free Software”, this means, that you are allowed to use ANY of the features and ressources the addon has included.You want to help improving the Addon? Feel free to apply as a developer !
Der Zweck dieser Modifkation liegt darin, dass Spielen auf einem originalen Freelancerserver interessanter zu gestalten und zu verbessern, ohne dem Nutzer Vorteile gegenüber nicht-Modnutzern zu erschaffen (also keine Gameplay-Änderungen). Sollte wer der Meinung sein, dass dies dennoch so ist, so steht es demjenigen mehr als frei - Nein ! Ich bitte sogar darum ! - Eine Diskussion diesbezüglich zu starten. Ich werde auf die Diskussion inkl. Argumenten zurück kommen, wenn ich am überlegen bin, ob einige Features eingebaut werden sollen oder nicht.
Jeder Spieler soll die Möglichkeit haben, diese Spielveränderungen an seine eigenen Bedürfnisse anzupassen.
Es wäre außerdem großartig, wenn ihr Ressourcen für diese Modifikation teilen wollt - Genauso wie ich es tue, auch wenn ich noch ein relativer Neuling im Moddingbereich bin - Beachtet dazu aber bitte den nachfolgenden Satz.
Außerdem ist die gesamte Modifikation “Open Source”//“Freie Software”, dass heißt, alle Ressourcen dürfen von jedem Modbastler benutzt werden.Wer Verstärkung für die Entwicklung liefern will, nur zu !
Feature list:
- Better graphics
- Alternative HUDs
- Integration of “Trent the monkey king” SP missions & “OpenSP” mod
- Widescreen support (opinions please?)
- Save option in SP aviable in open space (have to check the side effects there…)
- Dynamic lights
- Integration of the HD textures Radiant
- Client-side chatlogging (into a txt files so you don’t need to screen every conservation :))
- Better starspheres
- Enlarged Chatlog ingame (Press ‘Y’)
- Original and restored intros
- GLS Workaround
- Tizona/Rapier effects
- Bloom effects integration
http://forum.station-network.de/index.php?page=Board&boardID=71I also want to ask you if it is ok if someone would - Theoretical! - Use this modification at your server. How do you would react?
Please see it this way: I can’t read your thoughts and if nobody answer this question, I just can guess (Do I have any other choice?) that it is ok for you that people use it at your server.If it is not for you, please state the reasons?
It is because some specific features? We can talk about removing them, no problem. But I am very careful not to add anything that alters the gameplay or give advantages over other players.Or is it because you are against people using ANY mod at your server?
Please post your answers here, will be much appreciated.
(Even modded or TC modded server please answer this question, ty)(Might post also if it is ok for you if someone would use the addon at your server?)
Thanks, Bas out
Sry, this project is cancelled meanwhile.