FL Redemption 4.20 build 5 public demo mod by Cold Void
Has anyone tried this? For those that have no idea, it was written by Cold Void back in the day and had some interesting features, including
New persistently Destructible base concept, eliminates
crash & respawning flaws in some approachesNebulas With Drag
Planets spin, have orbiting satellites, atmospheric drag and Gravity Skip
These are his words, not mine. I have a copy of his last release which i was going to experiment with, was just wondering if any of the older modders here had tried it
Negative. I haven’t.
I worked with him for a bit so I know what he did. He basically found a few unused parameters for zones which would, among other things, slow down ships not in cruise.
Negative i have no files to try.
Guess some of the things u name there are easy to do like orbiting satellites or planets. -
I haven’t had a chance to go through his code yet, the nebula code slow down effect i’m assuming is ini based. I know he did the price randomizer code for SP but i’m sure he has a load of other stuff tucked away in that mod. Shame he’s not with us anymore…
I know
His mod definitely had quite a few nifty finds that I haven’t seen anywhere else since.
Gibbon wrote:
…New persistently Destructible base concept, eliminates
crash & respawning flaws in some approaches…
Interesting, but I think it can do very straining with mobile bases, such as in Flak
Horizontal tradelanes ? Sweet ! That ads a whole new depth to the game
This is going to sound strange - but any sign of any single player missions?
Basically we gave Cold Void “Evolutions” in its entirety to do with as he wished - and that included mission 1 of a new storyline, coded by Accushot.
That included cut-scenes, mission objectives and a few other things. I don’t have a copy any more of that mission anymore, so wondering if that may be kicking around somewhere. I gave it to Cold Void so that he had an example of missions coding and something to work from.
I kept trying to contact him until I found out what happened - so sad
Never really got to see much of his work though, so would love to have a peek
I was told that he died some time ago.
Judging from the posts so far, it would seem i’m the only one who has this
The burning question now is what to do with it. I have a moral dilema here, it’s not my mod for starters, normally i’d ask the author but in this case that’s impossible. If i share it, would someone from CV’s past come to haunt me and moan non stop why i made it available? There are two admins on his forum, a guy called Wargamer and Panther X who i’m assuming is the same from Evolutions. Chips, maybe some help here please as you can get hold of Panther.
On the other hand, this was a public demo that was downloadable from his site, which has since been wiped of all content, so it was definately available. I’d be surprised if i am the only one who has this but i’m a hoarder of mods, i have a huge collection and this was tucked away on one of my drives.
I’m happy to host it or send it in here for hosting, but before i go down this road i’d like some thoughts on the matter
@ Chips
There seems to be some new SP content, something called the TRON mission. He says on his forum, the only post that i can find from him that he made 3 or altered 3 SP missions. His last post was Dec 24th, 2007
*** EDIT ***
This whole post maybe moot as i found this on his forum, what’s left of it, and i quote,
“i’ve decided to give away my current work, excluding the evo ships and some other models, for community use. the graphics improvements, toys, and physics-fixes will benefit the entire community if they embrace them. the released MOD will be playable in MP and SP and it will not alter the universe”
Based on the above, i’ve uploaded it to TSP. Could someone authorise this when they get a chance.
The slow down effect in nebulas seems to be linked to this line which CV has added to numerous nebulas
This number is variable, have no idea if it’s just a line you can add to any nebula or if it’s coupled to a hack of some kind. The line is added via the nebula zone in a system ini file.
Will report more findings as i find them lol
Take the drag of your ship and engine and multiply it by that value… This is a common feature in my mod.
I have a copy of this and have done for sometime.
I never went thru the code mind. and yes, i still have that memory of reading that single shout out post on the old forums FF. kinda hurts honestly.
Right, large edit. Yep - PantherX is the same one as admin at AI forums / Evo dev
PantherX said nearly 3 years ago that since Evolutions had finished in development, then his models were free to use as long as the correct credits were given. For one of his (I think we called it the trident) this including acknowledging the source for where he got inspiration for the model? I can’t remember the guys’ name, it’s probably in the Evo readme.
Wargamer is actually Dr Grenade, another admin on AI/Pathfinder forums, although he’s more into web design and Spanish ladies these days
I’ll give him a poke on facebook if you like, as he is an admin on Cold Voids forums.
I’m interested as CV took over Evo, but as said, when I felt tugging to return to a few bits of FL modding, I couldn’t contact him
When I last talked to CV was Sept 2007, when I was asking if he happened to know hash algorithms
still working on releasing something over at FLR, not evo but with some evo VHFs (the ‘missing’ gap fighters - let me know if this is a problem) in an open-source XML kit mod. l8s’
I’d love to see CV’s dynamic lighting, and his storyline if he got it working. I’d also love to know whether the Mech ships are included, as PantherX never completed them and they looked awesome (frontier worlds in Evo were supposed to be populated with them). CV may have taken the models and done the CMP work, I do not know…
As an aside, I think Cold Void sister passed away through alcohol abuse before him as I remember this in a thread regarding Harrier on Pathfinders - so the family is blighted by tragedy