Models giveaway
Well I made the texture but it’s not exactly “game friendly”, or should I say uvw friendly. It’s made up of a lot of parts cause I wasn’t in the mood to do it “the right way” … maybe next time I will … maybe.
Anyway here’s the final version, to give you guys an idea of how to make your own ship look like:
Ok… you inspired me to finally try my hand at this… I’ve spent months converting models so i have a basic handle on ms3d… this “version” is far from finished… but its up and running at least… some pix…
I used a Shadow (Babylon) texture to start… looking for a nice shiny black though… as in X she’s going to the sith… more work is obviously needed on the hull to eliminate that “stretched” look & add the details… but i’ll get it soon enough … this was just a test basically to get one up and running…
Big Awesome thanks Sol 8-) I hope to get much better and do your models some mean looking justice…
Cheers guys, I appreciate your replies, since it makes me feel all fuzzy and warm
lolz Your replies are my payment for the models
Xarian_Prime, you are FAST ! You added the model in the game so soon after posting it, must be a new record for my models. I showed you guys about 4 different textures for this ship, now you can get an idea of how to texture your version, especially if you look at the last texture I posted …. all rusted and scratched from the battles the ship has fought, engine textures, pipes textures, a small airlock at the bottom, maybe for mine deployment hehe. Anyway thx again and I’m waiting for the next project. I already have a few other project to work on but they’re on standby since I’m not that much into them, such as that tube station. I need to be in the right mood to model them, example, this ship, I made it in a couple of hours and it’s more complicated than the tube station, it all depends on the mood.I’ve got a request to all of you guys, can you give me some of the cool textures you have ? I don’t care if they’re for ships, bases or brick walls. This could help me release my next models with uvw maps and already textured. It would take some learning but I gotta try it. If you decide you wanna share, post a download link here or in a pm. Thx.
I have managed to find ALL the textures that are in freelancer Do you want them If so I can zip them all up and send then to you. And if Others want them to I can host it and pop a link in here,
Also on a side note, I have REBUILT the sleeper ship known as Hispania liner, from the Solar\misc\hispania_liner.3db file. It is so far made into four sections. But I have it rebuilt, and i will be remaking it in better secations and as if i was making a home. Frame, then section, section tille i have it covered and then make several other groups adding more detail and save then as differant lods. I also plan to somehow remake specail guns with recoil to add to the front of the ship.
Link to my picture of what is done so far is here, Hispania liner
I hope you all enjoy my three days of hard work, I toke the old file and worked section by section on it till I got to were I am now. Oh and sorry about the quality of the ship it got messed up in my saving.
Lonestar out. . .
Would be awesome to get my hands on those textures man ! Upload an archive with them them somewhere and pop a link here
Btw are they jpeg/bmp/png format or game format ?
That sleeper* actually looks pretty good man ! -
I got most of the textures i use for re-texturing from saving the more interesting textures after converting models… Thats “tier01”… tier02 is all from Sauerbraten as deep investigation revealed most were “free to use in any 3d engine they look good in”
Tier01… could get me in deep *%&#… But i surmise that if im already using the model it came from… no harm in re-using textures as long as i remember who to give kudos to… Tier02 is all oki fine… but their mainly detail textures… good for re-texturing the cockpit .cmps for example via “cutout” template (something i’ll be sharing soon…)
There’s also Imageafter site… they have posibly the best textures out there that are free… a few sites are good… most are just plain frustrating to nav… and overblown/too large texures that need lotsa work before there usable…
There will be a nice secure dll link sent to you soon m8 weblinks will be in the readme
Oh and .bmp or .dds… I rarely Use .tga… unless im forced to lol
Much thanks for the kind words there Sol Command, the files i have are in dds formate with a few tga’s mixxed in there. and without father ado here you are Your Freelancer Texture download
Hands a beer ……
Do you have that hispania model in 3ds format m8 ? Maybe I could help you refine it even further if u want … but i’d need some pics of the sleeper ships for that.Btw I uploaded a new updated archive containing ALL the models shown in this topic in 3DS format along with preview images:
I also uploaded this archive in the downloads section but the file is awaiting approval.
There you go 3ds format, and some pictures of the ship I took in milkshape. As for the real ship pics I mostly watched the extended intro of the game and tryed to take in each feature of the ships.
I’ll have a look at it if I have time after I go home from work today. -
Glad to see you’ve started learning how to texture Sol. That was the only hole in your game. I look forward to seeing alot of awesomeness from you once you get it figured out and become proficient at it.
Did any of you guys check out that video I recommended?
UV Mapping in Maya by Gnomon
While you may be using a different application such as 3dsMAX, the same principles apply. Maximum use of the 0-1 space, ensuring that your UV shells are scaled according to eachother, proper use of projection methods, and cutting/sewing of UV shells to make your texture making easier. I highly recommend it… it’ll save you months of time versus the self-discovery/self-taught method!
On another note, look at his pic…
I wish I could texture like him… take a low poly model and make it look like it has way more polys that it does… by texture alone. -
Being a relative newbie in this real… i need to ask this most obvious question.
It seems most of you use the UV method to texture your ships… what would be the pro’s/con’s compared to using Ms3d for someone already quite proficient in working with ms3d, and mainly exporting .cmps & .mats just for Freelancer?
Also I’ve nailed UTF & the model tool for any mistakes/problems after export (had a few from my first 20-30 conversions…)
Should I just keep at it in ms3d… or learn this UV mapping thing as well becuase of some problem i’ll face latter? glowmaps maybe?..
Thanks in advance for any info
Oh and… I just watched TF2… and saw me a plane… i just have to have… The B-1 Lancer Bomber… still looking for a pic that’s close to the one used in the film… I’ve already got every other “jet” available for FL use & am planning a WOS type “atmosphere” sector… or 4-5 for them to try something like the beloved Afterburner… just to break it up… WOS uses WW2 planes… im going for something a touch “faster”… just my taste really
and speaking of TF… anyone interested in making some G1 decepticon jets ie: starscream/skywarp & thundercracker… and the “old” jetfire… red/white type… I really feel thats a genre left untouched in FL… and im kinda a TF child having been there from G1 (thundercracker was my first toy)… dont worry about how they’ll “fit”… hehe i can handle that (lolz) & all i really need is the model…
Cheers… sory for the long post… but this stuff is opening new doors in my head… thats kinda what ye get… 8-)
Gonna check it now Forsaken
I have no experience in ms3d m8 so I wouldn’t know but uv mapping seems to be the way to go nowadays. I’m curious, what plane u talking about … pics ?
Ok some info i found of the B1 Lancer saddly copyrighted pic, but you can still go take a looksee you Guys also have the A-10 warthog? I have remade that To include a main gattling gun mount and gattlin like weapon, I have also made it were it has two afterburners both inside the engine pods.
I have the following setup,
2 afterburners, 1 counter measure in new location, 1 mine in new location, 1 sheild, 2 exahust nozzles, 4 or 6 wing located mounts, and my nose mounted gattling cannon. It is a slower ship, and has a hit hit point value. Right now it has been coded to work with FoxBox’es 88flak mod, But I can convert it to a vaillnia compatable one withint aday if you would like it. -
Fell upon your post and almost litterally fell over, Sol! You have an amazing imagination and incredible skill at bringing it into “life”! I am awed, my friend.
Xarian, UV mapping is definitely the way to go when you want fine detail on superbly designed ships such as Sol’s.
MS3D’s Texture Co-ordinate Editor is so limited that it can easily ruin the work you put into your ship model, or at least cause you hours of hair-pulling that you should use learning UV Mapping instead.
There’s no end of better and better texture mapping guides on the net, look them up - here’s a good starting place for UVMapper….
The Classic version is free, and when you find its limits you will probably be very willing to buy the Pro version with so many cutting and seaming tools (once you know what that means - I don’t at the moment!!)
Thanks StarTrader. Actually when it comes to both modeling and texturing I’m literally a noob. I’ve got great ideas but it’s hard to make them a reality but I’m trying to get better. Would be cool if there were more like me trying to help the community.
Currently I’m working on a new sleeper ship model but I’m having some setbacks, 3d max keeps crashing when i try the boolean command on this model and I haven’t figured out why yet.
Btw I couldn’t use your sleeper model cause it was too buggy m8 but maybe you’ll like mine, if i ever finish it -
Not sure if it helps u a bit but there is not only a broken sleepership in FL.
There is also a sleepership in the manhatten cityskype, at last the fron and main body is there.
Take a look at it, there are some details u can not see on the hispania. -
My opinion?
Who, me? Oh, thanks, StarTrader, thought nobody would ever ask!!
Make a completely new sleeper ship, Sol :- slicker, more cool, more sleek, more bigger, more sleepership!
Design it with banks of cells for animal pairs to save and thousands of cells for “prime” human specimens in mind - you know, middle-men and middle-women:-
insurance brokers,
council workers,
managers…!!Make sure the lifeboats are enough for the crew and any kids.
And in the basement put lots of dungeons for murderers, poofs, paedophiles, transvestites, wife-beaters and other loonies next to the tigers and lions and sharks and crocodiles etc., so their meat is always fresh…!!! 8-)
And ensure the engines just about get it a couple of days into its voyage before they fizzle out…
Guess I’m in trouble now, huh? :roll:</sighs>