Models giveaway
@Xarian_Prime & SolCommand,
Checked out the vid and that Ghoul ship looks great! Nice!
The Cobra* texture has bugs ?? Works fine for me, on both my computers …… anyone else experiencing this ?
I don’t think its a bug m8… just a ms3d issue on my end… 8-)
Texture looks fine… but i have no way to wrap it like it should.
ms3d just shows 1 group (Object01) & no material… Im going to go play with it now… see what i can whip up… It won’t be the original thoughEDIT: Scratch that… Just got it to work, she’ll be ready in an hour or so m8
Cool ! I kept thinking what i did wrong on this texture … :))
Finally took the time to complete this model …… i made it look rusty, old and designed it to fit with a few of my other models, such as the cobra, the human warship and Morena.
This one’s supposed to be a destroyer and it went went through several major design overhauls. First I wanted to make it a derelict ship, after that I wanted to make it a base, then a crashed ship(for scenery) and finally now a flyable shipEnjoy it and pls send me some pics or vids with it ingame if you decide to use it.
…… still waiting for pics/vids with the Cobra and Babylon btw, anyone have some ? …
Download model:
or -
Really ??! Cheers
I was having doubts about it lol
Sol, these are amazing. I drool over every one, and want to make a mod to feature them ALL! The undertaking of such is more than I can handle, so it won’t happen, but still.
Uh… a bit of a dream of mine… could you maybe model a Pyro-GX on your free time? From good ol’ Descent 2. If you’ve got the time, mind you.
That’s a popular model, should be a few of them available for download on the internet somewhere …. but I’ll see what I can do
Made this quick video of my destroyer and it’s kinda obvious I haven’t done a vid in the last few years, forgot all about how it’s done properly … the ship is not centered, sometimes it moves too fast … anyway :pint:
Awesome gift to the community, many thanks!
I’m going to suggest these models to the Tekagi’s Treasure modding team, they have a new mod in the works so they could use it…
let’s wait and see.
P.S. best models I’ve seen in my life! A bit of texturing and they would be enough to make Freelancer 2!
Lol Lunar thx
Vesko, cheers for the “good enough for Freelancer 2” …… been told some* of my models are cool but you’re the first to mention Freelancer 2 hehe.
I thought of starting a new mod soooo many times and add in it only original models and replace all vanilla object from the game … but I also realised I thought of it too late. By the time I’d finish my mod there won’t be anyone left playing freelancer. So it’s better to help you with your own mods than to just sit around doing nothing. -
I’ve got Kaspersky Internet Security, about the best there is and it doesn’t say a thing. Also my pc is clean …… you should try scanning it with a different software.
I just scanned it also here: it’s clean
To SolCommand
Hi, Im the sysop for Tekagis and I have had no problem with your files… in any form or manner.
Vesko wrote:
The admins at Tekagi’s Treasure detected a “virus” in the .RAR file, it might be a bug with the anti-virus software, but you should look into that.
This has nothing to do with your files… it seems that a link that was put up had a problem…
So to all that download files from here you are perfectly safe…
…and I must admit that the work you are doing is FANTASTIC, please please, MORE…
Got my blood pumping for a second there
Thx for clearing things out ! :pint:
And since you said you want more …… here’s a sleepership I just finished. It’s thinner than its predecesor, at just 15k polys and it’s got a basic texture. What does basic mean -> it is not detailed + not that good quality but it’s useable IF you don’t wanna create your own texture. Also, if u decide to use this texture you’ll notice it’s very easy for you to add your own name or logo on the ship.
Here you can download it:
or preview:**
Slowly but surely
I think you’ll all like it once it’s done, that’s about all I’m gonna say atm, wanna build up the tension
And btw Cursor thx for your reply