Models giveaway
On your sleeper ship v.2, i’m assuming the three blobs on the rear of the model are the engines. I was having a look at the texture on the central blob and it has almost like a ladder effect going across it and seems off centre. Is this intentional?
I’m assuming not as i’ve amended your texture so all three blobs now look the same. If you want i’ll send you the texture. I’m also assuming this needed ‘fixing’ in the first place lol
I knew of it from the beggining, just didn’t took the time to edit it for one simple reason, the blobs aka engines will never be seen anyway cause of the engine flares, light whatever it’s called. So you could’ve left it there
You are correct also
… feel free to hand over the texture if u wish and I’ll update my models archive
If you want a derelict ship you could use the destroyer as some of the textures really fit with that purpose
When you’re gonna add it in the game, can we expect a vid ? :pint:
Ok guys, next model ->
This one’s a trade lane built by the Junkers. It’s got a missile based defense system and it is powered by two energy generators: solar panels and a device that captures the residual heat and gas left by the engines of passing ships and converts this into energy.
The trade lane also comes with two texture variations and fits like a charm as a derelict trade lane.Download the model >> here <<.
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ooooo i like that one, very nice
awesome work m8, cool, thx a lot for sharing
You deserve all the help you can get guys, for the hard work you put in these mods. Will be back soon with a new model … just have to figure out which model should I do next from the list i have.
Right, i’ve converted the Junker tradelane, got it hardpointed, same as a normal TL minus four lights, so only 2 up top on each side and same on the bottom, the whole thing is around the same size. Going to stick it into FL after dinner, will report back with findings…
On a side not to these tradelanes, is there a possibilty you could make some of the other types in FL, like under construction and a damaged one? Just a thought
You move fast man ! I’d buy you a few pounds of bananas for an ingame vid
What other types m8 ? You mean a type for each faction ?
No. In normal FL you sometimes run across tradelanes that are being constructed, only half built. Also in other systems, you come across some that are all bent and broken, as in semi blown up. These you can’t use, and are for eye candy only. Was just wondering if these new ones could come in those flavours. It’s more for variety than anyhting else.
As to a vid, i’ll try and locate my copy of fraps. Off to test now…
Hmm, could come up with something like this one of these days …… if I don’t forget
Give me bananas lol. I know the video is terrible but it shows the TL in action. Only thing i need to figure out is why the targeting bracket is off centre and why when an npc uses it, it doesn’t trigger the tradelane FX
Despite the quality it seems to look pretty darn cool ingame
One thing thou, the trade lane is upside down
Not that it would really matter ….
Cheers … and here’s the promised prize
I’m 95% sure the target reticule is off center because the root of the hitbox is there.
…… texturing an older model of mine as we speak … it’s supposed to be used an eye-candy object. Will post renders as soon as i finish baking the texture which will be any minute now …
As I said, here’s the stuff …. you may recognize the model, it’s an older one but I never got around to texture it till now. I’m sure you can find a use for this one, you just have to place it somewhere, for your players to discover or whatever.
>> Click here to download <<
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May i present… the “SGX-Necron”…
Thanks agian Sol… more vids to come in the next few days… I’ve finished 3 Anna-V’s… there next…