Co-Oprative Muti-player Question
My friend and I were playing a mission from the job board, (or rather he or I would accept a mission and the other would fly support) and I was wondering if there is a was to fly in “formation” with my wingman. I know that the SP version would allow you to form up with other fighters in the plot missions, but it won’t let me form up with my wingman in muti-player. Am I just missing something?
The other player has to be in your group.
If the other player is red to you then you can’t form up with them.
Well, he isn’t “red”. I know that you can form up “Clans”. Is that the same as a “group”? I have never been a part of either in MP.
Nah, clans don’t actually exist for the game. They’re just a band of players playing together like you would create a Dungeons & Dragons group. It has nothing to do with in-game functionality.
Groups in FL are an how you form up or make missions together. You can make a group with someone else in a few ways:
-If you select the other person’s ship and look at the bottom-left HUD element (the scanner list), an icon should appear that’ll allow you to invite someone to your group.
-You can type /invite (or /i) followed by the player’s name.
Once you have done that, the other person will receive the invitation and can accept it, either by clicking on the flashing icon and accepting or by typing /join followed by the inviter’s name.
Hope this helps!
Damn straight it does! Thanks a million.
And when you’re running mission in group reward will be splitted between you and mission-related reputation changes will be applied to all players in the group.
good to know, thanks guys.
Remember to ALWAYS take in account the reputation change, for example if your friend has been rewarded with a full green/neutral rep, it wouldn’t be nice if you messed up his rep, not would it?