Removing batteries, nanos and ammos from a ship.
FLHook Development
Hi everyone,
I would like, when a ship is destroyed, to remove nanos, batteries & ammo from it.
Currently, I’m using the Player Control plugin to drop everything unmounted on the ship, and only merchandises are removed from it.
Here’s the code :
for (int iDrop = (int)(fCargoFct*(float)iter->iCount + 1); iDrop>0; iDrop-=100) { Server.MineAsteroid(iSystem, myLocation, iLootCrateID, iter->iArchID, (iDrop>100)?100:iDrop, iClientIDVictim); //LADWIN ADDS *************************** playername = Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientIDVictim); HkRemoveCargo(Players.GetActiveCharacterName(iClientIDVictim), iter->iArchID, (iDrop>100)?100:iDrop); // *************************************** }
But after being killed, a player stil have his nanos, ammo and batteries.
Any idea about how to do it ?
Thanks in advance,
Kid -
There is somehow a fuse effect for it…dunno where exactly…
Why do you want to let drop those things? As a player I have to warn you that it can be VERY frustrating.