Dev's Limit Breaking 101 Techniques
anyone know how to disable this button: ?
with exe hack ^^ -
Syd wrote:
Alt Gr+2 on a german keyboardAnd mouse.ini doesnt work, it just modify your curser. (those who are written in the curser.txm)
Not work? try this:
[Cursor] nickname = cross anim = cross, 1, 0 hotspot = 32, 32 blend = 4 spin = 0 scale = 0.400000 color = 255, 128, 0, 255 ;color = 135, 195, 224, 255
color = R, G, B, Opacity
Deleting this would be very difficult using client hooking since it’s loaded dynamically through the INIs…
Why exactly would you want to delete that button anyways?
It can be removed, but not by a simple edit. Since it seems you sort-of know what you’re doing, here’s the process. Bear in mind, removing the equipment dealer also removes the ability to repair. I’ll have to try harder if you still want that…
Hook the function at 0x43f8e0 (called from 0x43f609) in Freelancer.exe. Test [esp+0x10] for “Equipment”; if equal return 0.
Syd wrote:
1.75f in freelancer.exe, 0x1c94fch, 0x1c94fch = multiplier of mouse speed
0.25f in freelancer.exe, 0x1c94f8h, 0x1c94f8h = grid size for mouse (multiplier?)1.25e-003 in freelancer.exe, 0x1c9689, 0x1c9689 = multiplier of grid size
It works better then the hacks above
Looking for an offset for being able to buy/sell cloaks….
200f in content.dll, v1.1 0x118578 = some kind of multiplier that raises patrol_path spawn distances. Raising it enables patrols spawn further than 3000 away from the player
Set patrol_path spawn distances(C48D7 and C4974 in content.dll v.1.1, 2500f default) to say 9800f, and this offset to 715 and you’ll get 10k patrol spawning.
1 = 13,986013986013986013986013986014 meters of patrol spawn distance(715 for 10k).
This constant sets the maximum spawn distance, patrol_path spawn offsets - distances below which spawn is rejected.
This offset should indicate higher distance then spawn offsets, otherwise = no spawning.