Models giveaway
Gibbon wrote:
Here’s a thought, is it possible not to include the mipmaps with these textures? Its maybe the way you uvmap the model but a format that’s more customizable might be worth thinking about.Sorry man but I’m not following you …… I’m good at english but still I’m not sure what you mean. You say I should not do my textures in JPG format ? I can do them in TGA, PSD etc … if you guys preffer those formats.
Vesko, I believe so yes. I’ve got many GB of textures on my HDD and among these I have a number of star wars textures. Speaking of which, I’m looking into acquiring texture packs from games, any suggestions on where I should start looking ?
EDIT: sooo … you say the texture looks ok ? The green is not too bright or the entire texture overall for that matter ? Cause I’ve got 2 computers which show the texture in 2 very different ways and I do not know which one is more close to “reality”, my laptop or the pc.
actually it looks okay
two things only:
i don’t like the Imperial emblem on the modeland about that green surface, i mean of course it’s a fictional model and no one really cares about the reality.
I just asked me, is it a greenish layer of paint? And why is it rusty when it’s in space.
My suggestion, maybe it looks bit better if you would have a texture with metal like base texture and chipped off paint.Just an oppinion you asked for
but still great work
Hey Sol,
I am following you from time to time,and a word from an old dog to a younger one…
The more input you solicit from people, the more they are going to drag you back to do work on stuff you already thought you have finished.
So let them know that what you already did on an item is it - final.
And only release what you are happy for them to change, then…
Let them make their own changes by themselves, and go on from there to do the stuff you really want to do. My pal Gibbon is very capable, for example.
Just to be clear too…
I am not using any of your work at the moment as I don’t have time to make any more mods or update our current one which I am in the process of debugging (see us at and, but I am very much impressed with your ideas and your high standard of work.
But I will ask your permission if I would like to use any of your work in future.
I am all eyes and ears, your work is amazing, pal.
Remade the texture and took your thoughts into consideration: changed the green with a metallic texture, replaced the emblem and made the blue lights more brighter.
edit: StarTrader, feel free to use my stuff any way you want man
on the texture subject
dds … either DTX1 or 3 (miped) as that’s what we’ll convert them to anyways… 8-) does a fine job of outputing a dds… if you need PS i can arrange that for you as well (with dds plugin) but i’ve found .net to be quite sufficient for the task
@ moppy … leme know witch of sol’s models ye working on… be a shame to submit “clones” to the WTS
and no doubt frustrating to F!R (as i coulda done something else for him lol)
now… someone wanna tel me how i’d surfile this… and that serenity station… lmao, LANCER!!! 8-)
The new link is a couple of posts above m8, Here you go:
Anytime a download link of mine doesn’t work you can just click the link in my sig, you can download anything and everything using it.
Well …. this sucks
I saw your reply too late, when I already finished modeling the ship so I guess this was a wasted time. Considering what you said I just slapped a basic texture on the model so I wouldn’t loose any more time, who knows maybe someone will actually use it even as it is =>> the model is of a good quality, just the texture sucks (to be clear lol). Darn …
Because of this reason I will not upload this model to my personal servers so this will be the only download link for it:
@ moppy … leme know witch of sol’s models ye working on… be a shame to submit “clones” to the WTS
and no doubt frustrating to F!R (as i coulda done something else for him lol)
i’m no longer part of the WTS Dev Team , i quit
so no clones but still frustrating F!R left
the Swordfish II looks awesome.
Well I’m glad it’s of some use for you
I was told by someone that on my wormhole generator there’s a missing poly, he made a screenshot of it, however the model looks good on both my computers, anyone else experiencing this ?
I just checked it in ms3d & GLC player… no missing polys here m8…
The Swordfish though… has a slight problem with the noses top hull… its missing 2 main polys it looks… the ones under the headlights… just thought ye might wanna know… mind u i had problems downloading it… the file itself could have been corrupted somehow. these things happen.
I’ve got Drifting Ghosts version… (actualy guys… there are 2 existing .cmps for this craft) gonna turn this into something… else
Thx for checking it man. About the swordfish, i just downloaded it and checked the entire model, can’t find a missing poly anywhere. You should try downloading it again if you said u had troubles the first time.
1. Can you guys PLS gimme some names that I could use for my models ? Cause I’m running short on them quickly
I’d preffer something original, not “enterprise” lol
2. Some of you may recognize this model. It is a remake of one of my oldest designs, it was previously called “Adder”. I got lots of positive feedback about this asteroid base however even after all this time I know of no person that managed to texture it lol, so I decided I’d edit the model a bit, add some pipes, containers and stuff and texture it …… well, here it is:
Some inspiration for you Sol.
concept ships
concept art world -
Some more inspiration: