Models giveaway
There’s no use for that one in the game man
Heh thx StarTrader 8-)
No use for a Mass Relay? I was going to replace Jumpgates with them. I can very easily set it up to operate that way and I’m working on animations as well so it will eventually be animated too. Additionally, I can attach the element zero reaction effect (or one very similar) to the center.
Already have it all planned out.
Gonna use a few of those names if ye don’t mind ST…
Mainly for Sols models though, as i like to make variantson the name topic… anyone know of a good text randomiser? i like putting things like CV-405 before the name… looks cool, but my brain can only go so far
Yay, you like the names then?
For random IDs - if you can use Excel, it’s easy - make 1VERTICAL list starting in cell A1 with the letter series and hyphen as you want them to show, e.g. AAA-, AAB-, AAC-, BAA-, BAB-, BAC-, CAA-, CAB-, CAC-, etc - vertically.
Then use the following randomise formula in cell C1 where you will get the random ID:
This will give you something like CAA-402
Press F9 to recalculate a new ID.
Not sure how you would do it in OOO Calc?
Because of work related issues I haven’t had the time to work on any projects since I released my latest model and this may continue for another week or so, just letting you guys know.
Well, good news, starting tomorrow I’ll get back to 3D
Meanwhile today I took the time to make some changes to my blog, more exactly I added :- 3 pages (terms of use * about me * contact), links are under the banner
- a “tweet this” button, still needs some reffining thou
- “google friend connect” thingy
- a thing showing “recent visitors” on a world map, cool
Anything else you think I should add/change to my blog to look better/cooler ?
Speaking of which, can anyone make me an original banner … pls ?
Just scrapped my latest version of the “Starport” …… this model is driving me crazy ! I can’t find a shape that I actually like enough to start detailing it
Here are a couple of models I did yesterday.
The “Mae Arae” is practically an older model of mine but with a bunch of updates and the “XLR Dalek” version was made on request for my friend Xarian Prime.Mae Arae
>> bigger preview <<> Download <
–----------------------------------XLR Dalek
.CMP & .mat available for that darlek if anyone want’s to skip a step… i haven’t sorted out the custom weps yet though… you might have to wait a bit for that… oh and i made it blue… but thats easy enough to change back… (im making a few overall… as per the hierachy of darleks… and eventualy will make a custom “kahn” & scara cult)
I also… (cuz im picky on such things) resized it a bit. more to the original (wider) Sol did a fantastic job on this… im ever so happy
thanks m8
You guys know of any other gaming sites where I could post my stuff ? I wanna see my models in as many games as possible
Looking schmexy!!!
Should be a pleasent experience to mine in that ship
LS, I joined the “” website, thx
w0dk4, I’ve been on the infinity forums but I’m looking for modding forums so ppl would get to use my models as they see fit.
Thx to all
**It’s a great site for game devs, I’ve been a member for a long time. If you wish to advert there, put it in ‘Your Announcements’…
A side note, you have to use HTML in the post to make a valid link, seems they never heard of BB Code.**