Internal hardpoints
This is aimed at adoxa. Is there a way to mount a model, say a tractor beam model to the tractor beam hardpoint so it becomes visible, or is there something in the exe file that prevents models being added to internal hardpoints?
Cheers in advance for any info
I was asking adoxa about his engclass.dll (the one where you have harpoints for your engines and powerplant) and he said that he would get back to that program in several weeks to add hardpoints for tractor and scanner and perhaps some other hardpoints (i’m hoping to get hardpoints for armor and auxiliary equipment).
Ha, i think you’ve came up with the same idea as me after looking at all those Hardware models, you weren’t thinking of attaching the to the outside of the ship with specific hardpoints and use them as special equipment because thats what i was thinking of. at least now you know that i’m not trying to steal any ideas that you’ve come up with .
You don’t mind if i do take your idea of the coloured glass for the armor upgrades do you? it just looks really cool, and if i put an emissive texture on it. But i’m giving too many concepts for Dark Rain here.
Yes, i was going to attach the tractor model to the hardpoint to see how it looked when i ran into issues. All those hardware icons got me thinking about what can be attached and what can’t be. I’ve already implemented all the shield models, thrusters, unused weapons etc so i’ll just wait until adoxa cracks the problem, fine fellow that he is in his own time.
Feel free to grab what you want, i know i’m using them lol
Gibbon wrote:
Yes, i was going to attach the tractor model to the hardpoint to see how it looked when i ran into issues.The far I have experimented with the engclass.dll the models of the engines don’t show up, even when mounted on a visible hp.