Website Color/Design Feedback required
I just played around with CSS and created a new style: change is seperating the different website parts more visually. To me it always seemed a little chaotic below the header.
How do you like it?
I like it
There are currently 408 users playing Freelancer on 102 servers.
This text feels like out of place to me. Not sure where it’ll be better though, maybe to the right from ‘home’ button.
Design is a pain for me though, so maybe i’m writing nonsense %)
You are right, with the changed design its a lot better though.
Next to the home button will make it look packed at the very top, while having a lot of free space under the Starport logo. However, putting it in the large freespace under the logo also looks a little odd.
I wouldn’t put it around News items, where it looks a little odd, but the rest is fine to me
I thought about something for the stats, I’ll fiddle with it.
w0dk4 wrote:
How do you like it?Those are subtle changes and you have a good eye, w0dk4.
The only thing that bugs me about the current colors is that the highlight color in the editor is nearly identical to the background color. Instead of two shades of blue, how about making the highlight color grey or black or something that the non-artists in the crowd can distinguish?
Otherwise, rock on. Your taste is well above average.
Well, Xoops is to blame mainly for a rather bloated CMS structure
Also, its very inflexible, thats why FF is seriously looking into alternatives.Anyways, I changed the style for the news to be a little less colour heavy, also thought it looked a little odd: -
I like the subtle changes myself, looks good.
The one thing that bugs me and has been mentioned is the, how many players are playing and server numbers. Maybe make it a bit more obvious, put the info in a box or something so it stands out, just a thought
Yes I only noticed it (player & server count) now it’s been mentioned! lol